Beat it! Took me a while. Tricky but satisfying to figure out the correct route.
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Glad I discovered this track at the tail end. I agree that the orchestration here is phenomenal. Definitely some of the best I've heard in this jam. Very professional cinematic sound with, yes, some strong Williams vibes. My only feedback is that at times I had a hard time connecting the music with what the description suggests. Spindly Tower, for example is so bright and energetic and wonderful, yet I'm not hearing the unsettling experience of encountering the described abnormal hospital rooms. So this is to say, my only feedback is there is exceptional talent here that I think can be more integrated with the substance of the story. I loved listening to this though. A great highlight at the end of the jam. Thanks for making and sharing.
Really impressed by the restraint in these tracks. They gently take you by the hand and guide you along a journey rather than smashing you in the face. They take their time and let things develop. One of the more interesting and unique entries I've heard with a lot of artistry. Some minor feedback is the end of "Where no bubble dares to dwell" doesn't give me the sense of following a strange man showing the way out.
Also, a shout-out to the beautiful string harmonizing in "origins." Thanks for making and sharing these beautiful tracks.
I know I already commented but I want to add that the triumph of this ost is how clearly and effectively the music communicates the personalities of the characters and the meanings of the scenes. There are many skilled composers in this jam that excel at evoking moods with professional quality, but the tracks here have something to say, and they say it so clearly and convincingly. The music is full of life and personality and purpose. This is a rare skill and the mark of true artistry. It's inspiring.
The quality is top tier, as expected! I loved hearing the guitar and was impressed by the performance. Because I admire your work so much I want to give some candid feedback. It's no question you are extremely talented at evoking moods and weaving sound effects to create believable environments (top tier, truly), but I think the compelling vibes are too abstract and need something more concrete. I found myself enjoying the journey through the different textures and moods, but i didn't feel like I was getting to know the characters or the world better. I wanted the music to say, "this is who I am!!" Under all the grand, professional, cinematic sounds, who are these people, and what is this all about? I hope this is helpful feedback. Thanks for making and sharing.
Wow this is a compelling little OST. I breezed through it once and listened again and now am on my third listen. It's subtle and so quick but so evocative. It conveys the mood effectively in a minimalistic way but without losing interest. The detuning is masterfully used. The difference between the main game music is great--continues the theme with more urgency and anxiety. I loved it! Thanks for making and sharing.
This is a really impressive entry with a lot of compositionally rich tracks. People are right about velocity, though you can think about that compositionally in terms of dynamics. Everything sounds forte and is fatiguing for the listener, which is unfortunate because the compositions are quite beautiful. The intricate harpsichord and violin flourishes on The Royal House of Gralland were especially excellent. Another thing I would suggest for the future is adding interest by depending less on repeating ostinatos as the backbone of the song. People have mentioned mixing though haven't given too many specifics. Here's one: the low end is too high on some tracks. In Lily's Coffee Shop, for instance, which is a delightful respite from the heavy epic fantasy sounds (Last Stand in a Hopeless Battle was SO epic!), the bass is dominating most sounds. I've given a lot of feedback because I really admire the artistry and sweat here and hope to hear more, even better work in the future. Thanks for making and sharing!
Probably the scariest entry of the jam but I was warned. I think my favorite was NOW BEAR WITH ME (ALSO TOO SCARY). It's got a great groove. I see several people commenting about volume. I didn't think it was too bad, tbh. In any case, here's a free tool that can help in mastering: Helps you figure out how loud the mix is and how loud the peaks are. Thanks for making and sharing!
Nice piano work. The melody is nice. People have given you good feedback on making it sound more lifelike and dynamic. You might also consider adding some variation to the bassline (e.g., not always ending the lines on what I think is the 7th of the chord), but the composition overall is good. Thanks for making and sharing!
Wow, these compositions are so vibrant and richly detailed! Creative and compelling work. This was a fun listen. Let the adventure begin immediately pulls you in. The interplay of the piano, flutes, and strings in Home is serene. The orchestration is good throughout. My small suggestion is I think mixing could be improved in some tracks. For example, the percussion is very distant in Playing in the Sand. Also I really loved Playing in the Sand--the weaving melodies are so good (honestly some of the best composition work I've heard so far)--but I found myself wanting some more variation in the song, maybe in terms of dynamics or something. I'm not exactly sure how to explain it but it's like it rode a line the whole time without wavering. Excellent work. Thanks for making and sharing!
Fascinating tracks and world here. When I first started listening (Bad End played first) I thought it was a pretty chill game until it suddenly switched and I read that this is an RPG Horror! That was a fun surprise. I appreciate the added detail of the phone recording on FIGHT! The Phone Line! - Sunny. I think Bad End was my favorite track. The distortion guitar over the chromatic bass created a cool discordant sound that felt very fitting. Thanks for making and sharing.