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A member registered Jun 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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what's that? a youtuber?

Just something is still missing: who are the love interests? bahaha
unless it's a mystery that's part of the story :v

how did u go around it?
I'm having the same trouble

Hello :D

This is hella amazing hahaha

I'm just having some troubles to get the phone send frame and icon fixed correctly... 

I'm using this on my VN:


        name = renpy.input("Please, type your character's name.")

        name = name.strip() or "MC"

But I'm not being able to get the phone send frame/icon this way... It's like the MC is actually another person bahaha

I made some tests directly in your code, and got the same results :/

# Main script for the demo!

define n = Character("[name]", image="nighten")

# NVL characters are used for the phone texting

define n_nvl = Character("[name]", kind=nvl, image="nighten", callback=Phone_SendSound)

define e_nvl = Character("Eileen", kind=nvl, callback=Phone_ReceiveSound)

define config.adv_nvl_transition = None

define config.nvl_adv_transition = Dissolve(0.3)

#Skip the main menu

label main_menu:


label start:

    scene bg village with dissolve

    pause 1.0

    show nighten normal e1m1 at center:

        yoffset 1080

        ease 0.7 yoffset 0


        name = renpy.input("Please, type your character's name. For a more immersive experience it's recommended to use your name.")

        name = name.strip() or "MC"

    n "Hello! Welcome to this demo!"

# Here's the code for the phone!

define nvl_mode = "phone"  ##Allow the NVL mode to become a phone conversation

define MC_Name = "[name]" ##The name of the main character, used to place them on the screen

init -1 python:

    phone_position_x = 0.3

    phone_position_y = 0.5

result .-.

pls, help bahaha I'm very new to programming and I'm not sure if I need to make more changes to your code so that variable works.


they talk like that there?

WOW!!! Nikko always surprises me bahaha

This VN is damn awesome :D it's like reading one of your comics, but intensified 1000x haha

Waiting for more updates!! :D


Loving the way it's progressing and am very curious to see how Ken route will continue going forward...

Also, damn the fucking rabbit scares the shit out of me :c

Liked the way u put the dialogues... I mean, the way the VN is discussing topics such as sexual orientation, love, drugs etc. 

I'm very curious to see how that will develop.

And, before I forget, DAMN, that Portuguese part on Ken's route was SOOOO cringy bahaha there are at least some centuries that no one talks like that in my country :P but it was interesting, nonetheless.

Besides that, the music is awesome! SFX is well selected and well used, the arts are fabulous in all aspects, UI, BG, sprites, CG...

They're very pretty and cute, and some of them damn hot bahaha 

Liked the way u put a new UI for the text while showing the terror parts.

I think the only thing missing on that menu is that I can't delete a save if I don't make another save to overwriter it :c

Oh, loved the concept of timeline and those audios/texts from some sort of diary or whatever, giving more pieces about the characters and the world they live, very creative that :D

And the atmosphere is very interesting there, there's even other music when u open that haha

I do confess I didn't understood some audio... actually only one think, which someone is just breathing heavily.

Curious to see what that "annotation" button will do exactly, and what will be its connection to the story haha.

Besides that, the rapid effects were a bit too much on Ken route, like, the hell dude, the text keeps moving up and down so fast that's almost impossible to read... and even with the rapid effects off, it's still moving a bit too fast - I mean, people with visual difficulty would still have trouble to read it, even with rapid effects off.

That extra story was kind of interesting :D don't know exactly where it fits on the main story but was enjoyable anyway.

Do u plan on adding a gallery later on? Maybe even a sound room or a way to see all the characters' sprites :D

Oh, and found some typos on Mark's route:


Not sure if that "youz" was intentional, 'cuz it's kinda weird.

Oh yeah, something I'm kinda curious about now: how many days do u plan on doing for each route?

