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Seeds of Destiny

A pseudo pregnancy expansion focused rpg. · By Preggopixels

Bug Reports

A topic by Preggopixels created Jun 08, 2021 Views: 58,856 Replies: 658
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If you find a bug in game, please send a report here with a good description of what the bug was.

(3 edits) (+1)

Thanks for the game, here are some of the bugs I found so far.

  • When attacking the characters animations put the weapon down at their feet.
  • In the temple before you talk to the goddess there is an impassable block to the left of the door at the corner on what looks like clear floor.
  • Description of the "On to Lakeview" quest is missing a space in "thegoddess"
  • Q removes character sprites, and W adds them back, not really a bug, but making it so that Q toggles sprites might be less confusing if someone accidentally presses it
  • Birth+ sticks around after its first use, second use clears it
    • Only affects Leah
    • Birth++ is affected too
  • The Fairy sprite looks weird after using blessing on the corrupted fairy, there is the belly, but the fairy has clothes in the way
  • Equipping the Fairy Dress or Lilith's Dress costume on Leah causes seed pregnancies to stop progressing on all characters except Leah.
  • Got a image load error when introducing the dryad to the mansion's butler, it couldn't load `img/pictures/People3_6.png`, copying and renaming a file to `People3_6.rpgmvp` lets the game get past it.
  • After beating the corrupted temple plant boss, the 'Plant Growth Transfer' skill sticks around
  • In the teleport menu, the 'Abandoned Temple' option takes you to the Neko village
  • Got an image load error after talking to the rescued maid in the upstairs mansion: Failed to load: `img/pictures/Maid_1.png`
    • Followed by: Failed to load `img/pictures/Maid_5.png`

Even though there are a lot of bugs here, I would like to say it is really impressive that I haven't found any issues that would prevent progress entirely or corrupt your character. Well done on the work so far.

I got a similar image error to what you mentioned, but I couldn't fix it with a similar process.

(2 edits)

So not sure if it's a bug or if I just didn't understood where the demo end :

- With the quest where you have to give a piece of cake to the mayor's daughter, there is no end trigger, making it that you can give her the cake over and over again, and you can't cash in the quest.

- With the main quest when I arrived at the lake city, all the event triggered (valory came to my rescue) but the quest didn't cash in as well, so even if I did everything unlocked in the area, I can't progress any further.

The fairy dress is pretty, but it anihiliates the birth option and shrinks Leah into a gnome (not sure it was intended) when in battle

UPDATE : So my bad 'bout the whole quest thing, I just wasn't looking at the right place.

UPDATE 2: The telepoter to the plant temple is not working correctly and warps you in the neko village instead

i would like to ask, where DO i go for the lake city quest? im still stuck on it and im pretty sure i checked everywhere

You probably did the same mistake as I.

After getting Valerie in the team, head south to the woods where you'll be able to find the 2nd temple and a boss fight to prgross the story.

Once done with it, head to the fay forest up north, again to do a boss fight and get the key to the manor (their is additional content in those woods if you talk to the fairies)

then, head to the manor, to the far east of the map, cross the brigde and go up and you'll find it.

complete the manor that you can now open, and when done so, you can go to the beach near the first woods, and use the crystal droped by Lilith in the manor to access the demon nurserie.

When you finish all of that, head to the camp near the volcano, talk to Blake, and the access to the volcano will be open.

Afterwards it should be self-explanatory. If you struggle with what comes after the whole Lakeview quest, ask away and I'll try to detail the rest of the game.

i havent been able to complete the lakeview quest even though im pretty sure i did everything available atm. :(

The quest log isn't complete yet, so you'll have to guide yourself through the game to continue, as you can't validate the quest in the log.

Idk if you're stuck and can't keep going (if so I already answered to someone esle above if you want to know what to do) or if you just wondered why the quest didn't validate even tho you finished Lakeview.

I'm writing a guide of the game right now to help stuck player and I should post it in a few day if the author is alright with it.

I saved the game but when i tried playing it said all my slots were empty and now i have to start from the beginning nice


Are you playing on Mac or Windows. Usually your saves should go into the www folder and then should be located in the saves folder. On mac this can be different as rpg maker doesn't really build well for macs. That said, the mac version should work given that I added a plugin to help with saves. Let me know if this continues.

New bug report : So I don't really know what caused this bug, it could be either a problem with the save file itself or something else, but after 6 hours of gameplay or so, the character's image in dialogs will stop loading and the famous "Failed to load 'characterimage.whatever' retry?" will show up and just block the game alltogether.

The only way to get out of it is to close the game but this renders the save file unusable because the glitch will still be there.

I had to start a new game to be able to play normally, but I kept a copy of the save file in question, so if you ever need it to look into the glitch lemme know.


I believe there is a plugin that is causing the errors, I'll be doing some testing to see if I can find out where it is happening. Sorry about that.

Don't worry, it's quite a good game and it's still in developement, glitchy save files are common. I'll keep checking on regular basis to see if I find anything bug-related

Have a nice day

idk what this is but it pops up every time i open the game. i also dont know what it affects so...


Try restarting your pc and trying again, sometimes that helps with that problem. Not sure why that happens.

bug report on garden lady level. Whole game crashed and corrupted save. Lost everything. Have to start from fresh. Screen went black

Where were you and what were you doing when this happened?

was in abandoned ruins near beehive with the pregnant satyr lady. Was on level 5 I think of that abandoned ruin where you gotta fight that mega plant lady. Game froze up, then went black and pretty much messed up my save and had to restart from scratch.

Well that a new one, never happened to me there. You sure that there wasn't any kind of error text somewhere ?

If not, then I think the problem might come from your computer rather than the game (like to much data on your disk or something) otherwise I can't think of anything.

I kept getting error text before that, saying failure to load angel face or failure to load cat face. Then, the total crash and memory screw up. Restarted whole game, binge played the crap out of it. Made two saves when I got to that point, went through and beat it. But, had an issue with total power because it got nerfed. Decided to erase that save and load up the second one and went back to mansion. Now waiting for next update on game. 

Ok that makes sense then, you got a glitch that happened to most player (usually after 4-6 hours of gameplay), where the game will start to have difficulty loading certain NPC's faces, resulting in the error message "Failed to load 'whatevercharacter_face.png' RETRY?"

once you see it, your save  file is basically gone, because it'll only keep worsening from there.

the only thing you can is just start a new game, as everything that I tried didn't work ( like deleting then redownloading the game but keeping the save file). The problem seems to come from the saving system itself. As you save more, the game will have increasing difficulty in fetching ressources which will block the game alltogether.

PreggoPixel has already been made aware of this and said that they will look into it, but with the lack of info on the origine of the glitch, it will probably take a lot of time.

Sorry for the long reply and lack of solutions, but until somebody figures this bug out, we won't be able to do much about it beside restarting a new game.

On that note, have a nice day.

didn't know that it was a part of the save system. I usually turned the game off and turned it back on, and that usually worked. Everything from those ruins pretty much killed my save and had to start a whole new one. Was told by pixel that although it is reccomended to start a new save, I can transfer my old save to the new installment without issue. 

I tried that as well, but the problem remained.

It had to do with the save file, simply because it is the only variable that didn't change when I was testing.

Picking an old save file or starting a new one doesn't raise any issue.

Lastly, I don't think the glitch is linked to the ruins, but to the otherall mecanics of the game. The glitch occured in the Royal city for me and for some it was in diama's floating temple.

maybe. I mean, my saves were pretty high. Talking like almost in the hundreds high. Could it also be the birthing machanic?

I think it is about the save counts.

I tested a few things, the bug seems to occur so far after a certain number of saves.

So far I tried :

- Completing the game 100% with no saving require (with and without the help of the debug room). The glitch didn't occur

- Doing a normal run (30~50 saves) the glitch didn't occur

- Doing the game with as many saves possible, the glitch happened and past 150 saves, I couldn't talk to any NPC anymore

- Booting a new game and saving repeatedly a the start, I got the same results as previously

I have noticed a few glitchs with the birth mecanics as  well, but they are unrelated and you really have to screw with it to get them.

but, I did have an issue with my new pc because it wouldn't boot up. But that's another story for another time.


the game crashes when I teleport to the mansion something about the angel_5 png


It's a common bug that occurs for unknown reasons, but seems to be linked to the save files.

For now it's only the mansion, but at some point you won't be able to interact with anything and will have to make a new game.

Angel_5.png is the face sprite of the goddess. basically, the game can't load it and will try over and over again and failing.

I don't know if this is a bug, or this isn't implemented yet, or if I'm just a smooth brain, but I finished the maze filled with spores but I can't find a way to interact with Lillith.

By that you mean your in the last chamber of the nursery and Lilith is just standing there.

If so you just discovered something new, cause I haven''t seen a report on that yet.

Maybe try reloading your game (if not done so already), it may be just a loading error.

I tried reloading the game, starting from a previous save earlier in the playthrough, and just about everything. The only solution that worked was starting over. It wasn't that big of a deal for me since I could pretty much speedrun to that point, but for others that could be a huge problem.

I see, I'll look into it has it's one of those bug that occur on really rare occasions.

I did about 30 different playthrough trying to see what would break the game and this hasn't happened yet

So I think that Devilry mentioned it already, but in the floating temple of the godess above Lakeview there is a room where the player can see there achievements, character sprites and so. In the corruption section right at the entrance of it there are two achievement crystal, one up and one down. The one bellow can't be access, because the floor tile that should be the entrance behaves like a wall and blocks the access.

Since it hasn't been pointed out clearly I just wanted to do so, since I don't know if it's a bug or if it was intended because the achievement wasn't implemented yet.

On that, have a nice day

not sure if anyone is aware of this. But the pic where it shows Leah's mom super pregnant doesn't show. It shows her as normal pregnant. But her small character icon shows it though

You sure about that, I have gotten the full sprite on my end.

The sprites have a loop cycle, where when you re-enter the room, it'll load the next "event", hence a new sprite.

The best example  are the maids on the 1rst floor, that cycle their behavior between 3 different interactions that change everytime you enter the room.

With the rescued maid for example, she'll follow this patern :

- swipping the hallway

-taking a bath

-brewing tea

no, I mean it don't show the super pregnant part. I mean where she is absolutely massive. But the cycle does work and her thin and regular pregnant images show up.

yeah, I noticed the maid thing. But the small icon of her shows it as normal. Hope I am making sense.

I haven't gotten any new quests since the "On to Lakeview" quest, I did what the quest wanted but it didn't mark it as completed and since then, no new quests showed up.

The quest log isn't complete, the game and story will carry on as normal, but you won't be able to see which is the current quest.

Do the various events in and around Lakeview to progress the story, I already wrote detail as for what is nessecary to finish the second chapter in an ealier post

Oh I kept going in the game, I just forgot to write that here until now. Thanks 

You're welcome

hi, just started playing this past weekend, but I couldn’t find anything in forums.

If Leah is wearing a costume, her battle sprite turns into a small version of herself. Is this supposed to happen?

Yeah, the costumes don't work well yet so you'll be reduced into a gnome everytime you wear one and the birth mecanic can get a little glitchy.

Just don't wear them and everything should be fine

So I encountered the image not found error.

This appears to have happened after viewing the character cg’s in Damias temple.

Not sure if it’s due to selecting models not yet present, but losing a save prior to viewing has kept the error away.

Made a HUGE ASS post on this already, it's a recurrent glitch which happens seemingly after a certain amount of saves.

Could you tell me your save count on the glitched save file?

(2 edits)

for me, it was save 10 (I loop through 10 saves, not sure which number of times it was saved over)

It kept asking for Sanura_4 when speaking to the woman to get into the Royal City slums.

Copying the Sanura_1 file and renaming them _2, _3, and _4 respectively appears to have resolved the issue. 

Edit: I’ve realized since then that Sanura sometimes doesn’t say her lines during growth, and never does when the contractions hit, neither does her face change.

It’s not game breaking by any means,I’m just wanting to help with future bugs in development.

