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(2 edits)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts, very good points you make, number 1 and 3 were things I considered for release, but ended up not implementing because I wanted the game out, was losing steam/motivation for developing it so I didn't want to be stuck trying to implement those features, even though it'd have been simple, but it was a lesson learned for next projects.

Number 2 I didn't even consider, I never thought about how I never specify which pickup is which, same with lives and bombs. It should have been there.

As for homing, it was also considered and implemented, but it made the game too easy, mainly because I didn't take the time to balance it around homing. That would have costed a lot of time so I ended up scrapping the second shot type.

Thanks again for your detailed feedback, I appreciate it a lot <3.

Have a nice day!

It would be nice if you were to try and implement the three points I mentioned in an update. Unfortunately, I felt discouraged to play the game due to those three points, but I will still pick it back up for that 1cc clear.