And are there any plans on when releasing the Fox route? Like, if it will be on the next update or 3 updates forward...

awesome update :D 

ooh K ty :D

Hmm new sprites :D looking good

is that an app?

wooooow that was kinda intense

interesting VN dude :D liked! 

waiting for more 

yeah hahaha sort of 


I was playing till like saturday, the "date" and seeing no new route option, thought u need to skip chatting with Rick, but that makes the game end ASAP xP

Just get all the heart options... it's pretty straightforward hahaha be flirty and clear about what u want :D


The romance ending with him isn't explicit

And as far as I've seen, these are the only 2 ends possible for Remus, he refuses to go out to the real World


even with that CG? o.O

maybe there's more than one ending that shows it... when I took the friend route, that CG didn't appeared 

well, try playing again skipping the handjob or, maybe, talk with him on the river and say that u don't want it to be just casual sex

Damn this VN is good :D liked it! 

Also, prob first time I see a character with my nick xP he's not nearly as talkative as me tho hahaha

Waiting for more while checking the other routes hehe - there's a lot, only played 2 so far.

Oh, I'm kinda curious, at some point it's said the camp lasts 5 days... the VN will go beyond the camp or ony those 5 days?

Besides, found some typos, where to report them? Seems like there's no discord...

how many days u guys are planning?

no explicit romance route for Luke

is there any kissing? that's the romance ending

did u discover it?

Just played those 2 routes haha

There's one with Remus too... it's on a stage higher than it was with Wes *wink*

yep, there's like 2-3 endings for each route 

the guide is exclusive to those that donate $5 or more 

(3 edits)

Oh yeah, before I forget, this game has some awesome messages...

Like, running away from your problems won't really solve it AT ALL xP


Edit: Noticed that this CG (and Wes one that looks similar) is missing on gallery

Edit²: I think here was supposed to be "crate", on Remus route

Edit³: found more typos on Remus route... here it was supposed to be "against", no?

And isn't there too much "in" here? LOL

Also, damn dude, got that ending above and the one of "home" for Remus and damn :v rollecoaster of sad and happy hahaha

That for sure was intense... can't say I liked those endings, but's an ending xP

Also, dunno if the skip option that's bugged or what, but on the ending that I did leave, when talking with Remus I say something about him having a body up above, but I haven't read anything like that... which I dunno if the skip button that skipped wrongly - I basically kept skipping all that was read without reading again - or if there was really no such dialogue.

And weirdly there was no CG... and I'm still missing 6 LOL

Also, u plan on doing the NSFW CGs later? It's missing for Remus and Wes...


Just played Wes route - the romantic one (I think bahaha), saw on comments that there's like 2-3 routes for everyone - and DAMN, I LOVED IT <3

Gonna play again to see the other routes - and unlock everything on gallery xP - liked a lot that function it too... always awesome to be able to go back on the art without needing to load a specific save 

Well, this novel is oficially one of my favorites now :D and I still haven't even checked it whole LOL for sure it's 5 stars hehe


Besides, just noticed that I came back to this game after 1 year LOL

Okay, 1 year and some days bahaha

And I must say: SO MUCH IMPROVEMENT!!!

U changed basically everything LOL I needed to start a new save 'cuz all dialogues were different but damn, was it worth it! 

The story became waaaaay better from that point :D 

Also, loved the animations haha moreso for the one's for the characters - Cedric tapping fingers really does seem like a match for him haha makes the experience more hmm vivid? I mean, made me feel more like he was really a person and I was REALLY interacting with him.

So uhm, lemme try an analysis xP

World Background

It's well made, set in a fantasy world, where most of the story occurs, with some parts mixed with what presumedly is a world like ours - I mean, modern and all, without furry people tho. 

Found no loophole in the world construction - which is awesome! - and it was developed in a amazing way! 

It was being shown (I mean, the World being explained) along the story very well, enough to make me curious, but without being too fast so as to interrupt the story flow - or even disrupt the plot - or make me lose interest.

Writing Quality

It surprises me that - at least on Wes romance route - there was almost no typo WOW (yeah, I'm kinda "sharp" when reading other people stuff LOL), so there was probably a good revision and all for it :D 

Also, the typos I found - which were like 2 or 3 - were simple things, nothing too much to the point of making it hard to understand.

