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So I got it running, just downloaded the whole thing, opened it up in notepad and saw it was a html document and just renamed the file. You can make it run straight in the browser from itch by creating a zip file containing the html document like this:

Zip file
| - index.html

Yes it has to be named exactly index.html (or Index.html I can't recall) otherwise itch yells at you.

WHOA I was not expecting that ending! That was so cool! I'd loved to know a bit more about the fate of the spirit and how it got it's ending. The choices in the end were super interesting. I don't know if you have written "correct" answers, but it was really fun nontheless to guess. Even though it had no impact on gameplay it was still super interesting, because you actually had to think about what the spirit had around the house. The images are also so damn adorbs I can barely handle it. The plant and dustbunnies were amazing. Fantastic work!!


Awesome, glad you got it it to run right and thanks for the help! I'm camping right now so the fix will have to wait lol but it's coming.

And thank you so much, I'm so happy you enjoyed it!! In a perfect world, I definitely would've added a lot more about the spirit and maybe had some interaction as well, but alas, game jam time moves so fast. Some of the other, more secret, endings might go into the fate of the spirit a little bit more (hint hint, wink wink). Also thank you for enjoying the artwork, it was definitely the hardest part for me :'). Fun fact, the dust bunnies were the first (and my fav) that I drew! 

Oof I'm planning on playing all 52 (-1 for mine) entries, but I'll have to come back to those other endings later :D