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Really nice work for your first game jam. Obviously sound/music would have been nice, but you did really well with the theme. One recommendation I would have is control-wise, I *think* it might have been easier to have WASD control the left player / arrows control the right player (regardless of which color  is on left/right). What happens is that you forget which player is which and you're constantly using the wrong keys. The visual on the screen isnt' matching the keyboard layout once they flip around and it gets confusing. Having WASD always control whichever character is on left and vice versa would have been a lot easier.

Nice job!

yes i noticed that too whenever i play tested it but this game is supposed to also work with multiple people playing, and if you take one player over the other you don't want the other player to suddenly take control and walk off the thing you are standing on or something similar, but nice feedback!


Ahh that would make sense! I guess in an ideal world having a single player / two player option would be nice :)

Ye i guess you are right. Mabye if i update this game sometime i could add that :)

Haha it's just a game jam just something to think about for future games :)