The words used were also very good...I myself am no wizard of English, so a bumpkin or too formal of a vocabulary would be damn hard to understand - and kinda boring, because I'd need to stop the game to check translation or dictionary a lot...

Character Desing

Can't sat much in that regard as I've only played one route, but so far, so DAMN GOOD xP

Well, they felt like people and to me it realy felt like I was interacting with them - moreso with all the different dialogues across the options hehe, really felt "real" :D they were all well developed, full of personality - like a person LOL

Besides, damn, they're all hot bahaha 


While playing I tought of asking about the soundtrack because damn dude, it's soooooo good and implements very well with the story :D

Like, in a tense moment the music really makes ya feel tense, if the story moment is happy the music REALLY is happy - and contagious - and so on haha

And I do know that music doesn't exactly needs to be good to listen to put u on a determined emotional state - it's all frequency and all - but those used on this game made that work perfectly while also being very pleasurable to listen - whlln, I'm listening the main menu music while writing this xP

Thanks for placing all the music info on the end, names of artists, links and all that, tho I really missed a soundroom option here...I think this was the 2nd game that really made me want to keep listening to it's soundtrack xP (to show how good it is haha)


The art is awesome! 

It seemed like some BGs was just an image froom Google or wathever with blurr efect, but even those were well fitting for the story and the ones that were actually painted were also an awesome work of art :D full of details, a feast for the eyes bahaha

The CGs are cute and lovely - tho I have seen only 2 at the moment... -, the only thing I found weird was that the characters on the CGs were veeeeeeery diferent from their sprites.

And talking about the sprites for the characters, they're all very well made too, again a good emphasize on detais (more than the usual for VNs), with expressions - a lot - and even an animation specific for each character :D that was pretty cool!

Loved the animations for Void too :D - tho they take a tool on slower devices LOL, glad u put on/off option for that.

Gallery option is awesome for coming back to those cool arts later :D could add an option to see the BGs and sprites there too...

I do confess I'm missing NSFW stuff tho BAHAHA dunno if there is any on it, as I found none yet...still gonna check the other routes haha

Story Development

Well, the story was amazing!

It developed well, it was a very smooth reading, I was really engrossed on it bahaha really felt absorbed, like I was actually living the story LOL - which yeah, that proves that u wrote a good story :P not every writer can make people feel like they're inside their story haha

There was no forced plot, it simply developed in a perfect pace :D

I did find some weird things, but nothing major - will repot later.

The story was full of emotions hahaha was a rollecoaster xP it has the right amount of jokes - laughed a lot! <3 -, suspense, romance, drama etc. it's a good mix! I simply think it lacked a bit of lewdness LMAO

When I saw that it has the NSFW on/off option I was thinking it had some sex scenes - well, the synopsis even says so - but when I turned that option on and looked across Wes route, I only found a handjob part - only text, no CG... dunno if there's none or I simply haven't found it

I haven't played all the routes yet, but for sure the epilogue was a bit short for Cedric on Wes route when compared to Luke epilogue, but well, can live with it bahaha and a bit sad for Reamus... he seemed really cool (and hot) so I kinda wanted to see more of him - was expecting him to appear too :x - tho I dunno if there's a way for him to appear based on choices...dunno if he's really a route even LOL

Also, kinda sad I didn't got to see the wedding - or if they were actually later, and more importatly, what made them late *wink*


Well, pretty basic, as Ren'py itself is very easy to use and there wasn't any new machinic that's hard to use...there isn't much what to talk about haha

Simply glad that there's an on/off option for lots of things - that pretty useful!


For sure a VN that I recommend anyone that likes VNs - moreso with furry - to play and enjoy too :D

Okay, so some things I did found that need some atention - or I'm simply sharing my view LOL

The was a bug on which sometimes the "typing" sound of new text appearing kept reapeting itself in a loop even when the text on screen was over - I mean, there no new text.

This one didn't happen in a specific point of the game, it happened a lot during all my playtrough when opening the menu while the text was still "loading" - I mean, it appearing aongside the typing sound.

