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Really fun game! My 2 pieces of constructive criticism is I would have liked it if the main ship was a little different color from the clones so it was more easily noticeable (I know it had a glowing light behind it but it took me awhile before I noticed, wasn't immediately obvious)

The second thing is I would have liked a little break after I lost a life to get a little breather. Like used the time skip power code to pause the game while a respawn animation played out (kinda like geometry wars)

Well done! Excellent gameplay loop!


Thank you for the idea! Yeah, that makes sense! If I had released my game earlier I would have heard about all this in the beginning and would have tried to incorporate that. I will take your suggestions! Thanks a lot!

I'd like to add to this because I agree with developRHUNT. I think the foundation for the game is amazing, and the concept is executed perfectly! The few things I think could make this game feel more complete is what developRHUNT said, as well as the functionality of slowly zooming out the screen to give the player some more space to work with. I think this could make the game more fun but at the same time less challenging/competitive, which, depending on what you're going for, may be a good thing or a bad thing. But I think it would be cool to give the player more space and see hundreds of rockets flying around. It might make the rockets smaller of course, which is probably bad, maybe make a limit to how much it can zoom out? Idk just throwing out an idea. Otherwise, I think the game is amazing!

yup makes sense!! I'll probably do that! I'm so glad to get such nice feedback and suggestions. Thanks to everyone!! 
