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(2 edits)

(v0.351) Ok, this has grown a lot larger than I had thought. (Just like Leah's belly.) Don't be dismayed, I collected all these bugs for you precisely because I admire this game so much! ^_^


  • At power level 124 and 224 the character image and battle sprites both revert to standard and show a flat belly. Not sure if this happens every time.
  • For the repeatable reputaion quests in Lakeview City, the bee stinger quest seems confused about the number of items required. Is it 5 or 6 stingers? Also, when there are not enough imp claws for the imp quest, the game complains about not enough demon eggs. Simple typo for both, I guess.
  • Completing the maze lvl 2 in the silent temple gave me a Healthy Bracelet, but called it a Divine Bracelet instead. Another typo, it seems.
  • While investigating the mansion, after reforming the spirit of the servant, the four "Soul Fragments" remain in the inventory. Poor guy should have them, I don't need to keep them. I also still have the "Soul Key". Does this really need to cause clutter in my key items box?
  • After reforming the crystal in the fey forest, the three "Crystal Fragment" items remain in the inventory. I'm pretty sure I had to give those up to repair the crystal.
  • After leaving the Neko Village for the first time, it is possible to enter (and complete) the pyramid instead of the temple. Since the pyramid is blocked after the desert temple is activated, I assume this would break the order of events.
  • The battles in the cave to the south-west of the desert (grote route2) have no background. Could be an issue with the file name, again. Also, on the world map the cave entrance merges with the background mountains pretty well. Didn't even see it for a long time. Maybe add a short path in front of it, as an additional hint.
  • The quest "A Dark Presence?" doesn't seem to update after investigating the dark presence.
  • Nobody told me that Sabrina is a witch. They said to stay away because she's trouble, but nothing else.
  • The music in the sewers below the capital is much louder than all other music.
  • After viewing the Sewer Boss Defeat Bad End, the character is placed at the wrong spot in the Corruption Achievement Section.
  • Sadie (Valorie's friend in bottom left house in the capital) cooks a meal that gives +25 Power. But the party doesn't actually get any.
  • The "Special Birthday Cake" for the prison guard remains in the inventory even after it is used.
  • When using an item during combat, Leah's sprite has no clothes. Also, the sprites for a defeted Valorie or Sanura have no clothes or hair.
  • I'm not sure, but defeating an enemy with "Fertile Blessing" seems to count double as far as the achievements are concerned. Maybe due to the atack hitting twice when used? In fact, in the corrupted temple, it is possible to hit two plant girls with only one "Fertile Blessing".
  • During battle in the abandoned temple, the plant girls have an attack to advance the growth of corrupted seeds for the party. If that brings them to the maximum, the "emergency teleport"-event triggers mid-battle and the game locks up. I think the battle should be ended first, then the event should play.
  • The minotaur in the pyramid tries to give me a jeweled shortsword, but no such item enters the inventory.
  • In the final room of the pyramid, entering the dead end on the left side for a second time is broken. Instead of walking through the open door, you have to interact with the open space to "unlock" the door again. Not that it matters ...
  • After defeating Bastet, a spirit teaches Sanura the power of the earth but no new skill can be found. EDIT: I now know that this is meant to unlock the cave behind the milk farm. But in the moment, it still felt wrong. If you give some reward to the player, they should be able to see it. Sometimes, we get confused, so it would be nice to be able to double-check stuff like that.
  • After completing the pyramid, Leah's "Fertile Blessing" ability is no longer available down in the mines. Also, copys of the ghosts still hang around down there, even though they already relocated to the surface.
  • If the cat people couple moves from the capital to the pyramid village after the pregnancy wave, then they don't talk about their move anymore, only about the baby. Would be nice to have them say both lines, just to help the player connect the dots. Also, they don't actually leave the capital.
  • The repeatable rat tail quest contradicts itself. Is it 5 or 10 rat tails?
  • The repeatable mummy cat quest contradicts itself. Is it 4 or 5 bellyrings?
  • Damia's quest help does not advance after completing the pyramid.
  • The black haired cowgirl inside the barn accepts unlimited lactaid, but does not progress past the +Enhanced Milk stage.
  • Giving the Divine Milk to the green crystal behind the milk farm does not remove the milk from the inventory ... which I actually liked, because then I was able to give it to the milk-crazy catgirl, too. Which, by the way, also didn't use up the milk. :-/
  • In the cave behind the milk farm, there is a fight against a demonic cowgirl and a minotaur. "Fertile Blessing" turns the minotaur into a pregnant cowgirl demon, which is actually hillarious. Maybe keep this one as an easter egg? Maybe add a line of dialogue for lolz?
  • After Leah's breasts get too big and the game over scene has played out, Leah is teleported back to the first temple without her party and unable to move. This should probably be a "return to title screen" instead.
  • The music during the second Lilith battle is really quiet.
  • The "Egg Induction" skill gained from Lilith' dress doesn't seem to do anything.
  • Upgrading stats at the restored temple of fertility temporarily brings us back to the unrestored version.
  • While in the dialogue with the passive ability crystals in the silent temple, pressing the "cancel" button selects the second dialogue option ("manage") instead of closing the dialogue. Same with the character CGs in the achievement area. And some other choices, too. Just check them all. :-/
  • In the Witches Academy during the night, the painting and plaque of the third headmistress are restored and readable.
  • At night, the two apprentice witches across from Leah's room do not display a zZz-bubble when spoken to.
  • In the apprentice dorm, the room on the left side in the middle keeps changing its apperance for each time of day. Then again, Valorie comments about stuff being moved? Sadly, it is not clear what is happening here.
  • While playing as Valorie at night and talking to the door to the headmistress' office, the portrait shows Leah's face. Maybe instead there could be a text box simply saying it's locked.
  • Several of the sprites for the witches don't always remember correctly if they are pregnant or not. And after getting pregnant, some girls appear in places at the wrong time of day, causing them to be found in two spots at once. Affected are the "admirer of headmistresses", the "magical cook", the "dark elf room mate of the tinkerer" and the "catgirl from the north", but there are probably more. I get it, the whole setup is complicated and the content is fresh out of development. Little bugs like these are to be expected. But I'm afraid you have to go over this one more time. :-/ However, the design is brilliant and makes the whole place feel alive, so it's well worth it. ^_^
  • The passive ability crystal in the basement was definitely activated before I got everyone pregnant. Valorie still had some open spots to hide seeds in, but when I walked past there at night, the crystal was already active.
  • In the morning, the plant girl can be found both in her dorm room and outside in Professor Freya's cave thingy.
  • The coffin in the vampire girl's room is always snoring, even when the girl is elsewhere.
  • I'm pretty sure there is no way to get the horny, pink haired witch pregnant.
  • Two of Luna's notes were removed from the inventory, but the one about nightshade flowers remains. I see no need for this.


