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A member registered Jan 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed! Those are some good suggestions!

Thank you!

Nice! 3 lines at once is my personal best as well. And thanks! I think I may port it to mobile after the jam is over!

Thank you I appreciate it! Any suggestions you would like to see if I expanded on it in the future?

I would be absolutely thrilled if my game was played on a stream!

I really hope you enjoy mine as much as I enjoyed making it!

Thank you! Would love if you could try mine out!

I would love some feedback on mine if you could! I'll check yours out too when I get the chance!

I couldn't really get the mouse swipes to cut the rope fyi. I ended up just mouse clicking on the ropes and that worked. Seemed like it was going to go on indefinitely as I wasn't losing any lives? I think a count down timer would work well for something like this (kinda like a wario ware micro game)

Really interesting mechanic! I thought the scene transition was very creative!

The whole "attacking while they attack" was pretty tough to get the hang of, but it was fun after I did! I think that would have made for a great enemy type later on, but maybe one that didn't block for earlier in the game to let the player get a hang of things a bit more first? 

Well done tho! I could see this one has a lot of potential for expansion!

Really fun game! My 2 pieces of constructive criticism is I would have liked it if the main ship was a little different color from the clones so it was more easily noticeable (I know it had a glowing light behind it but it took me awhile before I noticed, wasn't immediately obvious)

The second thing is I would have liked a little break after I lost a life to get a little breather. Like used the time skip power code to pause the game while a respawn animation played out (kinda like geometry wars)

Well done! Excellent gameplay loop!

Thank you! I had fun working with the birds lol

Thank you I really appreciate it! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for the feedback! I 100% agree that a better tutorial would have been nice. I thought about making an interactive one, but cut down on it due to time constraints of the jam of course

Would really appreciate if you gave mine a try!

(2 edits)

Thank you I will check out yours too soon!

Thank you I appreciate it!

Thank you!

Love the name and the concept really does make you feel like you're at the airport!

Fun tower defense game! Loved the sound design and vibe!

Thank you for the kind words I'm glad you enjoyed!

Took me a minute to get used to the mechanic and how the hit boxes worked when connecting and jumping while connected, but ended up really enjoying this one! Music was on point!

Fellow GUI Casual Game Kit user! Great asset I used it as well! Good luck with the jam!

This one definitely has a unique art direction! I like the vibe but some of the text was a bit hard to read imo

Reminds me of super monkey ball which I'm a huge fan of!

I'm about to start playing some entries too! Here is mine, I'd love to play yours if you entered one!

Hey I just purchases this game today on app lap and finished the tutorial. I got to the main room where it says start adventure, but when i go into the portal ring i just get sent back to the start of the tutorial and stuck in a loop of doing the tutorial over and over again. is this game broken? playing on quest2