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Okay, I'm gonna be fully honest with this comment.

Sonic doesn't move too good, and honestly moves too much. His jump is too low, there's no movement constraint at all, which is pretty bad with things like springs that don't really even work right.

And, with springs, if you don't hit diagonal springs from the back, you get absolutely no momentum and will die.

Speaking of dying, which has no animation in this game(only getting hit does), and will just spawn you back at the last checkpoint like nothing ever. You'll die a lot in this game. If you try to do shortcuts just for fun, the game will retaliate and you'll end up dying because the physics of quite literally everything don't work together. Yeah, if you try to play the game normally without shortcuts, you'll also end up dying.
Why? Because of the jump and slopes.

If you try to walk/run down slopes, you don't, you "fall" off and go into jump-mode and can homing attack.

And speaking of the homing attack, it's a lie. It doesn't home-in on anything unless you're still and are facing it head-on. If you try to homing attack on enemies, you might end up just completely missing and nothing happens, or you hit the spot next to them which makes them hurt you, and you could end up dying because you can't kill them quick enough and they hit you again without rings. If you try to homingattack a spring, you mostly need to maneuver to hit them from the back to even get momentum, which you'll end up flying away if you do because you can still move at any point, and there's only one speed which is too fast.

Also, can we talk about the camera? It literally NEVER moves unless you move it, which is just awful when the camera is the one main thing that needs to work, and you can't move and use the camera since the camera is also quite slow and you need to switch from being able to jump to actually see.

Also, please! Make atleast a few movement constraints.
When using a spring, make it not let you move for a little bit(For a few springs like before the bridge, maybe just don't let it let you move until you're at the bridge). When you respawn, you instantly have control, which can cause you to die again because it spawns you in the air, where you can just fly away with the one-speed. So, when you respawn, make it spawn you on the floor next to it, and not let you move for a second.

For loops, please don't do the 06-thing where you only move when you run forward, and if you don't move you're stuck there. You either need to have those automated, or actually use invisible walls in places other than the ocean. 

The biggest problem are the ramps/normal pathway. As I said before, if you just walk down pathway that kinda just goes down, you're immediately in jump-mode, which makes it hard to walk because you don't. 

Honestly though, the 2nd/3rd worst problem is the lag. Every now and then, the game'll just drop to 0 frames at what feels like right before you jump.

Please, this game needs fixes. I get this game is probably just the 1st version, but this game is basically broken.

Yeah you're right lol. Didn't think through the physics engine tbh. For regular ground, you can only accelerate horizontally no matter what. On slopes and loops you always accelerate forward and gravity is disabled. I suspect that the best way to solve this is to always have forwards acceleration and animate the loops (which would have been a much simpler solution; 13-year-old spent wayyy too much time trying to get them to kind of quarter-function ). Also, acceleration to max velocity is too slow and there is too little friction, causing the weird siding. The lag is a problem with the unit web player (it does actually occur when you press the jump button because of weird garbage collection issues). Movement constraints and more fleshed-out systems would do good too. Perhaps I'll redo this game when I get the time.

Honestly, looking back at this, I seem so pissed at this game no working lol. I think I'm sorry? Lol god-