You seem to have misunderstood me. I wasn't asking for the save spot you are on, but the amount of time you have saved the game. It should be writen somewhere on the save file info. Like "time saved : 35"

sorry about that, “319”

Wow, didn’t realize I had saved that much O_o

When I teleported out of the abandoned temple, every time I try to teleport back it takes me to the neko village, with my ship stuck on the southern continent.

Already pointed out, the aabandoned temple isn't fully fleshed out yet, so they are some interactions missing and the teleporter can't bring you to it and will instead take you to the neko village. You will have to wait for the next update for this to be patch

OK so big update on the "failed to load character_image.png" glitch.

So first, it would have appeared that I was half right and half wrong, in the sense that yes the glitch seems to be connected to the save files but it isn't related directly to the save count.

It would seems that only certain saving spots (Save spot 2 and 9) are subjected to the glicth.

I discovered that after trying to "fix" a glitch save file were I had barely saved (less than 30 saves). I duplicated the save file on the first save spot and loaded the game from the save spot 1 (mind you it was still the same data, I just changed the placement of the file and deleted the old one) and the glitch just disappeared.

I still can't quite figure out why the glitch occur but at least I found a way to avoid it. (If you were to play on one of the save spot mentioned please tell me if the glitch occured and if duplicating the save file in another spot fixed the problem. If you're playing on a different save spot and the glitch still occured, could you report it here and detail the save spot and save count)

This did not work for me.  I was in the Dusty Temple, just before the golem miniboss.  Resaving on slots from slot two to slots three and one didn't help.  Am I supposed to manipulate the files directly?  If so, how?


I saw a game called "The Demonization Action 2" yesterday.

Why are the characters similar?

The game artist is the same person.

So, first off, you can move around in the first scene. If you happen to get in the wrong area, the scene repeats without the battle. Only way to fix it is to restart the game completely

i got a question on lakeview quest is main quest, after I defeat one of demon ladies, i went to talk to mayor and he said the same thing for fay woods, is there 2 demon there now? because before there was 1 demon?

from cid789 aka cloud strife on discord

(5 edits)

Ok so new version, new bugs, so here a little overview of things that will turn your game into mashed potatos :

- trying to use save files from the previous version will cause instant meltdown of the game (for you lazy debuggers who don't want to redo the entire game, sorry)

UPDATE 3: So this is by far the glitchiest version of the game (I don't mention any visual glitch unless they affect gameplay)

- So, Cedertown :

- as neet as skipping the beggining is, doing so will result in forever glitching the birth option, which will basically softlock the game because you need the seeds to progress the game.

-Lakeview :

-Damia's temple is as wanky as ever, since you can now spawn it without having to do the last boss (tiamat) of the zone. Just clear the nursery, go talk to the mayor and as you leave, TADA, the teleporter manifested because why not (PS: although it doesn't affect the storyline because you can still progress the game, this may prove to  be a bigger issue in the future).

-For you people that wanted a wall hack, behold the speedrun dialogs glitch. Just hold 'w' to fast forward the dialog will aiming at a wall, and as the dialogs finishs there is a chance to go through it (and you will inta-crash the game as well)

- when you try to talk to the blacksmith husband, the quest music will play but the log won't appear and instead you get a loading error which softlock the game (YAY)

Royal city :

-You can just skip the entire area.. yeah. While it's not a glitch because that's how the game works. You'll find that trying to do the piramid without doing the royal city first will bring the same amount of problems as doing the abandoned temple first. You might want to restrict the players to make sure they follow the path correctly

- (will update this part, I have to redo my whole run because I broke my save and softlocked myself)

-Abandoned Temple :

-coudln't get there, game broke before I could come back to the royal city (previous message)

Pyramid (Oh god here we go):

- as stated earlier, once you reach the neko village, you can just go to the pyramid and do it. HOWEVER, this will cause the biggest softlock of the game and if you're a moron like me that saves his game on one singular spot, you will have to restart the ENTIRE game.

- The mummy enemies don't seem to bug, but the fertility blessing ability doesn't show up on the first fight for some reason (may have nothing to do with the temple, but the first glitch as for when you skip the intro cutscene)

-invisble walls, like LOTS OF IT. I can count at least 3 unaccessible chest in the mine because of it (think other reviewver posted some screen shots)

- now to the labyrinth with the wandering souls. There are 4 problems(kind of) :

-First, some walls just don't have collisions, so you walk right through them

 -like any other moving entity in this game, the souls won't enter your body if you stay still, making it very easy to reach the last room without carrying any souls.

 - Some chest just don't work and will basically stay put without doing anything

 - Whats the deal with the minotaur? I woke him, he told me that he was going to go catch the lamia, then went back to sleep and you can repeat the whole interaction.

- Throne room :

 - So aside from the fact that you can one shot the guardian, there are major issues in the last rooms of the pyramid, one of them causing the game breaking softlock I mentioned. First the two doors in Bereth's room don't work, they'll open if you have the key, but won't lead ypu anywhere, making it that you can't get the final crystal/leave the pyramid.

 - During Bereth's boss fight, the fertility blessing skill remains, which will : 

  1- one shot bereth

  2- changes bereth's sprite to the pregnant mummy sprite

the game then resumes normally, you defeated bereth and now you're stuck here forever because the doors decided that you don't need sunshine.

That's all for now, I update that list as I find more bugs or ways to avoid/fix the current glitchs

Edit 4: just wanted to say thank you to Preggo for the game and for the rework on the skill tree

Same on the Birth skill not being there until it turns into Birth+ and the Lakeview blacksmith crash

Some bugs that I've found so far in 3.20

Wrong collision

There is some collision where there shoudn't be during the intro
Abby Dialogue
Dialogue with Abby in Ceder town doesn't show character portrait and has small typo

Valorie can use Taunt multiple times without any extra effect (can't add extra rounds to an effect that lasts forever). The skill should probably not be shown while it's active, instead just showing the stop taunt skill.

The voice lines are extremely quiet.

When playing multiple lines at once, it only seems to play the audio for the last one.

A tree in Lakeview

A tree in the topright of Lakeview clips underneath the outside wall

Oh, I didn't notice at first but the in battle description still says that valorie's taunt still only lasts for 3 rounds.

1. Having played before, I skipped the beginning with the prompt that lets you do that. Turns out that doing that doesn't allow the character to birth seeds.

2. After defeating the orc, several an image or two (labeled Angel.PNG) weren't loading at the temple.

Welcome to the I glitched the fuck out this gmae gang


Spoilers for the Pyramid content in this post

Some statues have their tops clipped

When you go over spirit capacity in the pyramid it doesn't reset your sprite. It tries to play a walk animation for the immobile sprite state and goes all weird. Half of the time its just invisible. Also some statues don't reset the sprite either, making it look like you are walking around with 4 spirits when you actually have less or none.

Leah has a blank skill that can be used but has no effects.

When pop up dialogue (the type that doesn't interrupt gameplay at the top of the screen) is too long, it just gets clipped off the right side of the screen. I noticed it with the pyramid queen but I think it happens with anyone.

There is some collision that stops you from getting this chest in the mines under the pyramid.

Birth 1&3 skills seem to just be missing. I can have power 300 300 and 100 and not be able to produce any seeds.

You forgot to talk about the doors in the final rooms that don't work and teleports you nowhere

Running into the same issue with the Birth Skill.The Birth skill doesn’t even show up as an option nor do the characters produce seeds. I started from the beginning and used an old save file and still no Birth Skill.

You used the skip cutscene option didn't you.

I covered this up in a gargantuan post up above, but skipping the intro causes the birth option to basically vanish.

You can, however use 'w' to fastforward dialogs

I did not skip the beginning and I am still having the issue. You think I should delete the whole game, re-download and start over?

I did exactly what you said about not skipping the beginning.  Also deleting the game and re-downloading won't fix's the issue. 

I think it's just that some of the birth skills are broken right now. Birth and Birth++ skills don't seem to exist at all, but Birth+ Does. So it seems like you just have to wait until you get a capacity upgrade and only ever use Birth+ as a workaround until it gets fixed.

So, just play the game normally until I get Birth+ in the game?

Worked well enough for me.

hey I just tried using w to skip dialogue, but now I can't stop it from skipping. any tips


Some more bugs after I've played through most of the rest of the pyramid dungeon.

These tiles should have collision, but don't.

Same room as the last image, can't interact with most objects.

A couple rooms later, after the golem fight.
The doors in the throne room don't properly move the player. When entering it fades to black for a second before teleporting the player..... onto the the entrance of the door.
And I'm softlocked because you cannot cross this bridge. (also the other two bridges seem so have some weird clipping when crossing them but thats minor)
The fight against the queen seemed a bit weird too, but I'm not recording my playthrough or anything so you are just gonna have to take my word that it was a little weird.

Also no silver key is given to you after defeating the queen.

There is one given to you, it just doesn't work

I didn’t even get a key

Well, it might be a one time thing (as I did get a key after the fight).

Try doing the fight again, although it won't change the root of the problem being that the doors don't work

In the new version in the pyramid mines, when I step on the bundles of wood, it's impossible to move, so I have to reload a save.

(1 edit)

Hey, I am sorry but I had to unintall the game due to too many bugs and constant crashes. I will be waiting for the patch update when it comes out so hopefully it will be better. I stopped just before I I started Roysl city arch because the bugs were that bad.


- Witch in Cedar doesn't acknowledge your new pregnancy when you see her, nor dialog about how Leah became that way.

- Teleporter in first fertility temple doe not work after you recruit Valorie, as it gives an error code when you use it.

- debug room also doesn't work after you recruit Valorie, gives the same error code.

- No dialog from guards at soldier post between Cedar and Lakeview acknowledge Leah's pregnancy player decides to giver her a belly.

- No dialog from guards at Lakeview entrance acknowledging Leah's pregnancy.

- Well in lake view does not have size restriction when too big or dialog banter when Leah's gets stuck, or when Leah asks Valorie when she gets down with a belly.

- End Dialog  saying " a noise coming from deep within the nursery " in the Demon Nursery only activates when you leave and not inside the chambers.

- No birth icon appears after second power level upgrade to 300.

- Belly on Valorie doesn't appear after power level reaching 300.

- Multiple missing words in various dialogs

- Game constantly crashes and freezes.

- Riley quests doesn't start after talking to her. ( if this was intentional, then please ignore this last one ) 

- Game becomes buggey and lags in floating fertility temple ( that could be from my PC acting up. )

- Multiple NPC characters doesn't acknowledge Leah's new pregnancy, unlike the previous update. 

I hope the next one comes out soon. Again, I am sorry that I had to unintall it. The glitches were bad man. I did notice the positive changes in the world and the special attack that Valorie can use now. Hopefully a new update will be out soon.

i don't know about you but most of this stuff has never happend to me, my game has never freezed or crashed and im on laptop and it has never been buggey or lagged in floating fertility temple.

 it might be me then, don't know. Just trying to cover every avenue. Now, I heard he intends on releasing a patched version soon. If so, then that's great. I hope it's soon

but, from what I have read on here. People are having similar issues

(1 edit)

About the bugs you mentioned with the debug room and the teleporter, was the message "Failed to load angel_5.png" or something similar.

If it is, then the glitch is a memory issue that exist since the last patch. Basically certain saves spot (I don't which one for this version) don't work properly, and when the save file becomes too heavy, the game won't be able to laod certain ressources (character's faces in dialogs in that case)

as for the crashes, it's either the same glitch or just a memory issue. A possible fix could be moving the game on a separate drive to free some space on your computer

Edit: Also I forgot to mention that the birth menu was glitched in this version and that only the birth+ option appears (200 power)

Yeah, that's the error code! Never really experienced this many bug problems in the last update, just in this one. Maybe, did clean up the PC a little bit today. Yeah, found out about that one. Wanna wait until next update happens.

Well, it really depended on how much you screwed with the game to glitch it.

Right now, the majority of the glitch are link to the freedom given to the player during the story line (Like being able to enter the pyramid right after reaching the neko village instead of waiting to complete the royal city first).

Making a thank you post for strawberryplusone that pointed out some issue I hadn't saw (sparing some work) and took screenshot to illustrate them more easilly.

