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A member registered Jun 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much! Appreciate the feedback!


nice job and thank you!

Thank you so much for the feedback!

Thanks for the excellent feedback!

Haha it's just a game jam just something to think about for future games :)

Ahh that would make sense! I guess in an ideal world having a single player / two player option would be nice :)

Thanks! Yea - the intent was that you would basically AIM before MOVING. So pick a good angle at start of game and then find angles  while character is moving (either to target or along power line etc.) A few days isn't enough time to really get the game feel perfect but I'm still overall pretty happy with the results given the time constraints. Thanks again!

You are absolutely right! Humans should be raycastabale and I really can't believe I missed that! The other feedback is great as well but all things that I considered during creation. Damn - I still can't believe I didn't make humans a target! Thanks!

Thank you so much!

Thanks for the feedback and sorry to hear you had so many issues!

Thank you!!

user error! Thanks for the help and great relaxing game!

Wow thank you so much! That’s awesome and yes it’s difficult on purpose :) glad you enjoyed it 

Whaaaaaat did I just play?? It's like something out of a dark sci-fi novel. Really cool interpretation of the theme and for some reason I really really liked the reflection of your character looking up and down. nice work!

You submitted so I'm going to leave a rating - the art style seemed nice and props for even considering a volume slider - although it didn't work :)

I really liked the art style here! The music never played for me - not sure if there was any or not, there was a checkbox for it though :)  and other Unity games played music fine in WebGL so not sure what was up there. 

The platforming was a little bit difficult - it had that floaty feel you get with the default Unity rigidbodies which makes it difficult to precisely control things. Nevertheless, I do enjoy these two character puzzle games that we're seeing in this jam so well done!

Thank you so much! I did intend for the last few levels to be difficult and didn't think everyone in the jam would complete them. 

I really liked the general concept here but unfortunately it feels like you need to open up a constellation reference in order to play this correctly. In general, it isn't fair to ask your players to consult outside material in order to complete your game. I think at a design level, it can be OK to require community knowledge for more esoteric aspects of a game - for example in dark souls there are a bunch of hidden mechanics that aren't ever explained - but the main mechanic of the game shouldn't require a second monitor.

That having been said - I really liked the idea here with connecting colors together and the rulesets for how the colors connect. Also the sound design was really nice.

Nice job!

I'm giving you good marks hoping that the system does indeed work and we will see the most thrown back message! Very cool idea.

So yea, the art style on this is great. Really nice. Unfortunately, the controls are difficult to come to grips with. I thought my build must be bugged or something because I was having to hold down for so long to get the character to jump high enough. Additionally left/right jumping is very difficult to get accurately. I think a few small tweaks and you could really improve this in the future!

So I've seen a couple of these tehtered games in this jam so far - but this is the first 3D one I've seen. I'm going to give you the same feedback I've left on the other ones - I think it would be a lot easier if the controls were screen relative instead of character relative. It seems to me that having WASD control whichever character is on the left and arrows do the right character would work out better. I could be wrong, but 2d or 3d it's hard to keep track of which character is controlled by which side.

You at least do have the UI that shows up above their heads but you start to tune out stuff like that and then have to keep referring back to it when you go to move someone.

Nice art work by the way. 

I had a hard time getting started - the buttons didn't work in the WebGL build but it seems like you didn't need them because you could just press ESC to hide the menu. The mouse sensitivity was super high in the WebGL build so an option to control that would be nice. Love the art style / sound design - really creates the vibe you were going for.

(1 edit)

Oh. My. God. This was AWESOME. I bust out laughing when the guy says "WHY ME" haha. The art style reminds me of darkest dungeon for some reason. Actually I get a lot of darkest dungeon vibes from it - probably due to the unavoidable deaths. Really great job on this.

Edit: one suggestion, I would have preferred to have the option to use the left/right arrows to change the direction.

Heavy stuff - but very well told. I liked the spacing of the story sequences with the connecting of the stars. This is the only visual novel I've seen in this jam and I really enjoyed it.

I love the art style on this! The music/sound seemed very low.

My biggest complaint is that the robot isn't really "responsive" enough to have such tight levels - especially at only level 3 it was quite difficult not hitting spikes. The double jump mechanic had a very big impulse after doing it which resulted in feeling like you can't really control the robot.


nice music, nice general concept. I too had an issue where you can no longer complete a level after rotating. I was able to recreate this on level 2 and no combination of mouse look and WASD will get the plug aligned with the socket

I'm not sure why but I was brought back to the flip card game in super mario 3 even though they are nothing alike! It took a minute to figure out what the goal was here since the tutorial screen simply said "couple them all" but it wasn't too difficult! Nice work

Very immersive with theme, sound fx, everything comes together. I found the controls difficult to get the hang of, but it did have a very spacey/floaty feeling to it which I believe was the intention. Nice work!

Very difficult! I'm not quite sure how it fits into the theme of connection but I love bullethells so I didn't care!

So this one gave me a good laugh. Nice use of particle effects like the splashing in the puddles, etc. 

I find it funny that your character is using an umbrella during the zombie apocalypse and the cars must be driven by zombies because they aimed for me instead of the zombies.

Fun time!

Great art style very dark and gritty. Reminds me of mobile puzzle game the room in that regard. 

The ambient lighting definitely needs to be increased, it can be quite difficult to tell if gears are lined up or not. The other thing too that I struggled with is that nothing seems to spin until you get the exact right combination which made trial and error almost impossible.

Overall nice submission - there isn't anything quite like this in all the games I've played so far.

Thank you so much for the feedback! I agree that a better tutorial would be needed!

This is *really* good.

The pixel art work is amazing and this literally feels like I could have been playing an NES game. Very polished with a nice progression in difficulty.

I have one minor gripe: when the sunflower gets to the top of the screen, it becomes difficult to get it watered without hitting your head / losing track of your character. It just feels a little bit cramped. Otherwise perfect! 

Thank you so much - I had speedrunners in mind while making it :)

This has a classic 8bit puzzle game feel which is really nice. I didn't find any of the puzzles too difficult but I did enjoy them! I wish there was sound/music because it would have added a lot. Thanks for submitting!

I was able to complete this and here are my thoughts

* Thank you for giving very generous checkpoints - that was great!

* Music / sound either wasn't included or just didnt' work for me but it would have been nice to have some sound. 

* I leveraged the AI companion having better jump than me to save myself multiple times - I think this is a *feature* but wasn't sure, for example, I would be falling towards spikes while she was making it over succesfully so I just Q'd to her :)

overall nice job getting it submitted!

Really nice work for your first game jam. Obviously sound/music would have been nice, but you did really well with the theme. One recommendation I would have is control-wise, I *think* it might have been easier to have WASD control the left player / arrows control the right player (regardless of which color  is on left/right). What happens is that you forget which player is which and you're constantly using the wrong keys. The visual on the screen isnt' matching the keyboard layout once they flip around and it gets confusing. Having WASD always control whichever character is on left and vice versa would have been a lot easier.

Nice job!

Really great game that worked with the theme and was fun to play. Every level was well designed. It reminds me of a 2d Stephen's Sausage Roll.