On Wes route, I wanted to check the horny stuff and noticed that while dirty of cum, I visit Cedric AND HE DOESN'T SAYS ANYTHING ABOUT IT... I mean, the fck, a dude full of cum is in front of ya and u ask nothing?

Also, if I'm not mistaken, you go out to meet that girl - forgot her name - still dirty of cum............#pig LMAO

So... I haven't asked him that, but no matter the choice, he always starts explaining what is that place...

Celdric is missing a costume too...maybe wrong sprite for him?

The Void *IS*...?

Pretty sure it was me asking that - for sure Sky wasn't asking that to himself.


Eh, no, they're not, missing blush effect on their sprites...

Here I was supposed to be wearing t-shirt and boxers... where the heck are those pockets then? '-'

There's a lot of "along" here, no? xP

Just checked Wes horny stuff and found this typo "togheter"

Well and that's it for now xP

Till I play more routes, that's it bahaha

I'm in a mix of "happy that I played it till the end and got a good ending with romance", but sad that it ended too fast cuz it's too good and I wanted more bahaha - specially about that world, if it really crumbled and Reamus is dead AND NSFW stuff LMAO

Hope u make a sequel of this one or make more VNs :D

Also, congratz for the masterpiece! *applause* <3

Just played the new Tom' route and it was very amusing :D

I liked the changes you made, it made me laugh a lot haha. Besides, I'm kinda curious to see how it develops...

Loved the new arts <3 and glad u already have plans on doing a gallery for them hehe

They'r so expressive haha and the BGs are pretty awesome too!

Besides the one's that the MC is with his head down... those look WEIRD AS HELL '-'

The paiting/photo on the living room does weird me out tho LOL

Waiting for more! xP


Ooh, just something, the shower scene involving Maccon and the dude I forgot the name was a bit eh weird... forced I think? 

Like the story was flowing okay, then that popped out of nowhere and kinda had no congruence at would make much more sense if it was just Tom playing along with what *lousy* suggestions John may made to him (as implied by his dialogues after), without Maccon and the other dude being invoved.

Besides, u need a new BG for the showers LOL the "private" one is exactly a publich shower... and again, regarding the "forced story", the fck is a random dude doing on the owner's (of the gym) private shower?

It's still weird Tom showing there, as I presume a private shower is like, one stall with only one showerhead, but okay, "passable" - maybe that shower has 2 stalls or something like that? - , moreso considering that Maccon may be doing him a favor - as Tom did talk about the MC to him -, but damn, the FCK those other 2 "extras" do there? hahaha

Hope I was clear enough LOL my English sucks.

Also, their dicks are WEIRD AS FCK when hard LOL

They look okay soft, but seems like a "skin-colored" murshoom - acoording to the OCs skin color.

And the ghost thing was hillarous and weird ;P and yeah, I did finally felt the horror tag with those eyes looking at my soul LOL

Found some typos:



Oh, and regarding the art, something is pretty weird here... like, in some CGs it seems like they're different OCs '-'

Maybe different artist or something like that - as the style is preeety different haha

In some they look the usual, in others Tom is just a bit different - art style I think - but in others the MC goes from hmm "regular 20s dude?" to looking like a twink '-' that was pretty WTF

Here Tom's a bit different, but as said, the style it was drawn is different too... 

Not much difference haha it's better to keep it consistent tho

Here they both look kinda different...moreso for Jayce - but I dunno if it was intended xP

The one MC seems like a twink

on Tom route, paceholder only tho

(1 edit)

Dude how many times more will u change the story? BAHAHA

I lost track of how many versions of it there was already... tho so far, this one is being the most enjoyable hehe just started a new route and I'm reading what's new :D


EmoJi, no? And u can actually do place a real emoji...

Ren'py Emoji 😲 and Custom Text Tags - YouTube

Edit: btw, what's that BS "your parents" thingy? No ideia of what's BS LOL

Well, unexpected but glad u got that fixed haha

I think the first VN - and got me on it - isn't even avaiable nowadays LOL it had a weird name too, like B101 or something, now I dunno

And yeah, it's a must!

