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I have ascended playing this game, I feel happy

Great music and art, even standing still inside the game and letting it idle feels nice, just enjoying the game gives. The story is short and nicely written, I love it!

A few bugs I found, my browser (chrome) didn't have sound, but the Windows version does have sound. Sometimes I get stuck when jumping but it can be fixed by minimizing and restoring the window again.

Feedback about Camera movement, lots of jumping around made me feel dizzy, had to adjust the screen size to play it.

Overall great game! I hope more people see and play this game!


Hi!  Thank you so much for checking out our game! Those are the exact vibes that we were hoping would come across!

We have looked into the sound issue in the browser version and realized that the game needs to be full screen for the music to play (and it should continue playing even if you minimize after).  I have edited our description to include this. Thank you so much for your feedback!