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  • In fairness to your fellow jammers, you may only submit your game to My First Game Jam.

Does this mean that I cant also submit to gdevelop, microsoft store, and other sites? before and after the contest?

Sorry for the confusion, we mean that you can only submit your game to one game jam. You can upload your games to other sites, but please do not submit another game you made for a different jam, as that isn't really participating in a game jam.

I joined another game jam yesterday so you're saying I can't submit there until this jam is over? . Only this jam follows that rule?.

other jams have same rule, e.g. Godot Wild Jam.

I havent seen other jams doing this so far.

Many jams have this rule below. I just saw it in their code of conduct: 

  • Games submitted to this jam CANNOT be submitted to other jams.

but it didnt say we couldnt join other jams which is what I was asking before.


You're free to join other jams, we only are concerned that you're submitting original work to this jam, as in a game you created specifically for this game jam.

Thanks for confirming!.