Thank you very much

Deleted 1 year ago

Second time it has been mentioned. I'm waiting for the next big update to re-download it. 

I will repeat myself, but the "failure to load image.png" glitch is a memory error.

Put your game on an external drive to fix the issue

As for the other glitch, never even heard of it so I can't help you for now

I completely forgot to talk about this when I was bug reporting, but yeah I was never able to talk to her after the introduction.

it's all good

Well, it's not much of a glitch and more like an unfinished interaction. Preggo will probably add more content to this character in future releases

Completing the Edit 2

The floating island glitch is one I already mentioned, where Damia's temple will be available right after the nursery, but the cutscene will still play normally once you beat Tiamat in the volcano. And if your character disapeared, it's not a glitch, it means you pressed "q" (someone pointed that command ages ago). To make them reappear just press "w", it's the same button to fastforward dialogs

estoy atascado en la mansión abandonada y no se como conseguir el agua caliente para la chica fantasma

Tienes que ir a buscar algo a lo fuente termal de las hadas, an el bosque de fay

me disculpo si mi español es malo, ya que no lo hablo muy bien

no pasa nada muchas gracias por responder

For some reason, the "birth" skill for Darian's Blessing doesn't show up on a new game for me on the latest build (.320). Some other flags aren't set like the magic shopkeep that you get the Mysterious Artifact quest from states that the player looks to be expecting again, even on the first visit and receiving the quest. 


1,After the witch in the bar drove you out with flames, there will be an air wall after entering.

2,Upgrade player attributes and new upgrade attribute system stack

3,Some maps still don’t have a clear entrance to the dungeon: the terrain junction of the three maps

4,After the mission is completed, map 1 sees the vortex, map 2 the vortex disappears

5,In the village of Antlers NPC, just enter the house to trigger the BIRTH EGGS plot.…………

6,If you enter the debugging, picture book, plot review, trophy map, it may cause the game to go wrong. For example: pictures of angels and skills of succubus

7,Maid's belly LEVEL1 TO LEVEL 3……But the picture only has LEVEL 0 1 2

8,Entering the debugging room will still cause the temple to be restored



Enter the dungeon, the lower left corner will be stuck……

There is a box (there is a rope to the north) and it cannot be approached.

In the restored place, the south side cannot leave the pyramid

The first boss room, the ghost bridge is impassable


alexis have two completely different shapes

Riley and I can’t talk a second time

If the player's stomach is 300+(EAT plot or class plot), it will turn into a scroll, at this time it will freeze, and the screen will be black in the pyramids and dungeons.

If the archive is inherited, the player’s skills are confused,Except for the first player, the other two have a stomach of 100……

There are NPC clones appearing from other places……

The bee queen and bee illustration book does not display normally

The dresses of the princess and the elves are banned(I konw this bug)


Can the guest set a time to give gifts? I only found maid tea.

Can some NPCs adjust their belly level in certain ways, such as maid, shopkeeper, elf queen,bee queeen, princess,Kalina……too big and tired of aesthetics。Or if they are overdue, they are forbidden to become smaller, such as mothers, dragon girls, and witches. You can even make some plots.

The casino hopes to increase the plot, and the size of the belly of LADY gambling. If you lose, you will give birth to devil eggs, losing money and physical strength. If you win, LADY will become bigger and even become a tenant

How about setting up a teleportation point for been Queen?

The Mummy Treasury reminds me of a story, a novel using the dragoness’s womb as a treasury……

(1 edit)

after i did something specific at the first fertility temple (i think it was upgrading my stats) character's Face icon wouldn't load, and it now crashes every time i enter a load zone. it specifies to have the _1 characters or angel_5 for example. please fix

update: okay the bug can be fixed by interacting with any NPC that loads a picture when talking: example: Fairy queen, Damia, most NPC's inside the mansion, ect

Your "fix" is unrelated with the glitch ( I BEG you, read the previous posts)

This is a memory glitch which occur quite randomly. Put you game on an external drive and you shouldn't encounter the glitch again

(1 edit)

-The birth options seem to be on and off broken for me (perma-broken on my most recent save); this behavior also affects Devine Blessing.

-Interacting with the crafting anvil immediately causes an object load error soft-lock

-In most scenarios, using a seed to raise someone's stats results in an object loading error followed by a soft-lock shortly afterward. This happens at both temples

-Most major issues start after the third party member joins. Bastet's boss chamber has two room transitions that do not work correctly, leaving the player unable to progress (please fix this soon). The ghost platforms have one-way collision, leaving the player soft-locked if they try to go back. This entire area in general seems to be very rough. A lot of collision is broken (There are tiles of broken wood planks that have inside-out walls) and I noticed a few typos starting to slip into the dialog around this time too. Absorbing too many spirits causes a crazy sprite glitch after the room transition, and I noticed a potentially unwanted behavior during the Bastet boss fight where using Devine Blessing confuses the fight's scripting.

-For a short period of time, Leah was stuck with her torso inside of her legs. Not entirely sure what caused or fixed it, but it seemed to go away after I used 'belly slam' in battle

Sorry for the essay. I really like your game, and hope to see the boss room soft-lock fixed soon!


- birth option can be obtained by starting a fresh save and getting to Belly Lv 2 (capacity 200) that worked for me

- that anvil thing can be avoided by not talking to the guy working near it, he triggers a quest that's broken, cannot be started and will cause the game to crash

- to fix the object loading, what worked for me was interacting with an NPC that loads a portrait when interacted with. some examples include Damia (temple only) Fairy queen, most NPC's at the upper floor of the mansion, ect.

- to get out of the pyramid, before going in, head back to the first temple and enter the debug room, here you can purchase an debug teleport item, that can get you out of the pyramid. but be careful, it can cause glitches.

- that last one i had as well, i fixed it by changing up the character's sprite. for me, birthing seeds worked.

it seems to be caused in neko village's Oasis


For F**k sake, read the previous post before making your own, we have like 6 other people that pointed out half of what you said.

And your softlock and loading error (which, let me guess, is 'failed to load character.png") is a memory error. Put the game on a big enough drive or do some cleaning in your computer and you won't run into the same glitch again.

(1 edit) (+1)

First of all, no need to use foul language and make rude assumptions. I am here to report bugs to the developer, and have done such. If *you* had read every post on this topic, you would also be aware that this game's behavior is extremely inconsistent across different systems. If multiple people do not report having the same bug, then how is the developer going to know what does or does not need to be addressed? As for your 'failed to load character.png' fix, the game is on a disk with almost a terabyte of free space. Have a nice day.

Apologise for my behavior, that was uncalled for.

What however bothers me is that if we keep creating new post to report similar bugs everytime, this entire thread is going to be impossible to read.

If someone as an issue, read the other posts first to see if it hasn't been reported yet, and if it's the case simply had your own report to it. making different post is just going to unnecessarly cluster the entire thread with things that have already been noted.

ESPECIALLY when one of the glitch has been reported, studied and dealt with a long time ago.

Before completing the quest "setting sail", I have to go see Damia in person at a shrine. When I do this, it ends up turning any sprite that I am controlling invisible, but I can still move around, interact with other sprites (who are not invisible), fight, and use the image toggle. It makes it kinda hard to move around and I've not tried restarting from a different save point but I have done the usual game reload and exiting out entirely and coming back in. This seems alot like a glitch but idk how to fix it.

Sorry, I learned how to fix it from a previous post

I am honestly not certain what the cause is but I am simply not getting the birth option at all. I have played previous versions but in 3.20 I am still in the early game (haven't even gone into the cave for the mayor of cedar town yet) and when I get to 100 on the pregnancy progression I do get the dialog for contractions and the prompt that the birth option should have appeared in the skills menu but when I look the option is not present. I have tried a whole new save, reaching 100 in a battle vs from a plant, changing screens, and using the healing skill to drop to 90 then reaching 100 again but the option never appears. I did read through the thread and thought maybe it was the soft lock from skipping the intro that someone else reported but I started a new game, did the intro, and the issue is still present. Notably, when using the healing skill to drop back down to 90 Leah shows two status symbols for her pregnancy state simultaneously and reaching 100 again does not prompt any dialogue reaction.

First of all, PLEASE read the previous posts befor asking, because this has already been answered and more than once.

Second, the birth menu is glitched right now, making it that only that birth+ skill exist. There are no fix for now, we will have to wait for a patch

If you fix up the springs in the mansion, it opens the option for the birth, Birth + and Birth ++ Options

Really? Where is this Mansion?!

(Also exactly when I finished reading, and I swear I'm telling the truth, Mr. Bluesky started playing from my music list so that's cool)

The game is very glitched at the moment, as there is numerous things that need to be fixed. The amount of it has pushed back the date of the next patch, along with other things going on with the content creator that is not my place to say. But, the patch is coming soon; I know that with absolute certainty. 

Can confirm, also the fairy springs.

(1 edit)

This does work, but it's still broken for me for leah, who somehow got 'egg induction' in the blessings list after i did the breeding chambers corruption achievement.

Edit: Actually, it seems like Leah's bathing suit costume sprite is broken too. At least it is in the Mac version.

It could be a glitch on your pc? I mean, there are gonna be some smaller issues but I am sure that they are gonna be addressed in the next major installment. I personally haven't played with the new patches yet, but I have heard a lot of the major bugs have been fixed.

It would be a mac in my case but unlikely, as when I emulated the previous version on it the hot-spring trick worked for Leah too. Might try a fresh download to see if it's just on my end, but I'm not getting actual errors so the game is probably just not properly setting the correct flag when changing costumes.

Wait. You're talking about the spring in the fairy forest right? Of that's the case, then people have reported that one. My issue was that there are specific dialog from the last update that never showed up in this update, as I thought it was glitch. The previous dialog from the last game made it immersive in my personal opinion, or the choice of having different dialog coming from different characters; instead of ignoring the obvious. I found that very interesting, which is why I like the series.

It affects every spring afaik. Not just the fairy forest one. Dialogue is supposed to run at every pregnancy threshold for each character, but it's not at 300% for some reason, which I assume is tied to whatever is causing brith++ to not be added to the blessings list as intended.

was told by game creator that birth bug is fixed.

in the last update, I never had an issue with the birth thing. It might be your pc bro

I can tell you for a fact that it's a bug that exists due to testing on not only the mac version, but also the pc version on seperate pcs

And the birth thing is a known bug anyway. I'm talking about the hotspring bug.

So I'm not sure if anyone put this up yet, but when I talk to the crafting smith in lakeview for new recipes the game will glitch and softlock with a note reading the equivalent of failed to load character image.  I also noticed that the quest sound would play but no banner would display so it may be related to that.

I got this too. If you look closely, there is a space after the slash between faces and Blacksmith. That's likely what is causing the error.
This can't be solved on the user end by adding/renaming a file (like many missing file errors can), as it is impossible to start a filename with a space.

At first I thought it was the memory error which causes some interactions to glitch like that but it turns out that the blacksmith is completly broken. I've tried all the fixes I could think off (in-game and with the files), so I think we can add the blacksmith to the "Shits that don't work at all" list

the last version that came out is 3.20 true?

So, got to the end of the current build of the game and I've seen some bugs:

  • If you've been playing the game for a long while, it will sometimes have its animations and screen freeze up while the game is still going.
  • Max power birthing option has been flaky at times. Sometimes it wants to work, sometimes it doesn't.
  • Collision problems in at least two dungeons (the forgotten fertility temple and the pyramid) and the flying temple.
  • Some scenes don't show up despite having the various options on.

I'll probably add more later but, that's what I've got so far.


screen freeze is RPGMV·bug in any game. Play the S/L game for a while, close the game and open it again

Thanks, that makes things easier.

found a game breaking bug (ive never reported a bug before so sorry if this ist done right)

after i went to the floating temple and got 300 power max and did the first level of the maze, i realized i lost the birth power and when i reached 300 power my belly would go back to zero but i would still have 300 power with no option to give birth. obviously this keeps me from getting more seeds and i cant really do anything.

