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A member registered Aug 26, 2018

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Hahahahaha no you cannot and I'm pretty sure we have all asked that

I believe if you use the quest guide, it will tell you where to go.

Hello again, I've posted into the bugs section of the discord and will be active for the rest of the night for follow up

I'll be able to touch base around 3 and a half hours from this message. Thanks!

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Have an odd problem with the UI since my update to U0.1.2; Enter key is recognized at the "Press any key to start" screen, but once I am at the main screen with the gallery and settings, the only keys or inputs recognized are left or right. Cannot use enter key to progress, and if I use the mouse keys, the icon shrinks as appropriate, but nothing further happens. Can't play, change settings, can only exit with Alt+F4.

arent you supposed o chop them up using a beaver first?

Felt I should add my two cents about the game after reading some of these posts. I enjoy how detailed the combat system is, I can actually enjoy the flow of the fight and have to give some semblance of thought towards prep or builds or perks. The stats don't break the game nor do the perks, but they can work together towards efficient builds if you aren't being dumb about it (like any other RPG). I don't understand the hate for the Maze or the cave; if the chief concern is paralysis then stack resistances or bring antidotes? And the hellhounds being powerful is the ONLY threat in the maze, makes sense they'd be a threat. Even still, there hasn't been an engagement I couldn't solve with some thought. I've only grinded levels for the optional fights with Sophia.

The ero part of the erogame is pretty damn solid too, plenty of variety and still pretty tasteful or at least as tasteful you can reasonably expect to find on a battlefuck island. Writing team is doing a bang-up job, haven't read such quality smut in years. Character designs and their personalities are all organic; believable characters with agency. hopes. and worries. Kaia's arc is just *chef's kiss*, can't wait to finish taming Beris and embarrass her in front of her family. 

Maintaining such a detailed wiki and attaching it to this page was a great help too, answered a lot of questions. 

Just wanted to say at least I had a great time and would love to see more.

Ah no worries, 'tis the nature of an Alpha build. Looking good so far and the writing is a pretty good placeholder from what I've seen so far [up to the crash].

Started up after the rework on the English translation in the first chapter/prologue, went well until the scene transition displaying the Chapter 1 title card. After displaying the title card, it immediately crashed with the attached error, and attempted to redirect me to the store links. 

Confirmed I'm using the windows .34 full version, not the demo.

Confirmed my purchase and purchase date.

OH Mermaid isn't out yet outside of beta, I thought I was just messing up loaders or pre-reqs lol. Thank you, that's off my mind Can't wait to meet them and our new nerdy lookin avian office lady!

I started digging into Ghosty with different circumstances to check if it was certain thresholds I was running into, and recently found I can speak with her if I use the codes to max her affection and reign approval. I should be able to speak to her in a non-cheating playthrough if I'm diligent. Thank you for the response, mate.

I've had a couple of interesting issues, maybe because of my method of directly copying and pasting save files from old gens to new versions since .13.

First, I've never been able to enter the mermaid kingdom. The entrance is simply not there, a sheer wall at the bottom of the whirlpool just as it was before they were implemented. I don't have any ideas for this one and honestly kinda bummed I can't interact with the whole race.

Secondly, for a long time now, Ghost Princess has a long memory, since no matter how early I raise her, she always considers me as having taken too long and I can't interact with her at all. Managed to complete her awakening in two/three days, and she still refuses to interact further. Planning on attempting to override this with Dog Princess attacks forcing her to gift me her veil, and next run using the veil on Ghost Princess to force her into the party. Hopefully it will work.

Any feedback or ideas appreciated. Heck, even questions.

Once you have that downloaded and installed (remember to unpack your files), go ahead and try to launch the game again. It should work fine after that, assuming you got the specific one i typed out

That's easy to take care of. The program you need to be the effective spine of the the game is "rpg maker vx ace rtp" but don't worry it's free.

wassat nyuggA

Great to have ya back, ya wonderful bastard. Crazy excited to hear it's only two days from now!

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Aaah so simply unfortunate timing on my part. lol Thank you for the quick response! Can't wait!

Is there any way to download patches for earlier versions like 0.13 or should i wait for 0.15 to come out?