The thing that stands out to me in a good way is the visual style. I am glad to see a space game. Both of us made space games, so maybe we can give each other more relevant feedback.
I also really like the music, although it did get a little repetitive after looping 4 times. I appreciated the gradual fading out and reverb of the music. I wish that you let the game be quiet for longer, or just had some kind of white / brown noise in the background, to let that quiet lonely atmosphere of space sink in even more. I also do wish the asteroid destroy sound was a bit quieter. Nonetheless, I was pretty happy with the audio overall.
I like that you can connect to stars and create planets orbiting the stars. I got into a situation where I moved one star right next to the other. I wish you could create a binary star system, where two stars orbit each other simultaneously. I totally get how this would be too ambitious for a game jam, but it would be cool to see in an updated build.
My only real issue with this game is I wish that it were level based, so I felt like I had more of a prescribed goal on what to do and how to proceed. In this case, I found a couple stars, made some solar systems, destroyed some asteroids, and then stopped playing. Take what I saw with a grain of salt, because I have the same issue with minecraft - it doesn't have a prescribed goal, and yet minecraft is overly successful. But yeah, I would have liked maybe to have two modes - an endless mode like this and a level mode with more structured and focused gameplay. I don't think this is a huge issue either, just affects me as a player.
I was very happy to see camera shake and particle effects used here. I keep recommending people with action-esque games to use camera shake, particle effects, and hit stop. I think you could also benefit from hit stop whenever you destroy an asteroid. Hit stop can be achieved in a coroutine like so:
IEnumerator hitStop(float hitStopTimeScale, float duration) { Time.timeScale = hitStopTimeScale; yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(duration); Time.timeScale = 1f; }
and call it with (below) where x = 0f and y = 0.2f
StartCoroutine(hitStop(x, y));