First time hearing of that so I can't really help you. Although, the birth mecanics are completly broken with this version, so I recommend getting your seeds from the debug room for now

(1 edit)

A temporary fix for this until it is fixed in a patch is:

1. Go to a hotspring (the one in the mansion is the most reliable I've found)

2. Interact with the chair in there If it doesn't work exit and re-enter the room and try again. Repeate this step until you get the voiceline

NOTE: this works for all the other broken preg states I've check so far as well


I appear to be stuck in a loop following the lilith boss fight during dairy farm dungeon, beat lilith then I can't cross the bridge and if I try to leave it just loops the cutscene and fight

(15 edits) (+3)

This isn't an in-game bug this seems to be a bug with   
I installed the game through the launcher and the launcher missed most of the images and possibly some back-end files as well. The only fix I found is to download the game through a browser and copy all the files into the game folder.

I will update this with anything else I find cause no, I can't be bothered to read all 8 pages of this every other day to make sure no new bugs have been reported by other people

Update. The only game breaking bugs I've still got are:

- The Blacksmith Husband (File name has a space at the start in the game code)

 - UPDATE: Missing Birth options can be reliably "fixed" by interacting with the "chairs" outside of hotsprings, interacting with these seems to force the game to detect your power level thereby fixing the bug. The indicator for if this has worked is the voicelines characters give when at any given power level

        - The displayed image still tends to bug out sometimes when at max power level for some reason

        - Sanura needs to unlock 200 max power, after this she can be "fixed" the same way as the other two (except for her max preg lvl, I don't know why but specifically that does not work)

 - So cow dungeon has a slight issue with the ending not working beyond fighting the boss, all the collisions don't actually change and trying to leave the room just restarts the boss fight

Here is a bug that i have found that doesn't need much in form of discription. I cannot get  Leah or Sanura to birth when they are at full power. Is their something I am missing ir not understanding?

Birth option is bugged, only birth + works. Read the other posts for details


I got stuck inside Lilths throne room in her milking area, near the milk farm. Whenever I try to leave, it restarts the cutscene and starts the fight again. 

as far as i can tell its impossible to get onto the boat without activating val's second stage. unfortunately, doing that prevents her and leah from giving birth once you hit 125 power on her. i think the game pretty much stops there in terms of getting seeds other than maybe finding them

Hello I wanted to say something. I think it's a bug. I can't activate Leah's ''Birth'' skill with 300 power and also I can't when it's Valorie with 200 power sorry for my english

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"

Same as always, the birth skill is only available at 200 power because it is glitch. Check the previous post and stop asking this

After beating the boss in the pyramid, the doors at the bottom of the room open but won't let you through. And I can't go back to any other part of the pyramid.

I dont know if anyone has reported this or if its similiar to earoier bugs but when i talk to the blacksmiths husband and get the quest to get more recipes my games crashes if i try to open a menu or exit the building\

The fairy in the entrance room of the mansion after you fix it can take seeds of destiny you don't which causes an error that gives you 999 seeds if you go below zero. It will take seeds if you have them. Also I haven't been able to use any birth skill except the first on Leah. 

I have also found some of the events that just say 'all characters need to be pregnant' even though I am maxed at 300/300/100 for the party. So the reason I can't use the birth skills might be because the game isn't considering my characters pregnant for whatever reason.

For more context I ran into these issues after doing the temple in the dessert. 

go to a bathing spot and change into swimwear. the 100 only works at the second stage for some reason

So after you beat the demon snake, you fight the witch/demon, her aura caused my birth power to deplete but I still beat her with no trouble, but after the forest is restored i tried eating some stuff, but only Leah gained power and not Valorie. I think it has something to do with the dark aura effect  from the battle glitching out. I can still gain power from battling but any food in the wild she eats wont give her any power.

i cant make leah give birth to the seeds


go to a bathing spot then change into your swimsuit

the bug continue, it didn't work

I have that same problem

(1 edit)

I ran into the Birth++ issue as well. I fixed by changing into a swimsuit at the fairy village spring as someone mentioned above, but I also found that works in the mansion's bath and in the baths in neko village.

I just tried doing the pyramid before the royal city. now I'm stuck, and I overwrote my save after entering. I can't interact with a few of the green statues or the jail cell (even tho I have the key). I guess I need to start from scratch or wait for the update if I wanna continue :(

i think the jail cell and statues are an update thing, i cant access em either

Loading error Failed to load: img/faces/Blacksmith Husband.png

you can go in and edit that file name. if you remove the space after the word blacksmith it should work


changing it in any way just makes the first set of dialog unviewable and locks up the game, changing it to "unable to load Blacksmith%20Husband.png"

So no way to get it to work?

beating lilith the second time traps you in a loop. you cant cross the bridge, and it gives you the pre-fight dialog when you try to use the stairs, forcing you to fight again

found a new minor bug today. this was on a debugging save file so it may not actually exist.

when i hit the page up key, all three of my character sprites go invisible. when i hit page down they come back!

with Q they disappear and von W appear

I think this is a new error. After beating the Volcano boss and talking to the mayor the goddess wants to talk to you. When yo talk to her at the monument and she opens a portal to her temple in Lakeview  and teleports you to her temple Characters become invisible. I had previously accessed her temple through the teleporter and used the teleportation circles to go to the map and Lakeview so that might be why I can't see my characters anymore.

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If you continue playing kind of blind on the story line they re-appear eventually.

(2 edits)

I found another way to fix this. After you go invisible just go into the temple to the area where you can see all your achievements. The characters will reappear

Edit: This unfortunatly breaks the fertile blessing mechanic., so the first option is probably better

For any other people reading this, I found a way to become invisible with the press of a button and next to it  makes you visible again. (I think it was Q and E, but I'm not so sure and it's midnight right now)

Found some bugs or maybe features or not yet implemented.

  • Sanura is will not give birth to a seed even using the hotspring or mansion sauna bypass.(solution?)
  • Old temple of fertility after refurbishment do not talk to the mayor out side,error occurs and crashes game.
  • do not talk to the black smith at lake side ( talks about a secret sword or recipe somewhere around the old temple of fertility, interact with anything else errors will occur crashing the game.
  • in the milk dungeon second battle with Lillith you are unable to go on the new platform to milk the cowgirl and if you try to leave the event resets itself having to battle Lillith all over again so if you saved after defeating her you are screwed.

That is all i can remember or find for now.

for whatever reason sanura can only do birth+, even with max power.

just experienced that last one myself.
I saved before entering but it's just a locked loop that can't be exited besides closing the game.

This is a bug I keep frequently getting, my party members are in my party while at the same time they aren't.
then at the Lillith fight, it's just a constant loop of I beat her, I can't progress and when I try to leave it retriggers the event of entering the room and I have to refight her.

I also have encountered this bug

(1 edit)

never made it to that map so can't say I have encountered that bug.

NVM had the same problem including the impassible bridge soft lock loop.

I can't figure out how to get to that dungeon. How do you get there?

you have to beat the pyramid dungeon near sanuras hometown then explore the area behind the milk farm

I cannot beat the pyramid. I am locked behind some statues that are uninteractble, and I can't open the jail to talk to the snake lady. any tips for how you did it?

you cant actually interact with the snake girl, at least as far as i know. can you take a screenshot of the statues youre stuck behind? pretty sure my save has all obstacles cleared

(1 edit)

Tried doing a screenshot but it wont upload. it's the jail cell, the statue immediately left of it, and the one down-left from there that blocks a gold chest. Just realized that they are non essential to continuing that dungeon. I found out you can cross the teleporter if you have no spirits. did it and finally managed to complete the pyramid

when I have upgraded the temple of fertility with 10 seeds, going and using the debug room un-upgrades it every time for me.

beat the abandoned temple with the plants and got the dryad gardener. she is nowhere to be seen in my game

whenever I enter the seed birthing room, it thinks I overloaded my seed capacity and plays the de-seeding scene. 

the seed transfer skill doesn't go away after I beat the boss in the abandoned temple

(4 edits)

Quest 'Revival of the Goddess' is bugged. It says it is completed in the quest log when I havent go to see Damia yet. This causes me to not be able to progress forward. Trial for Valerie is also bugged because of this as if I attempt any of the mazes it just give a black screen and hangs the game

Blacksmith's Secret Weapon gives an error for 'Husband's Texture' whenever I try to talk him about 

Image of Leah when full of seeds is also bugged as it shows flat belly when full of power

(2 edits)

Encountered 6 bugs so far, I really love this game.
1. After the 2nd crystal that gives the perk to passively grow seeds gets added, the skill birth doesn't get added even at max power of 300 and text is said. this may also be the case when the 3rd party member gets added, i'm not sure.
2. In the pyramid after falling down there is a single piece of debris that you can walk over but cannot leave that specific tile after walking over the debris piece.
3. In the silent temple area: missing angel.png or something like that.
5. Lakeview smithy, after talking about more advanced recipe and trying to leave: Missing Husband.png
6. Pyramid area where the snake lady is. Several statues and the jailgate can't be activated

I got stuck inside a block in the mine underneath the pyramid. Is there any way to get out or am I just stuck.


I've noticed a potential bug when interacting with shining plants to collect power. Is Leah supposed to be the only character that receives power when interacting with plants? That seems to the the case for most plants, but a few also give power to Valorie and Sanura as well. One repeatable example I have found is the patch of flowers in the campsite at the start of the Silent Woods.


I pretty much finished everything that this build currently has to offer. The only thing that I really noticed is that I accidentally skipped two chapters and went straight to the pyramid after escaping prison in Royal City. I do not know if this is a bug, but I skipped the Royal City and Abandoned Fertile Temples chapters.

(1 edit)

1. In the pyramid area when Leah more than 4 souls and returns to the default spawn point, the protagonist’s texture will be incorrect.

2.  In the pyramid minotaur's floor, snake woman's cell cannot be opened by key, and chest's room cannot be opened by soul(Movable block error).

3. the problem of birth, Sanura  give birth only by birth+.

I'm stuck at this place too. Anyone know how to move past these statues/jail cell in the pyramid (or else bypass altogether?

It also happens to me, nobody can give birth, only valorie  can change your clothes to enter the water

There is an error in Lakeveiw with the blacksmith's husband's head.

No matter what I do I can't seem to get Sanu to birth the seeds. Also, when you beat Lilith at the cow farm, the game keeps you in an infinite loop of fighting her, beating her, and when you try to get on the bridge you can't get on and when you try to leave the way you came you automatically start the pre-fight dialog and then fight her again. Also, sometimes none of the girls will give birth to their seeds at all even when they are maxed out on energy.


by defeating her when she builds the bridge and you can no longer advance if you try to leave the fight restarts and you get stuck in a loop

(1 edit)

Some bugs:

There are some bugs on the Jeanne NPC route.I couldn't find her in the new temple, besides, the druid hut still gave birth after entering.

Our side became bald after being beaten to death.

The entrance to the Pyramid Town will lead to restoration, and the Jeanne  will still be there.

If due to some events, the protagonist's value is as high as 300+, they will become SD style, or even a rolling walking map, and then the screen will be dark or frozen.

The protagonist’s new skills will transform enemies into various monster shapes that are the last to be killed

In some mini-games, even if the player gives birth, the movement speed cannot be restored, and the player needs to leave the map.

There are bugs in Queen Wasp, Pyramid, new map

Could someone tell me why my game saves keep getting deleted?  Downloaded on a Windows PC and every time I close the game my files disappear from the menu, I couldn't find a solid answer in the thread sorry if I overlooked and its been answered already.

I'm having a problem, about when I got on the ship to the royal capital, (It was somewhere around then, don't have an exact time) the birth skills started bugging out. There are times where I have leah and val at 300 power, but the birth skill just doesn't show up. I thought it might be due to the passive growth passive, but I'm  really not sure what's happening.

(2 edits)

Here's a few of the more broken ones I noticed; great game so far!