Hmmm interesting :D but yeah, no sense worring over BG when u don't even have the game up to like half what u want to write hahaha

They u mean Ren'py? Was thinking there was like an option to simply export it as APK...

Well, gonna check out this "Knights College" hehe

(1 edit)

LOL bahaha yeah, sorry for that :P I got entusiastic and if I don't post it ASAP I'd probably forget, so it was "almost" a spam haha

Glad it pumped ya tho - I felt pumped while writing those too haha

Oh, I kinda expected it bahaha considering the CG was well made and all, didn't seemed like u simply place it too high on the screen and was originally meant to not show his legs

HEHEHE Gimme those pecs ;v

  • Hmm so u wanna make something like Killigans Treasure? I mean, there are 3-4 dateable options, but they don't affect the main story - so far at least -, it's like some sort of filler - u come out of the main story for the romance and then come back to main story
  • Cool :D waiting to get to know them 
  • Awesome! Sometimes I want to play like on public places just to enjoy the story - without the lewd stuff - and not being able to turn it off may cause some awkward moments hahaha
  • Oh, okay then xP will be waiting

Maybe it's cool to make it all - specifically the linear one - clear on synopsis and, if possible - like, it's not supposed to be hidden in the story to be revealed later - also add the info of the other dateable chars, showing at least one pic of them xD

Every char will be OC of yours? Also, u made the BGs (painted) or like, u take a pic from google and blur them?

Edit: Just remembered something, u plan on making android version? Or any other platform at all

oh, glad to hear it helped

hmmm yeah, u should implement the magic dialogue in a way that really fits the story... I mean, it's smooth at the moment, really makes u feel it, so better keep that - for me, it's more like a "WTF, MAGIC! How? Show me!", considering magic isn't really a ordinary stuff for us bahaha dunno what u plan tho

about the music, I mean like, on text 2 started a music, but on text 1 I clicked before reading, then I used the "back" and the music stoped, as expected, but when back to text 2 - where the music was supposed to start - it was still silence...

hope I made mysef clear LOL

And maybe there's a bug on audio more than this one I tried explaining, considering most of my playtime there was no music - even with it turned on

I do like a bit of silence on some scenes, but only when it mixes well with the story - like, for suspense purposes, on a romance scene or a very high adrenaline scene (those parts that it seems like time stop and stuff similar), but overall I do prefer a bg noise...moreso if the music is good haha

it felt really weird to play the demo with almost only silence '-'

That was pretty fast :D any news on that other project? There's nothing on your profile...

And yeah, it's super cool... it spreads our culture and helps people learn how to make a VN xP and shows a bit of backstage for those that like this sort of stuff - a very detailed one

I'm stil thinking about it baha more because well, I don't know how to draw nor programming, only write, and no idea of what to write for a VN at the moment haha still thinking that tho

Well, u have an interesting idea :D there's really lots of conceptions that sound outdated in lots of beliefs - religious or simply philosophy

So... I just played the demo and it was kinda interesting :D 

This game has potential, that's for sure

I missed sounds... dunno if it's a bug or because it's only a demo yet, but most of the time it was only dull silence...

The BGs are pretty nice, same for the CG - tho there's only those of Devil in that suit with various expressions (something that's good... expressions do enrich a lot the gameplay) - oh, on that note, THE FCK HAPPENED TO HIS LEGS? HAHAHA as it's visible on the images here, he has no legs LOL besides, damn, his bulge is ike half his belly... someone was a bit greedy when drawing that part ("that face" hehe)

The theme is a bit... different... OKAY, a lot different hahaha if u r a religious fanatic of some sort u r prolly not like this demo - dunno about the rest of the story... wonder how it will progress even

oh, Vatican is probably watching u if u playing this one BAHAHA - joking, ofc

For the demo the story was well written and developed - besides the small typos here and there that I wrote on other comments -, the world seems well made, like, there's a good setting full of details and the way it was written really does pull you into the story ;D

I'm waiting for more!!

