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Felt I should add my two cents about the game after reading some of these posts. I enjoy how detailed the combat system is, I can actually enjoy the flow of the fight and have to give some semblance of thought towards prep or builds or perks. The stats don't break the game nor do the perks, but they can work together towards efficient builds if you aren't being dumb about it (like any other RPG). I don't understand the hate for the Maze or the cave; if the chief concern is paralysis then stack resistances or bring antidotes? And the hellhounds being powerful is the ONLY threat in the maze, makes sense they'd be a threat. Even still, there hasn't been an engagement I couldn't solve with some thought. I've only grinded levels for the optional fights with Sophia.

The ero part of the erogame is pretty damn solid too, plenty of variety and still pretty tasteful or at least as tasteful you can reasonably expect to find on a battlefuck island. Writing team is doing a bang-up job, haven't read such quality smut in years. Character designs and their personalities are all organic; believable characters with agency. hopes. and worries. Kaia's arc is just *chef's kiss*, can't wait to finish taming Beris and embarrass her in front of her family. 

Maintaining such a detailed wiki and attaching it to this page was a great help too, answered a lot of questions. 

Just wanted to say at least I had a great time and would love to see more.