  • Game threw an error saying something like 'couldn't load "seeds-of-destiny-win\SoD\www\img\faces\ Blacksmith Husband.png" when I tried to access crafting for the first time.
    • Workaround: Copy "Blacksmith Husband.rpgmvp" to "$Blacksmith Husband.rpgmvp"
  • After ~215 power, Leah doesn't have the birth option again. Nor does Valorie seem to after her trials.
    • Workaround: If Power exceeds ~215, visit the Demon Nursery to reset
    • Additionally, Purification abilities are inconsistently applied for Valorie and Sanu.
      • For instance, only Leah can purify Succubi at the Demon Nursery, while they both can purify Ghosts under the Mansion.
      • I believe if one warps to the fairy forest, all three party members can purify Corrupted Fae, this being before Sanu has met the Goddess.
  • In the Pharoh Queen's mines, scrap planks have no collision and may be stepped into. However you then cannot leave the tile.
    • Workaround: Load an earlier save, or use a save-editor manually edit the x and y positions of your party if you haven't saved in a very long time. >_>
    • I was caught around (8,48) and edited the save to put the party at (9,49), but it seems common to other similar tiles too.
    • This is for the second spirit gate puzzle.
  • It's possible to soft-lock the Bastet fight by each character using 'Summon Neko Spirits' on the same turn.

If I'm seeing such Collision bugs, I'm going to guess I'm nearing the end of the current content? So far it's been a very high quality experience and I'm looking forward to seeing how the story winds up!

(3 edits)

Happened again after recruiting Sonia. "Failed to load img/pictures/Angel_5.png".

Copied angel_3.rpgmvp as angel_5.rpgvmp and it worked again.

Also during her introduction scene at the Mansion, it kept complaining that it failed to load People3_6.png, but only blocked the game afterwards.

A copy of Sonia_1.rpgmvp to People3_6.png fixed that.

Edit: ...which is quite funny since it seems that was supposed to be the head butler. Hahahaaha....

Edit2: Visiting upstairs, same problem now with "Maid_1.png" and then "Maid_5.png"

After ~215 power, Leah doesn't have the birth option again. Nor does Valorie seem to after her trials.

workout: Taking bath in the mansion ,change clothes to the bathrope .Leah and Valorie have the birth option.

Deleted 2 years ago

Game crashes in the fertile temple if you hit max seed corruption in a fight, due to an enemy using the seed growth spell.

Not really a bug but more like a soft lock: When you explore the mansion, one of the spirit asks you for a belly lotion. If you used yours and you have given the seeds to the Penny, you  can't but any belly lotion anymore and you get stuck :/

(2 edits)

Issue with quest 'Revival of the Goddess'. When speaking to Monument after cutscene plays all characters are invisible, attempted reloading game and even new save however issue still remained.

A̶l̶s̶o̶ ̶w̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶M̶a̶x̶ ̶c̶a̶p̶a̶c̶i̶t̶y̶ ̶u̶n̶a̶b̶l̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶r̶i̶g̶g̶e̶r̶ ̶b̶i̶r̶t̶h̶ ̶o̶p̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶a̶n̶y̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶h̶a̶r̶a̶c̶t̶e̶r̶s̶ ̶u̶n̶l̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶o̶p̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶a̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶m̶a̶n̶o̶r̶,̶ ̶B̶i̶r̶t̶h̶ ̶o̶p̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶o̶n̶l̶y̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶s̶e̶n̶t̶e̶d̶ ̶o̶n̶c̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶c̶h̶a̶n̶g̶e̶d̶.̶

I found the invisibility bug was caused by bringing the pregnant store keeper to the manor before beating the demons, Nursery and Volcano. Was told if you keep proceeding through the storyline would clear up later. The max 300 power birth will only work in bath houses(manor, Fairy village and cat village)

(2 edits)

Oh really? There were some many things that could have caused it I didn't dare try all the combinations of events that might fix it. Might give it a go later and let you know the findings.

Edit: Can confirm max power is only for the specified areas you detailed

Just to double check Demon's is Lilith right? Volcano (self explanatory) what about nursery?

Yes it's Lilith the first hint I got something was wrong was when the cut scene showing her full of eggs played before I ever faced her. Then when I did face her her sprite was that of demon eggs. Played through to the part were the goddess invites us to her temple but I had been going there for a while. I uninstalled and reinstalled the game and restarted from the beginning. I had made a bug report about this very thing and that's were the information about how to play through it came from. Another bug that shows up later you will want to avoid is using the fertility blessing attack on the Pyramid boss fights, it causes errors but that is near the end of the current version of the game.

I cant get through the pyramid level because I cant interact with the door of the snake woman and I also cant interact with statues that require spirits and I can go through some walls.


Go to the north room first, go through the maze, avoid traps, and get something. The story of UNBIRTH gold can be triggered in the vault. After returning to the last entrance, I met two brothers and sisters, which can swell her. Then come to the maze, rush through the magic circle with 0 soul pregnant (otherwise you will be teleported back), and then go to fight the BOSS. BOSS has two battles, the first is relatively simple, the second, you need to attack the soul to get the skill expansion bOSS, then break her invincible status, and then attack it.

Thanks man but I still cant talk to that snake woman or interact with those statues but ok. Thanks!!!

Guys, go search on steam  "Celestine"!!!! LLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL


That's so fking similar, is that made by the same author?


Doubt it, it seems like a game maker asset rather than the same person making both. But i dont know. Also isn't this thread for bugs?

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A bug ,when I talk to the blacksmith husband in the Lakeview, the game often crashed like this


i encountered a bug in the game. I just finished the mansion and got all of the crystals in lakeview. got to damia's temple, upgraded Leah's power to 300 and then i did all of the maze challenges with Valorie. after that i enabled natural Growth passive and then after that i went to get to 300 power for each of them to get my seeds....once Leah passes 220 power and Valoriepasses 120 power the "Birth+" and "Birth" options for them both just dissapear. i tried resetting my power and i tried losing power seeing if that was the problem. but its just gone. i have 200 useless energy on them both and can only commit normal birth. dunno if its a bug or if i have to progress or what

hi, manage to find a bug on this game. when i manage to defeat lilit or some other demon boss, damia ask me to come back to lakeview. at first i follow on what she told, but after she gives me her blessing, my character won't appear but it still movable and what's more annoying is the ship which we used to move from other island to another one dissapear.  i've also ignored damia's command by going to lakeview using teleport with debug item ( because at i don't know how to teleport) and it worked. but everytime i came back to the lakeview. damia will always ask me back to lakeview and the same bug occured.

just sometime ago, i found another bug when i entered the lactation cave? ( the cave behind the dairy that is east to the royal capital or kingdom). when the bust got fully lactate, the animation of us failing keep repeating so it's unplayable and when i managed to defeat lilith in the cave full of milk or whatever that is, and wanted to leave the cave, my character was force to turn back and the scene from before lilth was defeated replays and i have to defeat her again, it's really annoying.

oh yeah and one last thing. i don't know if this is a glitch of the feature but when i went to the maze in the pyramid. i accidentally manage to make my way up the wall by walking towards a pillar that attach to the wall. this glitch is also applied to some of the other mazes i've visited. i really like this glitch though (if this is really a glitch).    

 your game is really great, but it's still have many bugs. this game really has potentials if the game got updated, it really gives me the vibe of renryuu:ascencion game.   

Deleted post

During the quest where you save the cowgirls, when you Defeat Lilith Preg and build the bridge, for some reason the game doesn't let me cross the bridge and if I want to exit the area the game triggers the cutscene when you encounter Lilith Preg triggering the boss fight again.

Is there any way to cross the bridge to continue with a clipping tool? Because if no, I am stuck in that area with no way out

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it's a bug. if you have any save file from before you defeat lilith, you should use it and don't come back to that place until the game's updated. otherwise, if you tried to leave the map, the battle will restart and you'll stuck in a loop.


Hello dudes. 

I want to mention some stuff about birth bug (maybe it was mentioned already idk) 
For me it appears only when charecter goes for 300 capacity, I made several saves to check. In Goddes tower where Leah gets her 300 capacity  I tried to upgrade Valorie for 200 and she still works correctly but when goes to 300 breaks up. Maybe it is just math mess up or smth

I tried searching but could not find my issue so apologies if I missed it, but I cannot take the boat to royal city. I can get on, eat the bread, and rest but when I try to move on and finish the boat ride the screen goes black and just doesn't come back. The music starts playing and I can open my menus but I cannot actually see the map. I admittedly did use the debug room but only to give myself gold and divine seeds because I have played through previous builds. Otherwise it has been a vanilla playthrough completing all available tasks as I go. I have tried reloading my save in the mansion prior to getting on the boat but the issue persists.

At some point in the game i found i couldn't preform birth ++ with Valorie nor Sanuna. Also just obtained the fairy dress and i can't put it on anyone. Also CG images reset when at a certian size fir the characters.

with the amount of bugs in this game i would suggest looking to see if the master XML files are coded and mapped correctly.


At certain points, such as when you talk to the blacksmith and try to use the anvil in Lakeview, the game will refuse to stop working displaying:

Another such issue happens in the Temple of Fertility after killing Lilith and the demons in the volcano, once you go to the Temple of fertility and speak with Damia and speak with the Angel NPC on the left and/or little Jenny, it will display the same types of error reports.

pyramid level, can't interact with anything beyond the maze level with the exception of the main storyline. Can't talk to snake woman

Hi, I'm new to playing SoD and I have to say I love the game, keep up the great work. though recently I've been having errors pop up all over the screen when I play. 

  • Pictures and images wouldn't load.
  • Valorie's upgrading page didn't load. 
  • Defeating Lilith for the second time at the lone mountain disables the ability to approach the overflowed cow girl. walking near the entrance causes the whole boss battle to restart. 
  • Some npc's won't load in properly (e.g: you pass through them.)
  • Some objects don't load in properly (passing through walls)
  • Game suddenly crashes.

I understand it's still in development, but it was working fine a few days ago. that's all I have for now, hope these are resolved soon. 

One more thing, when it the next update to the game/story going to come out?

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I am seeing people mention this in the past, but I am having issues with birth past upgrading birthing capabilities to ++, I tried some remedies people mentioned but nothing worked, and Leah is stuck at max preg now. I was able to get it to work with Valorie though.

edit: spelling

Edit 2: temporary fix found- Resetting power and only giving birth at birth+. Still no use for Sanura though. (Edit 4: the birth++ seems to have fixed itself somehow but Sanura still doesn't work)

Edit 3: I am also getting the glitch of the milk production boss fight with Lilith restarting after finishing. 

I am trying to find people in the past that have had these issues to see about other remedies, but I can's find them. If anyone can reply with any potential help that would be much appreciated.

after getting my power limit up to 300 the birth skill no longer appears, even at full power

you can get past that by changing into a swimsuit via hot springs or baths. The skill will show up when in a swimsuit for some reason.


First apparently  when you are around the time where you meet the firtility god in person while your pregnant (or maybe a feature) your main charater cant birth seeds like will never give birth 


Sometimes, the game crashes, and now i got past the demon, and i didnt save i think, and now im gonna have to go back, defeat her again, get to her again, etc. wonderful, and right after its taken me forever to get to

I was in the fertile temple, and was about to go explore other places there after talking to the fairy thing in the pink

After reaching a certain point in the game, the only birth that i can do is Valorie's

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Okay so I've seen about a dozen similar to this and a bunch of different answers, but I've got one slightly different.

Failed to load: image/pictures/Lamia_5.png

For reference getting this means losing to the Lamia in Fey Woods twice (without reloading of course) Considering the scene that happens when you lose to her the first time and the dialogue that pops up when you return for a rematch got me a bit curious.

Anyone know how to fix this one? And if so, please explain it to me in a simple way, I know very little about computers.

Also I am forced to close the game because I'm then stuck loading forever because the image failed to load.

Been playing the new update from patreon.

Found quite a few new bugs right off the bat. First, I entered the debug room on a new save, spoke with the lady that brought me to the witches' academy. I got locked into that area, idk if its intentional.

Then I reset and wanted to start a new game. I skipped the intro, and then spoke to damia, and she was huge! maybe it was because I added lots of "debug favour gain" to my inventory first (tho didn't use them), im not sure.

the image display on the right is totally bugged for me. from 0 to 175 power, it shows the new model, but doesn't update. I have to turn it off and on again each time she grows if i want it to update. then at 175 power it reverts back to the original model and still doesn't update.

