I thought about implementing controller support before because people complained about it, but I sadly have no idea how I would do that because of some mechanics later in the game. Believe me when I say that this game works really only on keyboard and mouse and you would handicap yourself with a controller if it had the option.
Also to be honest I have no idea what the problem with the keyboard controls even is. The control scheme is fairly standard for PC games and you don't need to twist your hands in crazy ways like if you were playing monster hunter on the ps2.
Of course I want to address this concern that so many people seem to have and the best idea I had for it was button remapping. Which is now fully implemented and will be uploaded as soon as possible.
The thing with the wall jump is that the problem with the stairs is just a natural consequence of having a wall jump to begin with. I can try to adjust the hitboxes a bit but it will probably never go away fully and I think people will just have to learn how to avoid wall jumping at the wrong time. But I will change a few things to make it better. I will add a sound when entering a wall and as mentioned adjust the hitboxes for the wall detection a bit.
Thank you very much for the feedback and playing though. Very much appreciated.