Some things that made me curious and are - maybe - worth posting on the synopsis: 

  • the story is linear or full of routes and endings? 
  • there's a romance tag so... who's the dateable one(s)? 
  • when there's NSFW, will it be on/off (toggle)?
  • ALSO, WHO THE FCK I'M? BAHAHA like, the MC is human, furry - which species -, alien or what? :P

Oh, consering the topic, - thinking about the cool BGs/CGs so far (and probably more to come, including NSFW BAHAHA) -, will there be a gallery?

(9 edits)


Found something weird... ever since Devil appeared his name was visible, but he just introduced himself now so, shouldn't his name be like "???" or "Unknow" or wathever like that UNTIL he introduces himself? haha

Edit: dunno if it was meant to be sarcastic/funny or something like that - the CG doesn't seems so -, but Devil already said my name and then he asks again at a later time, wanting an introduction... it weirded me out bahaha

Also, when other people besides me or Devil talk - so far -, there's no indication of who's taking... I mean the name that shows above the text, even if it's just like Guard 1 or Guard 2, there's no such indication :P

Oh, besides, when I use the back function, if there's any music playing, it stops - even if it was playing on the previous text - and when I get back to where I used the back function, there's still no music... it doesn't starts again.

Another edit: so, Devil said they do use magic in Hell and HE (the MC) ASKED NOTHING ABOUT IT MAN!? wtf

"You get one role, and it makes sense-at least, as far as I've seen." a space is missing here, as "sense-at" isn't a word :P

And when the MC thinks about his house, he thinks "It's a traditional shape and make."... the fck is that? bahaha 

my English isn't very good and Google didn't helped understand it LOL

Missing space again on those - yeah, now is letting me paste images LOL

So u made a novel in like one week? o.O awesome!

I'm actually pretty interested in making one those days bahaha

The government (culture department and the like) is even making a VN with our folklore and they're making videos about it, showing how to make a VN haha it's pretty interesting.

Oficina Lúdica - YouTube

I also found some videos about Ren'py... never knew there's so much content on how to make a VN bahaha

Maybe this one heps ya :P VimislikArt - YouTube


Well, I'm playing the game now and DUDE, WTF BAHAHA it's pretty WTFFF the theme... like, as far as I'm seeing - haven't payed it all yet - it seems ike Hell is depicted as a good place to be and the Devil is an awesome friend... hope u hide well before the Church can set u on fire BAHAHA xP

That theme is a bit, uh, I don't even have words for it LOL it's like, all sort of alarms are blasting red, but I'm also kinda curious... enough to continue playing ;D

Also, found one typo:

"He hums at the this." is kinda weird to say something like that haha.

(I'm not being able to paste prints here... says there's some sort of server error '-')

Just found this one... to be sincere, the resume of it isn't very appealing LOL

Like, the fck is gonna happen here? Will I play as the mad scientist who made the ADN and decide if I want to spread it and support furry or be agaisnt it? xP

I mean, what does the MC will do? Will it be a linear story or full of paths?

Who are the characters?

There's lots to improve on...and I dunno if they're all placehoders, but if u already have a CG of the characters, it's cool to show them (if they not will be shown until later on in the story for suspense or whatever reason).

I'm gonna try play it, but dunno if I will be able to understand haha I speak Portuguese but it's similar to Spanish in only some words, so not really that helpful... ;x

WTF hahaha the synopsis got me xP let's check it :D

Well... damn. that hit the feels LOL. 

Was a rollecoaster of emotions haha dunno when I got so many mixed feelings... tense, excited (in many ways hehe), surprised, happy etc.

I'm prolly gonna write an "essay", so if u'r azy to read it all, to sum it up for ya: SHUT UP AND PLAY THE GAME! BAHAH

Yeah, I do recommend it a lot... in all these years, in this vital indutry, this is the first time that I got so enthralled by a VN - get the reference xP 

As I saw on the comments, I too endend paying it all in a single sitting LOL.

IT IS TOO GOOD to keep playing it over days - and I had the time (even tho it's like 12h PM 'cuz wanted more to play than to sleep hahaha).