I can no longer equip rings and stuff, only weapon and armour.

this in an old bug, but its still present. choosing to optimize gear doesn't optimize my armour choice

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After my second use of "Birth+" action, it disappeared and now I can't get any more seeds.

Edit 1: I retried the game and the birth button seems to disappear again when I interact with the spirits at the underground pyramid.

The demon nursery at the milking farm is pretty buggy. You're character's boobs don't grow, and the final boss fight replays itself constantly despite already beating it.

around the pyramid the broken wood hit box doesn't exsit but if you step on it your stuck forever since it just reappeared 


I know it may be a silly question,but i can't find the last soul fragent.Could you please tell me where it is?(after herd,money and lotion)

(4 edits)

When reviving Commander Blake  failed to load img/characters/face

also at the milk farm after rescuing the girls


returning to litiths place after defeating her and doing more quests when entering a battle with succubus's it will not load img/characters/face

I have come to realize that most of the img face/ character files are all messed up. ( I was able to get around most of the problems, accept for the ruins near the beehive as that is  completely messed up. )

A lot of the faces/images don't have matching names, so you have to rename the files yourself.
I can't figure out how to fix the plant temple yet, but I was able to get around the others by screwing with the files

After rescuing the cows at the farm the game can't load an image. The failed image was called "Cowgirlyellow Bust3". I managed to rename the file and found that "cowgirlyellow" also isn't named properly. This was found on version .340

Also found one in the old ruins to the left of the bee hive where the plant girl in front of the trapped druid tries loading "plant%20girl.png"

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Most of the bugs are fixable ( accept for that one as I think there maybe a deeper issue going on with it. )

Dairy Farm bug, after saving the two cow girls, the content after the cut scene does not load.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hey there. I found some bugs that I was able to fix myself ( by downloading a spare game file and renaming some of the images in that said file, then sending it over to the main file of the game I was playing on ) except for this game-breaking, level stopping bug; which I have placed a photo below of where it happens. I will let you know it's not just in that one area, but the entire map once you get inside of the building. 

yeah i got that too

turns out, it can be fixed by getting rid of it and adding space

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Could you walk me through your fix, cause I'm stuck on it and can't seem to get the file right

Nevermind got it

Teach me... i need help

Hey sorry if i disturb you but i got this bug too can you help me fix it

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Too many file names are wrong! Hope that "%20 (space)" will not be included in the file name in the future!

If something goes wrong, don't be nervous! Enter the game directory to search for files with similar names, rename the files with missing or extra spaces in the same directory, and then select "Retry".

Witch School BUG:

The Crucible Course has a black screen!

Go out in the evening and freeze!

Luna's school campus flower task bug!

Returning after leaving will cause the event to be reset (can it be set to not leave the witch school before completing the event without getting the C-key?)

The C-key will not be obtained!

COW dungeon bug:

Even if the statue is lit, the recovery speed still accumulates the breast expansion value.

Pyramid bug

Part of the statue can be overlapped. If the player overlaps and deletes it, the player will be stuck in the wall. (In the room before the BOSS battle)


Some NPC events remain after the end, such as the resurrected captain.

Tiger Lily BUG:

No prompt for picking up?

NPC head sculpt missing BUG

The heads of the maids and others are missing.


Luna's school campus flower task bug!

if you mean that you can't collect the flowers, you need to collect them at nigh (not day), they are only gatherable then.

(1 edit)

I know, but there are two bugs in this task: 1. Collect flowers but don't display the collection. The task instructions are left. You can complete the task but the task items still remain. 2. The screen freezes when I go out in the evening.

I found a bug where after you clear the mansion and you leave to the world map and come back the mansion reverts to the original form any clue on how to fix it


when the farm, it doesn't work

same for me too


If something goes wrong, don't be nervous! Enter the game directory to search for files with similar names, rename the files with missing or extra spaces in the same directory, and then select "Retry".


in that file in question, delete the space between "cowgirl" and "Yellow" this will fix the flaw, and the program will be able to read the file. it worked for me

(3 edits)

What to rename them as? and cannot find Cowgirlyellow only cowgirlyellow bust's 1, 2 and 3

maybe you need Steal a file and pretend to be that file

I'll just wait till the developers fix it, hopefully.

┐ (¯ ヘ ¯) ┌

Deleted 2 years ago

Please don't cheat the game, if you think it is too weak, you can go to the debugging room to buy debugging equipment.

there is no point in trying to cheat when the materials are already there

Deleted 2 years ago

I found some bugs during gameplay, I use windows 10.

1- it was a bug with the protagonist's image, she didn't change regardless of how much "Power" she had. This happened every time the character left the battle, to solve this, I needed to disable and activate the function again to get back to normal.

2- the birthing shortcut for the other characters, I just can't use it, and even after deactivating it, it remains on my screen.

3- while facing Batest, the ancient pharaoh of the Neko people, there was a bug where she was not vulnerable after using the "Neko spirit" for the second time. I had to get the overpower weapon to kill her in a single blow and continue the story.

4- After facing Lilith for the second time at the Cow-girls farm and talking to Cindy, the screen goes black and the following message appears "Failed to load: img/characters/$cowgirlyellow Bust3.png" I already tried to modify the file, rename, delete and replace img folder, delete and install the game again, using the same save folder. But apparently, I'm still stuck.

4.3- by the way, inside the "dungeon" where the mission of rescuing the cowgirls takes place, I can't talk to the black-haired cowgirls, my game crashes with the dialog box empty.

4.6- on Cindy's farm, the blonde cowgirl is simply stuck, you can't interact with her.

These are the bugs I've found so far. To be honest I loved this game so I would like to keep playing it so being stopped from playing is really depressing.

The overgrown shrine, the maternity room on the east side of the capital, the farm, and the desert town all have problems with the wrong names of NPC heads and walking pictures. For example, the problems of the farm and the maternity room cannot even be solved. I have to build a new one. A PNG replaces the encrypted PNG file to allow the game to proceed correctly.

the game seems to freeze whenever i go outside at the witches academy during evening. music plays, but i can't open the menu or move

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Loading, battle, and dialogue errors have appeared that were not a problem in the previous version.

  • At the milk farm after you rescue the two cowgirls from a monster before entering the milk dungeon and talking to the cowgirl clerk it says $cowgirlblond loading err or something along those lines, and even before i went up to that area the blond cowgirl sprite was already visible before i even saved them couldn't interact with it.
  • After reviving commander blake in the church loading errer when the wanted to teach us some new fighting techniques.
  • Encountering a succubus after defeating Lillith in her nursery freezes the game.
  • In the fertile forest going to that temple where the plant girls are dialoge error when talking to any of the sprites and character picture on the side of dialogue box error fails to load.
  • New version: In witches academy creates a loop in the adept area potion class when making a second potion.
  •  and this one is not really crash the game but it does not go away. After going down the well in lake view and activating the crystal two images pop up on the left side of the screen showing Sanora's and Valories bellies on first stage just there.

I wanted to play the game all over again but if I interact with a plant girl in the plant temple I get a message that says Failed to load:img/faces/plant%20girl.png is this only a problem for me or do other people have it to? and if so does anyone know how to fix it


that just means you have to go into the files and rename the file. put a space between "plant" and "girl", worked for me


I also suggest making a copy of some of the files and renaming it the other, like "Slum Male Faces.rpgmvp" and "Slummalefaces.rpgmvp", because there's stuff that checks for both. Luckily you can do that in the middle of playing.

oh thank god you said that, I had a similar problem but know I can fix it. But unfortunately I still lost most of my progress on that run.

ty it works, saved a few souls here

Luckily, I'd just saved, but I told Sonia I didn't want to fight and she said alright and completely disappeared. Replicable, not sure if she respawns later.

Ok, fantastic game here boss

Bugs that I've found: minor text bugs that have already been reported in this thread

When you get to chapter three, the cow farm, after you defeat the demon and triggert the event it pulls an error screen about not being able to load a png (the one for the blonde cowgirl apparently) I noticed that the blonde cowgirl npc that you rescue from said demon aleady appeared in the farm but didn't talk, may be related 

dear developer there are some bugs that i encounter in this new update. first bug is when i want to enter a new game and try to skip the the intro, the screen suddenl freeze and i have to restart my game a couple of time before i can skip the intro. the last is please makes the game a bit more continuable, i tried to copy my save file from the last version of the game to the new one, but  when i open the new version and tried to load the game from where i left, none of the save file is present in the save slot in the game. i tried to check it on the file and i indeed put my save file into the new version. the game just can't read it.

i also have some suggestion for you upcoming update, please make the game story a line because although it's all cool that you could enter some places and accidentally trigger something that later known of the continuation of the main story. yeah, i know there're something that's called quest, but to thing i could explore the places of the main quest even before i managed to get to the intended main quest is simply weird. for example i accidentally travel to the dessert pyramid in the from the older update. at first i thought it was only some abandoned pyramid. but suddenly an npc appear ( i gues she's the queen of the pyramid) and throw my party underground. at last i managed to beat the npc and save everyone in there only to know that the pyramid is one of the main quest stroyline and when i tried to do the quest intended for the pyramid and because of my own curiosity beat the boss without progressing through the storyline made the system thought that the boss still not beaten eventhough i manage to beat the boss and it made me can't progress. 

last but not least, in the second island (i forgot the name of the place because i haven't played the game for a long time.) there are an abandoned fertility temple (not the place that got overcome by the power of fertility itself) but the temple where we should visit by the suggestion of sanura ( the lady with animal ear), i notice that there are the colored sphere and if i'm not wrong the color should be red, yellow and black. at first i don't what its purpose so i just brush it off. but after i explore the temple further, i found out the purpose of those spheres but i can't do it because i can't found the keys to open the door that sealed ( and yeah i know how to get all three keys by defeating the rat) but i can't found any eeeventhough i could get it easily by encountering and defeating them 3 or 4 times.  i'm confused as to why i can't open the doors and i assume it because i progress the game where i can't even take them anymore.

please make more update in the future especially in fixing the bugs. your game is so amazing, yet it got ruined by bugs

What I know is that the old version of the archive is not compatible with the new version. Many events and plots are messed up, and the protagonist's abilities are also messed up, so I have to start over.


The key is on the mouse, and you need to keep killing them. When you enter the temple to answer the questions and get the gems, restore the environment of the temple in the area on the right outside the temple (there is a puzzle reminder to the north of the torch), return to the temple, after the temple is luxuriant, from the opened box Take the "baby" and talk to the goddess in the circle, and upgrade Sanura. The tiger lily needed to upgrade Sanura appears randomly near the locker room in the upper right corner of the village.

If you often play RPG, such problems should be clear at a glance. I think you rely too much on the task instructions... Or maybe I play Soul, RPG, Old Fallout series, Alien, Shenmue, etc., so I have accumulated a lot of exploration experience.

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so no matter what i did to continue using my old save file in the new game. i need to play it over once again? man, it's so excruciating.

anyway thank you for the clue.

black hair cow girl images won't load while in the caves behind the dairy farm. yellow cow girl image didn't download, probably just a me thing.

Also, cleaned up the whole mansion and apparently either cleaning up the back center room or going out into the garden early made the dryad show up immediately, which skips the entire introduction with the runestone and later getting the blueberry seed.

blueberry seed? where do you pick that up, ive only ever gotten the watermelon

Trying to finish cow ranch area, however, when I come after finishing the dungeon in with kidnaped cowgirls, the cutsecen fails to load the cowgirlBlond bust3. help

character invisable after first fight and chapter 1 not starting

So Valorie's battle portrait is bugged and looks insanely cursed.

Do bellies no longer grow when power grows?

Does anyone have had an issue with missing savegames? I can't find my save that I've played on for about 10 hours :-\  I also tried making a new game and saving that as well, only to not have it show up when starting the game again. Please help?

I don't know why, but suddenly all three main characters just disappeared in the overworld. However, I can still walk around and talk to other characters. Their sprites also appear in battle and the only big issue is that I can't see where they are at when moving around. Is their a solutipn to this problem?

