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I'm seriously impressed with what you've done here. As it is I'll probably get several hours of gameplay, and it's going to the top of my list for games to show off to friends on my Rift.

Things I love:

  • Well-modeled arms help immensely with immersion
  • Automatically detecting my playspace from the Guardian System
  • Super smooth performance
  • Doesn't feel like I'm playing in my little office space

Possible improvements I noticed, many of which you're likely already aware of:

  •  Oculus Touch controllers let you model much more complex hand motions, like pointing and sticking your thumb out. Implementing that hand modeling to the fullest really helps with immersion
  • There needs to be a pause menu of some kind. The first time I opened challenge mode something never loaded and I couldn't press the button to open the door. The only way to fix this was to quit the game completely, since I couldn't pause and restart or quit to the main menu
  • As others have mentioned, explaining the way the HUD elements and holsters work would go a long way to improving the initial experience. Also explaining the different types of enemies
  • I don't think the default guns should automatically retreat, or not so fast. It's really annoying trying to shoot someone as the gun slides away. Maybe detecting when the index finger is still on the trigger could work when using Touch Controllers if you want it to be automatic
  • A graphics menu would be nice, if only to turn on supersampling. Without a menu in-game I'll have to use Oculus Tray Tool to adjust it manually.
  • Don't drop guns behind bars, or not so far that I can't reach through. It pulled me out of the game when I leaned forward to grab a gun just out of reach and had the guardian system pop up to warn me I was at the edge of my playspace

Thanks :)

1. Oculus touch controllers and hand gestures - that is definitely going to happen. Both for immersion and for pushing buttons and stuff.

2. Pause/menu is going to be added, I will only have to get controls for that properly. The thing with not being able to open doors might be related to bugs in level generation. If you could send me logs you have (if you encountered it, stop the game and send me a log) I could check what's going on.

3. I will add tutorial :) but at this point of development, lots of things may still change and lots will be added. I will have to find a way to simply explain what is there already though. To be able to get proper feedback.

4. ATM guns won't retract if you hold grip button. That might be not clear BUUUUT I am still going to test few things with controls so this may change and if I won't be sure which one is better, I will choose the most liked solution as default and other will be available through options. System to auto detect prefered approach would be great - if I get time and idea how to do it properly, this is going to be added.

5. There are some options in xml file, super sampling is not there, yet. But yes, graphics menu will be there. When menu is added :)

6. Guns behind bars is bug/feature-not-yet-final. I have no system yet to handle loot properly and that's why items that could be picked up are spawned in unreachable places. This will be addressed properly. In general, you should not try to reach places that you can't move to. There is other problem with that, bars I mean. When I was showcasing my game, few people moved their head beyond bars and one kid, when he saw long empty corridor, he started to run. I stopped him when I noticed what he is planning to do. I will be adding something that prevents going through walls/bars.

Thanks for the detailed reply! I hadn't realized I could use the grip to hold the default gun in place. I'll definitely be using that. The level failing to load has only happened once so far, but if it happens again where are the logs being stored so I can grab them?

They're in _logs sub directory :)

I suspect one thing but having log file from you I'd have a good repro to fix the bug.

I think these are the logs you're looking for


These are the logs I'm looking for.
Thanks :) I will be sorting crashes soon and then onto new stuff :)