Something I'm curious: it's stil on version 0.91... usually when a game is finished it's like version 1.0...There will be more updates for it?

Oh yea, just remembered, there's a good chunk of typos on the writing... like, names writen in minuscule "james, edgar etc." and words that's obvisouy a typing error - don't remeber any now, but example: how are you feeinlg?

I missed some things (probably other people too), aka: 

  • gallery - needed to save while hiding UI to come back to the image later;
  •  music room or something like that - there are soooooo many awesome music :D ;
  • an option like open dyslexic, as some stuff was hard to read (moreso for the about menu... wonder for who that page was made, as it's damn hard for anyone to read haha);
  • oh, another stuff that I do like in any game (which is rare on VNs) is some sort of track of game "conclusion" (don't know a better word), basically showing something like a % of how much text of the VN you've read across all the routes... it helps to let u know if u missed something - even tough it seems like this one has only 3 endings, the bad, the good and (presumably) the perfect good (correct me if there's more, maybe I missed something LOL).

By the way, those musics are royalty free or what? want to know if it's okay to use them on personal projects - or even not personal haha

Okay, now, let's for a more in-depth review of sorts LOL


  • World Background
    • The world has an interesting construction, it's like 80s but very hightech xP and it's easy to understand and feel like you'r part of that world - it's not some farfetched sci-fi world, it even has lots of topics that are veeery relatable, like AI development and the like (it even made me reflect a bit about some topics, to be sincere)
  • Character Desing
    • The characters are full of personaity and were well writen, they do feel like real people and it's interesting to interact with them also, they're hot as fck bahaha
  • Art
    • The art is fabulous! Both for the BGs and characters :D they do seem a bit different on the NSFW scenes - a bit hotter, to be honest, but I do think that was intended LOL
    • Some parts of the game there was no BG when the presence of one would crearly enrich the experience
  • Story Development
    • The story developed a bit too fast for my tastes - cuz damn, it's too good to end so soon bahaha - but overall it's awesome, there was no rush, it was well developed
  • Writing Quality
    • Well writen as fck!! As said previously, has only some minor typos here and there, but it's perfectly readable and understandable - heck, my english isn't so good and I understood it with no problem
    • Found no inconsistencies - besides one, that dunno if can even be considered one: the first day that u sleep on James house, it says u used his keycard for the house and that he did go out for work, then he gives u a keycard of your made me think like "wait, but if I used his keycard, how the hell did he go out?"... that can be explained by him have spare keycards, which I assume was part of the story, but even then this part was the ony one that made me a bit "WTF?" as there was na comment on that - it's not even really necessary on my viewpoint, but maybe something that makes the story more rich...
    • I've tried all the routes - even tho there aren't many - and they're all well written to give u a proper ending (even if it's not a good one...) so it was a good experience
    • Oh yeah, about the NSFW stuff, it was pretty cool too :D well written and veeeery sexy haha the art complemented a lot too - I do think the sex part was too short - didn't feel really natural to be, being honest, as I'm not acostumed with sex without a foreplay, but dunno what other think about it bahaha

Well, I think that's it that I have to say for now bahaha became so sleepy that the ideas are becoming fuzzy LOL won't even read it again before posting now, so sorry for the bad grammar and if I wrote any shit xP

Thanks for the awesome work!

Oh, besides, are u working on any other VN of your own or even helping other VN projects? Maybe even doing a sequel... the possibiity exists, with Al out there...

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ehm, dude, where's the open dyslexic option? or something of the sorts

some things are damn hard to read...tho I found something that's hard for ANYONE to read LOL

It's not leting me paste a print here, but it's the "About" page

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Saw it on youtube, seemed interesting, played the demo and liked, now gonna check full version bahaha hoping it's as good - or better - than the demo :D

That's an interesting game :D

Got me shocked with NSFW right off the bat bahaha for sure wasn't expecting it, even made me double-check if it wasn't a game like Lustful Desire (I mean, heavily focused on sexual content)

It's interesting - and also, probably the first VN I ever saw that has a rabbit as MC xP