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
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I managed to get myself softlocked at the dairy farm, after finding the captured girls and moving back through the farmhouse towards the waystone an event plays and fails to load img/characters/$cowgirlyellow bust3.png. Is there a temporary fix or way to get around the farmhouse so I can continue with my save?

best I can say for most those errors is go in to the games files and try to locate the image and change it's file name to match the one the game says it cant find.

In your case you need to remove the space from the file so it reads as '$cowgirlyellow bust3.png'    the game files has it as '$cowgirl yellow bust3.png'

and if you run in to any '%20"  in the file that causes error replace them with a space

After saving 2 cowgirls from a minotaur at the Milk Farm, when I re-enter the building and the automatic scene starts... I get a black screen (after 'hearing a loud noise?') with 'Now Loading' on it, and after a moment, a small ''pop-up'' appears on the black screen saying :

''Loading Error
Failed to load: img/characters/$cowgirlyellow Bust3.png

Retry just loop back to loading at then Retry.

Well, damn... So, found a woman outside of Royal City, that I fought, and she took me inside the city.
Just near the Inn/tavern there's a bald guy that, if I talk to him, a speech window pops open, but it's empty and I can't close it.

After a moment something familiar pops up:
''Loading Error
Failed to load: img/faces/SlumMaleFaces.png

Retry loops. Must close manually and reload a save.
Getting very annoying.

I can't continued story. all of the plant enemy has a problem

Search for a similar file with the same name in the prompt directory: Plant%20girl (%20 is a space), you will know that a similar file is called "Plant girl" or "Plantgirl" Change the file name to "Plant girl".

Also, if it keeps happening, copy and save one as "Plantgirl" and one as "Plant girl", because several of them check for both.

(3 edits)

When you're down in the milk caves and talk to the girl in front of the leftmost (and topmost) doors no dialogue pops up, and the game softlocks. I've had to forceclose twice now cause of my insatiable hunger for lore.

Edit: Found another girl who's bugged. Idk if this is consistent but it seems to be the black-haired girls with twin braids

Edit 2: NVM I got it fixed. ^^

Some of the plant girls and cowgirls are not loading making it impossible to move forward. It gives an error saying it couldn't load, there's no way to continue without it loading as well so I put all that time in and now can't do anything.

(1 edit)

every time i get past the introduction the game freezes when it shows the chapter, any idea how to fix this?

As far as I know, only cheating, inheriting old archives, upgrading characters at the altar, and debugging mode will cause this error. Personally recommend not to use debug mode equipment and upgrade abilities before the villa event.

When i try to make divine equipment it says I don't have enough favor, even though i have enough, who knows why this is happening?

It's probably a bug. When your mother teaches you to cook, you can cook armor and weapons with the stove...

This is happening to me too....though somehow one time I managed to make one divine item...

(2 edits)

when trying to play the intro it soft/hard locks cause Leahs diologe wont start and even when skipping it doesn't work

when i get to the bastet of the pyramid boss fight im stuck on after it summons restless spirits for the second time, it keeps attacking but im not able to continue the boss battle, anyone know why?

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Leah's in-game character image overlay refuses to update itself, I have to constantly toggle it on and off to force it to update.  Also, the transparency toggle only applies when moving with the keyboard keys not clicking.  Turning off the quick birth toggle does not remove the two belly  "buttons" that appear on the screen, honestly, since the 1-3 keys work for that, I am not sure why they are there at all.

I think they're there for mobile players

(1 edit)

Also another possible bug. While rescuing more of the lost spirits in the basement of the Mansion Leah seems to lose her fertility blessing ability. It comes back if you leave the mansion then go back though.

Also while I can get the quest recipe hunt I can't actually go to that place in the forest north of Ceder town.

First you have to teleport to the original Temple of Fertility, then exit out the doors and go south.

Ah thanks yeah that got it going, I always thought it meant directly north as in that fenced-off area as you head towards that couples small farm.

Yet another bug, it seems if you do the Witch Academy before the milk cave it gives you a semi reset to Witch Academy in which you are stuck in the needing to talk to the secretary lady to apply.  She will still talk to you like you finished the Academy yet you cannot go anywhere else on the Academy grounds.

Another minor bug, Sanura can gain mana from the seedbed perk but she gains no health from the broodmother perk.

When you try to leave the witch academy right after defeating the headmaster, the game seems to freeze. Although this seems to fix itself if you go to sleep at night and then wake up (But not if you do so in the afternoon or evening)

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Does anyone know what to do when you get the " Failed to load: img/characters/_______________.png " ?

Im stuck at the place where you first meet the lady who runs the Dairy Farm. And she ask you to help find her friends so they can run the farm together again. (Aka the Half cow Half human ladies)  When I walk up to her it starts the "Cutscene/image" but it fails to load it...

With all of those image loading bugs, and there are a few of them...I open the game files navigate to the right folder find the image file the game is trying to use make a copy of it and make it match the file name the game is trying to find. Aka if the one it is searching for has spaces between like Black Cow but the original is BlackCow just make a copy with the space there. Any of the %20 lines in the search are spaces.

Where in the files did you find them? I've tryed to look for it but I dont think im looking in the right spot..

So when it throws up that error, just follow the locations from it. For example: Your img/characters/________.png

Just go to the game file > www > img > characters

You then just to need to find the file. They are in alphabetical order. Many times there will be a ! or $ in front. These files are usually placed first because they start with a non-alphabet symbol. They then proceed alphabetically.

Note: Some of the missing/failed to load images are NOT under characters, they are under faces. Make sure to look at the error message to identify which it is. That may be where you are getting lost as well.


Ok that makes a lot more sense. Thank you ^^

If the file name contains %20 nothing can be done for it, otherwise try searching it up in your game folder and replacing all the ones with a somewhat similar name with the one you are missing

when I interact with certain enemies/characters/npcs or trigger events the game freezes and tells me there was an error loading a ping file. I've tried starting a new game but doesn't help much.

Read post above.

I found these three character image errors
img /faces/Plant⁒20girl.png

I don't know for sure if this is a bug, but I didn't download the file: img/characters/dollarcowgirlyellow Bust3.png. If possible, you can give this file. I apologize for the very bad grammar, I'm just Ukrainian and I write through a translator

The fix for that is 3 posts above. 

Basically you just have to add the proper spaces or remove them from the file. How to do this is explained above. 


Thanks a lot. Everything works now

Me again. I have a problem, I'm stuck in the witch academy and can't get out of it. What to do?

Unfortunately, that quest is bugged. You should probably save before going in that area and then complete it on a separate save. It also hasn't been fully implemented yet, so you can't truly finish it.

There is also a second way that I got stuck in there that isn't truly stuck. If you are trying to leave there is a rune on the ground behind the blue flames. You have to click or interact with those to leave. This only works if you aren't bugged/glitched out after defeating the boss. If that is the case, you have to go back to an earlier save.

I find reason of this bug - time.

You need to download rpgmaker saveeditor and in variables set academy time to 1

Me again. I have a problem, I'm stuck in the witch academy and can't get out of it. What to do?

(1 edit)

I'm on Mac and i'm taking my time exploring the game. As soon as I get to chapter 3, the screen that displays chapter 3 freezes before it's done fading in. I have a lot of progress in this game and I've been loving it so far, but I can't progress. to be specific, I get on the boat and it gives me the prompt asking me if i'm sure I'd like to progress and when I select yes, the screen fades to black and fades in (but not completely) with the chaper 3 screen.

I've had the same thing happen to me but when I started a new game it didn't happen, I thought it bugged out because I exited the window and it might have stopped loading in at that point.

(3 edits)

I don't if this is a bug or something with my computer but for some reason at the part with the all the cows keeps breaking on me specifically when I get to the part where I rescue the friends of the girl at front and then talk to her for a situation to just happen, nothing happens for me, I get a loading screen that soon tells me that there was an error to load a character or something. I'm basically softlocked since I wasn't smart enough to fully utilize the multiple saves. Edit: Solved the problem by manipulating the files (by listening to a reply to a comment above), may not be a bug but it is a weird issue that needs fixing, the game can't load things if it can't find them.

First of all, in Damia's Temple, I got an error message about not being able to find img/pictures/angelnpc4-1.png. (I had a screenshot, but I lost it)

Second, in the second Maze Trial for Valorie, it say upon clearing that I got a Divine Bracelet, but no such item is in my inventory.

Okay, got a Kitsune Mask in the little fishing village near the Mansion... except, again, not. Not showing up in inventory as any type of item.

And another unable to load error message, this time during The Pillow Thief. (Also, this time I managed to actually get screen.)

I may have found a possible bug: in the mine area of the pyramid section, I got too many ghosts in Leah in the area of the mine where the spirits go when they are used to pass passages and now the screen is black, I can still interact with things in the environment if I try hard enough but I cannot see anything, I may keep making the mistake of not having multiple save which would help but this is a bug, you get too many ghosts in Leah's belly then bam, you get stuck in a black screen, you can enter the menu, the game is still (somewhat) playable but no matter how temporary, still a bug.

I didn't have this problem, maybe try finding if you are missing some game files ?

(2 edits)

I found a bug in the witch academy section, after I finished it I could immediately leave the academy and continue but for some reason the time of day counter that only exists in the witch academy section of the game is permanently on the screen (doesn't disappear no matter what I do) and also I don't know if it's my eyes or what but I think I also started experiencing more frequent lag at the same time which might relate to the time of day thing not disappearing (maybe). Another bug I want to mention that happened to me is one that happened before the witch academy section, I planned to deal with that section as the last of the crystal bits we need to deal with for Damia but for some reason even though I only dealt with two of the multiple crystals (pyramid and fertile forest sections), the witch academy section was the only one I could get info on from afterwards even though I previously got info on the two I completed from the area you go to get info earlier. This bug does not prevent a player from continuing the game but it does hinder progress since players won't really know where to go (also players like me will miss some dialogue that might also be helpful, insightful, or enjoyable.). Edit: just realized that the second bug I mentioned comes in a bundle with a bug with my Quests, it's perma-stuck as "Mystery at the academy" with the description and objectives stuck with "(not implemented yet)" despite the fact I already talked to Damia for details and finished the area.

When entering the cow farm, you see a cowgirl standing there but you cannot enteract with her. If i go and rescue the 2 cow girls from the minotaur and go back to talk with cindy, it crashes. I have yet to unlock sanu's power, so maybe i just did things out of order.

I've come across multiple missing .png bugs that make it impossible to progress the game and other side areas too. Every missing texture results in a "Retry" button appearing, but selecting it does nothing and the only solution is to close and reopen the game. 

1. After beating the minotaur on the farm and returning to the main building, a cutscene begins with Cindy. A sound is heard, and the group returns to the yard. Immediately, the text "Loading Error. Failed to load: img/$cowgirlyellow Bust3.png" appears. Nothing can be done to avoid this result, and if the game was saved after defeating the Minotaur, you are stuck permanently.

2. In the Royal City Slums, there is a man wearing sunglasses standing in a closed off area in the bottom-right. Talking to him at any point results in the text "Loading Error. Failed to load: img/faces/SlumMaleFaces.png"

3-4. In the Royal City "Maternal Community Center", the first room on the left contains a couple listening to an instructor about pregnancy. Speaking to the instructor results in  the text "Loading Error. Failed to load: img/faces/maternity%20instructor2.png". in the following room, there are many more people in a gathering. Speaking to this instructor results in the text "img/faces/maternity%20instructor1.png".

5. After completing the ice cream popsicle mission for the teacher in Royal City and leaving for a while, returning will have the player find the teacher with a heavily distended belly. The teacher will request that you teach the class for her, but upon saying yes, you will receive the text "Loading Error. Failed to load: img/characters/$SchoolTeacher Hyper.png".

6. Upon progressing in the story and going to the Royal City Church, you find the corpse of Commander Blake. A cutscene plays where the Commander is revived and is now pregnant, and the party is invited to visit the castle. A loading screen appears, followed immediately by the text "Loading Error. Failed to load: img/characters/$CommanderBlake.png".

