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(3 edits)

I just found this after finding a post regarding derpibooru recently and I wanted to ask on other thank talking to discord is there another way to switch character.

Random Gripes i have with the game (mind you this is only my opinion and are mostly negative remarks on the game, not a review, so take it with a grain of salt. I actually like the game both from the hub interaction, and its concept is very well done.)

Platforming (Heavy grain of salt): Certain platforms and jumps are weirdly somewhat difficult to pull (mostly in the forest) with windows that dont leave a lot of room for error causing multiple deaths and even if they improve in the game platforming its not always consistent on that jump with the window. The character hitboxes are also a bit weird to find out with certain things killing the enemies, others not, and sometimes falling when the edge is already near the player. There should also be some gems or arrows that guide the player cause i had to die in multiple attempts to find the path that was needed to continue to a certain level.

Character: Trixie ability makes her the easiest but her dash is weird to get used to since it only goes backward and the player has little control of it even if it might help them reach a farther away platform. Flutterbat ability to double jump I think is quite janky since it's hard for me to consistently pull off the move, often it happens when I just mash space or hold it prolonged period of time. (haven't tried applejack, if I do so I can edit it here).

Enemy: I can understand placing enemies at certain spots or blindspots as jokes or for the difficulty to surprise the player is good to keep them at their toes along but still certain spot is just an area to lose health with enemies taking free pot shots in that certain area making it even unnecessarily more difficult than needed to progress further into the game. The health to enemy ratio seems to be just low with players needing to do round trips to certain spots just to get the health that sometimes is in unnecessary places for some of them. 

Graphic (personal): Running this game wasn't that bad for my computer but it has a low fps on my end and I would like to ask if the graphic on the sprite or the background can be lowered in future updates if not that's fine.

Explanation: It would be more appreciated if there was an explanation regarding what certain items or things do at certain points of the game as I just pick em up and do not know what they do or if there are any differences between what each item does.

Overall these are what I think this is all my gripes I have with the game. I have never done game design or anything related to it only me being a critic regarding the game. Don't misinterpret that I hate the game just that I think certain parts of it are unnecessarily difficult and certain parts seem confusing without any explanation in game

Sorry for the late reply. Been tied up with a lot of things as of late. I do agree on just about all your critique but the dirty truth is an awful lot of compromises and rush tasks have to be made to get an indie game out the doors.