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Well... damn. that hit the feels LOL. 

Was a rollecoaster of emotions haha dunno when I got so many mixed feelings... tense, excited (in many ways hehe), surprised, happy etc.

I'm prolly gonna write an "essay", so if u'r azy to read it all, to sum it up for ya: SHUT UP AND PLAY THE GAME! BAHAH

Yeah, I do recommend it a lot... in all these years, in this vital indutry, this is the first time that I got so enthralled by a VN - get the reference xP 

As I saw on the comments, I too endend paying it all in a single sitting LOL.

IT IS TOO GOOD to keep playing it over days - and I had the time (even tho it's like 12h PM 'cuz wanted more to play than to sleep hahaha).

Something I'm curious: it's stil on version 0.91... usually when a game is finished it's like version 1.0...There will be more updates for it?

Oh yea, just remembered, there's a good chunk of typos on the writing... like, names writen in minuscule "james, edgar etc." and words that's obvisouy a typing error - don't remeber any now, but example: how are you feeinlg?

I missed some things (probably other people too), aka: 

  • gallery - needed to save while hiding UI to come back to the image later;
  •  music room or something like that - there are soooooo many awesome music :D ;
  • an option like open dyslexic, as some stuff was hard to read (moreso for the about menu... wonder for who that page was made, as it's damn hard for anyone to read haha);
  • oh, another stuff that I do like in any game (which is rare on VNs) is some sort of track of game "conclusion" (don't know a better word), basically showing something like a % of how much text of the VN you've read across all the routes... it helps to let u know if u missed something - even tough it seems like this one has only 3 endings, the bad, the good and (presumably) the perfect good (correct me if there's more, maybe I missed something LOL).

By the way, those musics are royalty free or what? want to know if it's okay to use them on personal projects - or even not personal haha

Okay, now, let's for a more in-depth review of sorts LOL


  • World Background
    • The world has an interesting construction, it's like 80s but very hightech xP and it's easy to understand and feel like you'r part of that world - it's not some farfetched sci-fi world, it even has lots of topics that are veeery relatable, like AI development and the like (it even made me reflect a bit about some topics, to be sincere)
  • Character Desing
    • The characters are full of personaity and were well writen, they do feel like real people and it's interesting to interact with them also, they're hot as fck bahaha
  • Art
    • The art is fabulous! Both for the BGs and characters :D they do seem a bit different on the NSFW scenes - a bit hotter, to be honest, but I do think that was intended LOL
    • Some parts of the game there was no BG when the presence of one would crearly enrich the experience
  • Story Development
    • The story developed a bit too fast for my tastes - cuz damn, it's too good to end so soon bahaha - but overall it's awesome, there was no rush, it was well developed
  • Writing Quality
    • Well writen as fck!! As said previously, has only some minor typos here and there, but it's perfectly readable and understandable - heck, my english isn't so good and I understood it with no problem
    • Found no inconsistencies - besides one, that dunno if can even be considered one: the first day that u sleep on James house, it says u used his keycard for the house and that he did go out for work, then he gives u a keycard of your made me think like "wait, but if I used his keycard, how the hell did he go out?"... that can be explained by him have spare keycards, which I assume was part of the story, but even then this part was the ony one that made me a bit "WTF?" as there was na comment on that - it's not even really necessary on my viewpoint, but maybe something that makes the story more rich...
    • I've tried all the routes - even tho there aren't many - and they're all well written to give u a proper ending (even if it's not a good one...) so it was a good experience
    • Oh yeah, about the NSFW stuff, it was pretty cool too :D well written and veeeery sexy haha the art complemented a lot too - I do think the sex part was too short - didn't feel really natural to be, being honest, as I'm not acostumed with sex without a foreplay, but dunno what other think about it bahaha

Well, I think that's it that I have to say for now bahaha became so sleepy that the ideas are becoming fuzzy LOL won't even read it again before posting now, so sorry for the bad grammar and if I wrote any shit xP

Thanks for the awesome work!

Oh, besides, are u working on any other VN of your own or even helping other VN projects? Maybe even doing a sequel... the possibiity exists, with Al out there...