I am unsure of what is causing these glitches, nor am I sure whether or not any of these prevent further story progression.  Hopefully this helps in some way.

It seems like i have found a infinite loop with the evil fairys sleep attack in the fairyu forest were they constantly put the characters to sleep and i cant do anything. It has been going for over 20 minutes now with no end in sight

Hello author, I am one of the players of your game and I found a lot of mistakes.  First of all, the dragon girl's ranch will collapse after defeating the monster, and it will also collapse in the church rescue. The mobile phone simulator will get stuck when you encounter the plant girl in the left forest of the second map.

(1 edit) (+1)

Image loading problem.

Fail loading like "cowgirlyellow" can be fixed by rename the file to the name that require.

But the image like "dcowgirlblack%20nsfw", can't be fixed using this method.

Images with %20 in their name would need another solution.

Problem solved, solution from the creator: If there's a %20 in the name, use space bar to replace it, and the file will work.

Same problem here, tried talking to a cow-girl, says, Failed to load: img/faces/dcowgirlblack%20nsfw.png

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

I tried renaming cowgirlyellow, but I still get the message, do you have any advice?

The changed file name must be exactly the same as the game required, Including letter case and space.

Also there's characters folder and faces folder, "characters" corresponds to fail loading models, "faces" corresponds to the NPC pictures during dialogue.

Or you can post the screenshots, let's see what happened.

Hum, that's weird, this solution works for a lot of people, could it be platform differences?

You can try contacting the creator on Twitter, or wait for the bug fixed update patch, the creator said the update is planed to be released on April 9th/10th.

Hold on, your game file is in a zip?

(1 edit)

A yeah, but I have win.rar and that's how the file was downloaded. Does the file type effect it?

I don't know if the game can be played as a compressed file😂

But as far as I can tell, the game is a zip file, whether downloaded from Itch or Patreon, and it requires unzipping to play.

Don't know why I can't post image.

You can find the game installation instructions on the itch download page of the game.

Hey got this as a problem, really wish I saved earliernow I'm gonna have to do all this island again.

Recently Found out about you and its all so good, however I came across after a part where cows break out I think(idk file didnt save) The file was img/characters/$cowgirlyellow Bust3.png and idk what to do from here of you can help me :)

I was looking up and issue and someone fixed it im going to copy and paste and try it from there!(

As I’m certain that someone else has said this prior in this thread but here’s the solution to any missing image error you get so when the game fails to load any image you just have to make a new file for it, just go into the folder that its looking in ie img/characters find a file with a similar name [like cowgirlyellowbust2] make a copy of it and rename it to match what the error message says

So it looks like you got the error failed to find img/characters/$Cowgirl Yellow Bust3 just go to that folder and make a copy of any cowgirl yellow bust3 and rename the copy to match what the error is looking for)

(1 edit)

======== GUIDE ON HOW TO FIX FAILED TO LOAD IMAGES =================

Source of issue: 

-Windows takes capitalization seriously. Girl.png is different from girl.png. Case sensitive. 

-Sometimes URL Percent encoding fails. The (%20 cause)


Search for the file, they are often named very similar but different capitization. (Example $cowgirlyellow Bust3.png is something like $Cowgirlyellow Bust3.png)

Rename the files as the error gives exactly. 

In case of "%20" error (ex: maternity%20instuctor2) you put a space where %20 is (%20 in Encode is space) so your rename it to: maternity instructor2

NOTE: Error says ".png" but you need to use the rpgmvp files so you can't create a blank png. You have to rename an existing one (rename a copy, not the original). So in your files they are acctually 

"maternity instructor2.pgmvp"

Hope it helps.

Hello, I found a bug while doing the Corrupted Temple, the one with the Dryad lady. Whenever I go and interact with anybody inside the temple, a blank textbox appears, and the game freezes. I don't know if it is just me who is having this issue, but regardless, the game is spectacular, and I am looking forward to whatever you have planned next.

Find the fail loading image in the game file, rename it to what the game require, if there is a %20 in the name which required, use space bar to replace %20.

I have just finished the whitch school including killing the boss. I try to go to a new area it says talk to the front office person or something along those lines, So I go to talk to her and nothing happens I try to load game, and leaving the school but none of that works. Do you have a solution on how to fix this please. Im far and I dont wanna restart :(

The  academy is not complete yet, so that's the end of game quest so far, you can wait for the new patch.

oh alright thanks but I remember there was a boss I never killed yet so I didn't realize that was it... Also when new patch does come out how to I update it if you don't mind telling me :)

Have you been to the overgrown temple?

  • As for the way of updating, I'm new to the game too, so I don't know how it worked in the previous.  But I'll get connect with the creator when new patch is out.

I figured it out, about the update.

If you use itch app, when the new patch is out, it can update through the app.

Alright thanks alot!

(1 edit)

I keep getting the same thing after I save the cow girls in the fertility forest about a character failing to load. Anyone know how to fix that?

Edit : nvd

Cowgirl yellow?

For this one you'll need to find the file in the game folder, rename the file to what the game required.

As for the %20 problem(fail loading image with %20 in their name), which you'll meet in the game later, use space bar to replace where the %20 is.

And always save you game before heading to new stuff      :)

Hello, please help me to fix this error.

Theres many solutions in the comments but ill give a breif explination. In the files theres a bunch of files of characters names and the file name might slightly be of so you want to make the file the exact same name as the error code. This can happen with yellow cow girl also.

What should be done at this moment?

I'm not 100% sure because I don't remember seeing the seed corruption growth in that area but it could just be memory.

(1 edit)

There are blueberries in the temple, collect them, and then they'll trigger automatically when you talk to plant girls.

Those blueberries are the same as crystals in the dungeon.

so I don't know if this would be considered a bug but on joiplay after the event in the mansion with the pillows the screen says loading for awhile 

the milk farm has a bug where after you save the first cowladys and return to the house during a small cut seen the game gives a error for a missing character

the holy forge doesn't work I gathered all the materials required and even cheated in the cheat room to try this and nothing it says I don't have enough for it mind you I bought several hundred faith in the cheat room as well to try it

In Dairy farm

If you look though the comments there are many solutions on this but its simply just 1 wrong file is names incorrectly. So if you access the file look for a name very similar and make it exacly what the error code is. If you need more description try looking through comments.


(1 edit)

Does anyone know when you finish the which school you cant leave there anymore? I wanted to explore because I dont think I did everything because there was one boss I had trouble killing and I wanted to go back any solution? Also how do I know when an update has came out just so I know?

(2 edits)

i found how can glicth Failed to load `img/pictures/Maid_5.png fix.

just need to rename some files

The peculiarity is that the file is registered in the game, and they are present, but they are, as it were, named differently.

For example:

game says: img/pictures/Maid_5.png 

it is quite likely that in the files it is named as maid_5 or Maid5, because of this the game cannot find the file that was indicated to it in the code, since the file itself is called slightly differently (with a small letter, together or spelling error)

for example, I can’t load a plantgirl(error: img/pictures/Plant%20girl.png), but when I went in and put a space in the file(Plant girl). Game continue.

Good day, folks. I've been scouring the forums here for a fix to a problem I ran into and can't seem to find the bug entailed. 

SO! I'm gonna just leave mine here. 

I feel like the picture in question never made it into the folder. Is this because not all files are there during download, corruption of files or..? 

Not sure! I searched for the image file in question and couldn't find it within any of the folders.  Hopefully you can help! (Image below.)

Please  and Thank you, in advance! 

(PreggoPixels, if you read this? Awesome game, btw. I love how you've got little hidden defeat gems all over the place. Really nice touch! Hopefully you read this so I can see what the heck she does to our heroines! I also can't wait to see what you do with Lacto's Escape. I love that little game too and hope to see you flesh it out more! <3)

you can't find that file because it's named incorrectly try finding the file that is similar to yours and rename it Lamia_5

hope it helps 

Yeah. after rummaging through the forums some more? I found a few folks that suggested that same thing. Found one that MIGHT work. Gonna give it a shot. Fingers crossed! (Thanks for the help!)

When I rescued the cowgirls and talked to Cindy, the end of the cutscene dialogue cut to "Failed to load: img/characters/$cowgirlyellow Bust3.png", it's preventing me from progressing, can you please fix it?

i had the same problem you need to go find a file that is similar to the error's one ($Cowgirl Yellow bust3) after you found the file rename it like the error's

Help i'm stuck

Really... no one knows how to get out... i don't want to start all over

I have a few here. 

needs rename:

Slum Male Faces (Merchant and bandit needs spaces, bar patron does not)

Cowgirl yellow bust 3 and cowgirl yellow both need renaming, once renamed the file works.

fantasy heroine girl samurai present (needs rename in manor memory, and temple.)

Plant Girl needs rename in plant dungeon.

last bug: if you get over prego with souls in pyramid, the map wont load but you can still move around. Its a black screen. I have a save if you need it.

(1 edit)

When I equip Leah with Lilith's Dress, she gets a skill called Egg Induction, but it doesn't seem to do anything, does anyone have an answer to this? I also didn't get the kitsune mask in my inventory after the prompt, does anyone else have it?

i think the egg induction have somthing to do with the egg dungeon it might get rid  of eggs i have no idea

(1 edit)

having problems with the milk farm it has a lot of bugs so bad i had to restart my playthrough

I was  playing the new version and  the first encounter after exiting the temple turned Leah's sprite invisible after the exiting the battle.

You want a bug...I give you a crash/freeze. the game's stuck on the title screen for chapter 2. I go in, play a few minutes, and when I pass the checkpoint; all's black, then "Chapter 2: The Demon Invasion" becomes barely visible and stays that way as if frozen. Any suggestions?

had it happen to me, i think being pregnant messes it up somehow. It worked when I went back to town and reset power to zero, hopefully that'll work for you

Every time I try to create divine items, it tells me that I don't have enough divine favor, even when my inventory says I do, is there a fix to this?

(1 edit)

I have the exact same bug as tailmon1. Game plays fine but seems to kill itself on trying to play the chapter 2 screen animation.

EDIT in case anyone sees this Putting the "game" file into windows 8 compatibility mode and running as administrator fixed it. The chapter 2 screen played just fine. Hope that may help someone else.

(1 edit)

It's been years since I had to go from windows 10 to windows 8 through compatibility mode, I forgot how(I'm using a 6 year old computer and I only used compatibility mode in the first). how do I switch again?

Edit: Nevermind, found a way. right click on Game.exe and click "Troubleshoot Compatibility," then click on "Try Recommended Settings."

I starting playing again and Im having an issue after a cutscene my screen stays black(The game not monitor)

All right. i'll put them here too.


The first temple got UNrestored after using the shrine to improve my party(EDIT: But it got RErestored after I used the waygate and returned(just leaving out into the forest didn't count)).

There was also a missing image during the pillow thief event.

Speaking of images, the cute lamia vore belly is a bit... Well there's a hole I think?(I certainly would love some more vore as well, the headmistress soul unbirth was giving me heart palpitations as I rad through that dungeon(the witch academy related stuff haven't been added to the gallery yet, like the CGs and the gameove if we failed that trail). Also, the lamia crystal said something about a vore content toggle, implying we might get more vore, and turn it off, but I didn't see any toggle, I also didn't see a toggle for the ovipositation that the nursery crystal mentioned).

Also, when we ask for quest advice at a waygate, Damia mentions the pyramid, and it says it's future content(when it very much exists, and me having already finished it).

Oh yeah, we're also missing quite a bit of music from the pianos(Like the cool new battle theme that we've been hearing in most fights this whole game(the default battle music(just named "battle") only played when we fought the orc))!

And there's also a couple angels in Damia's temple that we can't speak to(one on the east side by a bed, and there other in the forge).

Missing image for the roulette rules.

EDIT: Correction, it's missing for roulette in general.

Random dude in the southwest house of the slums, is missing his face.

Random bald dude in shades outside the actual pub/inn in the slums is missing his face.

Green haired person in the maternity place in the east of the royal city lacks a face.

So does the teacher.

Hi, can you help me please? I talked with girl here ones and refuse to fihgt, then she disapeared and never showed up. What should I do to call her back?

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