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So I enjoyed the game, but I found a few things that need more explanation. For example, my character had Aura, which reads "You are immune to enemy Aura." Sounds good, but then when I had an encounter that featured Aura the only description reads "All Animal, Humanoid, and Fey have a -1 when making an Opposed roll against you." 

So If I am immune to Aura that implies that I am immune to them having a -1 penalty, which means my special ability actually negates an advantage. 

Later, I had a Mutated Insect Swarm encounter. Mutated reads "Mutated creatures combine their stats and characteristics with another creature from their respective table. This is determined by rolling one six-sided die and consulting the current Season Table (treat the result as an Ace-6 result in the Spades column). If you roll an event or a duplicate creature, go to the nearest non-event or duplicate entry on the table." 

I rolled (and had to look under Clubs, not Spades, which is an error) and wound up combining with a Dream Eater. There is no explanation of how to combine the stats and abilities, so I just added them together. 

Insect Swarm has Health 3, Strength -1, Spirit 0, Survival 3, and Stealth -3. Dream Eater has Health 1, Strength -3, Spirit 2, Survival 0, and Stealth 0.

Adding them together I ended up with a Dream Insect Swarm that had Health 4, Strength -4, Spirit 2, Survival 3, and Stealth -3

Since it was a Survival challenge, it completely destroyed me. I accepted that, though I am not sure if it was correct given the lack of explanation for combining stats.

Aside from that bit of frustration, nice game.

Thank you for playing my game, I'm glad to hear you still enjoyed even with these frustrations. Let me apologize for any confusion up front, I'm no stranger to the fact that my first ever game has a few kinks in it lol. Comments like these seeking clarification are very helpful as a result.

Let's first address the aura. Always rule in your own favor. If you'd actually gain a disadvantage from a benefit, that's not intended.

The mutated scenario is actually one I've heard before and something I should add to the FAQ and mutated explanation section. You should combine with the first non-event creature, so in this case this combination should have been invalid. As a result it created this wildly unfair encounter.

I hope that clears things up and once again thank you for enjoying my game in spite of some issues. Hopefully, if you play again, it'll go a bit more smoothly.


Hi. That sort of helps. When I read the instructions to roll on the current table and "if you roll an event or a duplicate creature,..." I hadn't taken the Dream Eater to be an event. The table (Fall) calls the Dream Eater a "special  creature" and further down, lists Unimaginable Horror as an  event, so that seemed to differentiate them as separate categories.  I took the Dream Eater as just another part of the bestiary, though perhaps stronger than average. I didn't see it as an event.

For next time, does Mutated then simply mean adding the scores of two creatures together? Including Health? 

For my Aura question, I did play with it granting me a bonus, despite how it was written. I made an error in my first post: I wrote that I had Aura when I meant to say I had Indifferent (page 32).

Perhaps consider rephrasing Indifferent (currently "You are immune to enemy Aura") to something like "You have an aura of protection against certain enemies."

At any rate, the game is enjoyable. I have tried my hand at making games so I know it's not as easy as some might assume. I happen to think this is quite well made, even if there are a few minor points to touch up. I plan to recommend it to others.

I can't thank you enough for the kind words!

Yes, I see what you are saying here. I will make a note to check these items and see what revisions are possible for the next update.

For mutated, it should just be stats but I didn't specify so that's on me. Honestly, whatever makes for a more interesting encounter is fine though.