Not a bad little game. I like the name; short and simple. I also like design of the character, suits the name of the game, he's a funny looking guy. I enjoyed the retro style and options to change to filter, that was a nice touch (something I might do myself in a future game). The music suited the game well.
I didn't have my controller and found it tricky enough using the keyboard. I just played single-player and found using the right side of the keyboard a bit awkward. I lowered the difficulty to Easy and did much better. It took me a few moments to realise that I had to wait for a gap in the platform to jump up - in the two levels I played I noticed it took a while for gaps to appear on the first (lowest) level. I also struggled to jump across a gap, is that even possible?
The enemy on level two was cool, what the hell is it? A cat with a beret?? hahaha
Anyway, I have it downloaded now and will probably give it another go when I get my controller. Best of luck!