  • Don't be afraid to make chapter 3 more linear. That's not a bad thing. Lock all locations upon first arrival in the desert, except the desert temple. Even the ship. Then, after investigating the dark presence in the south, only unlock the Royal Capital City, and the rest only after the sewers are cleared. This should make the story flow better. On my first play through, I thought Damia's temple in the desert was inside the pyramid, because oBvIoUsLy. I was confused after defeating Bastet and frustrated after finding the actual temple.
  • The witch Sabrina is already needed to gain entry to the academy, but maybe she could hold off on the recommendation until the sewers are cleared. The acheological twins in the city could have an ancient key needed to open the pyramid. The way to the abandoned temple could be blocked until after a lumber jack in the woods (there's already a cabin there) sends Leah into the city for an errand, then he clears a path. Maybe the dairy farm is closed to Leah ("Everything is fine. There is no need to go into the back room, you are just a customer. Yes, we can sell you plenty of milk.") until after the minotaur leaves the pyramid, finds the farm, gets turned away because he is rude, then he goes to Lilith for help and makes her realise the opportunity at hand. The minotaur could still be sorry for everything, after the heroes arrive and he learns that kindness would have gotten him all he wanted and much easier. Kind of an expansion on the "bad guys can be good guys" theme. Like "bad guys can be good guys, but still can do bad things, until they learn the good ways". Valorie and Leah could have a very interesting discussion about this.
  • In the pyramid, the way the path is set up, the player first finds the prison cell key, then the lamia, then the minotaur. However, the dialogue with these two monsters makes it feel like the exact reverse order would make more sense.
  • The boss fight with Bastet feels clunky. Valorie kills the ghosts in one hit and the other two can't hurt Bastet. Then Valorie has to wait for Sanura to call upon the spirits, but Leah can finally get a hit in. And immediately Bastet resets everything. Repeat three times. There are so many wasted actions in this battle, unless the party is really weak against the ghosts and Sanura has the highest agility. I recommend skipping the part where Sanura has to call the spirits. Or make it automatic instead of an action. Have Bastet be vulnerable immediately after the ghosts are killed and for the turn after. If she respawns the ghosts for the turn after that, it should be fine.
  • In the pyramid, it would be nice to have a visible counter for the number of ghosts in Leah's belly. I could never tell if she had one, two or three in there. I noticed the change in her sprite, but the differences were a bit too subtle for me, or maybe someone who is still learing how this puzzle works. I thought the trapped chests added a ghost, but most of the time I couldn't tell. I'm still not sure if they can also remove a ghost from Leah's belly or if I just seriously miscounted.
  • It would be nice if Leah could use her "induce lactation" ability also outside of the milk cave. That would make it feel like less of a gimmick. Right now, it's a bit of a plot hole, since it seems to vanish right after. In fact, it should make lactaid obsolete. Hmm, I'm not sure about this ... But it would make sense for an avatar of fertility to have this power and it would be fun to use! Or ... instead of a skill for Leah from the crystal of the goddes, make it a spellbook of the demons from which Sanura can learn how to undo the curse of blockage. This would limit its use and avoid conflicts with the greater plot. In that case, the "milk waters" in the cave would need to be not a natural product of the crystal, but maybe simply all of the milk from the hyper cowgirl, which was the first victim of Lilith' heavy corruption magic?
  • I request some male to female transformations later in the game. Spread the joy of pregnancy to anyone, regardless of gender, if they are willing! If they want it, they should have it! I think this would be a logical next step for Leah's growing powers ... of growing. (lol)
  • The item section in the inventory becomes really cluttered. Maybe split it into consumables and ingredients? I know some items are both, but ... it's getting hard to find stuff.


  • The divine items appear to have worse stats than the things I have crafted myself. The angel said something about them getting stronger or upgrading them, but I don't see how. Is this content just unfinished or did I misunderstand something? In which case I request a way to see the explanation again or a more direct explanation of the game mechanics behind these items.
  • What does the lamia want to eat? I would like to help her, but I need a hint ingame.
  • I never found a way to upgrade Sanura past 100 capacity. Some posts here mention it, though. Has this been removed in this  version or am I a dummy? EDIT: I am a dummy. I didn't find the right half of the desert temple map. Got it now.

As you can tell, I seem to be an avid collector of bugs. Yes, I am surprised as well. And I didn't even mention the broken image names, since they have already been documented by enough other people. Or the occasional spelling mistake, since it would have been very tedious to explain how to find them. Anyway, good luck working through this list, I don't envy you. ... Ok, maybe I envy you a little bit for being able to make such a nice and kinky little big game. ^_^