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yeah insulting the player in whats typically supposed to be the "good ending" doesnt feel good :( i had already assumed you made the mc look the way he looks for a reason but reading you directly use his appearance as an insult was just so rude imo. yeah, i do actually look a little like this guy. theres nothing intrinsically wrong with being fat and playing video games. im assuming you thought it was funny, but to a certain audience it really just feels more like getting slapped in the face. did you not want people to play this game? why would you tell us it was a waste of time to do so?

also, telling me i havent seen the videos when the only reason i downloaded this game was because i watched your video about it? odd choice.

(4 edits)

@mosterfurr - I feel so bad, I'm sorry for actually causing insult, I never thought for a second someone would take offense and that wasn't my objective! As I mentioned in my above reply, the only way I would ever dare to insult someone is if they knew 100% that I was just being over the top and not actually talking about them or describing them personally in any way. It was super lazy writing and tbh I didn't even think it was that funny, I just had to pump out an ending. With the "you haven't seen the channel?" Line Idk what I was thinking really. Maybe trying to roast myself a little by imagining a player who doesn't even know who I am? (I was imagining more people finding the video through I knew at the time it didn't really make much sense but kept it in because I was pressed for time. Same thing with saying that it was a waste of time playing the game. 100% just self deprecating, but not really inspired comedy.

Just want you to know that in referencing the MC's appearance I was not trying to rip on people's appearances - I am ok with ripping on people who spend so much time at their computer that they look physically exhausted, because that's what I do 😄 but I don't feel embarrassed about my lifestyle and don't think anyone else should so I don't consider that an actual insult. and when I was designing him I wasn't even thinking about him looking "fat", the reason I chose those proportions was because I like compact, dense characters in games - just like chibi characters are not thin if you think about it and every south park character has the same proportions. In the same way I'm not trying to rip on people with big heads.

I'm really unhappy with the end scene dialogue now even knowing that there's a chance people might feel it's mean. and I'm going to change it straight away.

Just want to also paste my other reply here

Ok I'll change it! I was very unclear in the end, that one line was meant to be comparing the player to the MC's appearance not the big duck's weight, and I wanna be clear: there's absolutely nothing wrong with being "ugly" either - I love the way he looks or obviously I would have not designed him like that - in my mind he was sort of in that very haggard state because he spends so much time at his computer / has been out of sun so long he's literally shrivelled and grey, I was referring to his state of health being sort of tragic because he's a game dev. If anything I'm making fun of myself as well as the player here, but it's not very clear. I don't actually think of myself like that, nor do I actually imagine the player like that. The humour I was trying to go for was "I'll rip on the player, they will see that it's clearly a completely over the top, unfair criticism since obviously I don't know anything about them and have no right to comment, but they won't be able to fight back and will therefore find it funny."
When I was writing the dialogue lines there, not only was I REALLY short on time and super sleep deprived (a combination which maybe inevitably results in going for the low hanging fruit kind of humour 😄), but I was not thinking about an actual person at the other end of this, or trying to say anything real. When I say "When was the last time you went outside?" I'm also thinking about myself. I hadn't been outside in 2 weeks because of my lifestyle choices in making this game! so didn't even consider the fact that someone might ACTUALLY feel like I was talking about them or being serious with my roasts. In fact when I read the first comment of this thread I thought OP had had the desired response, being faux-insulted. I didn't realise until I just read all these comments today that people were actually taking offense, but I get it. The "you smell, have a bath" joke was also mostly thrown in there as well so that I could make reference to the rubber ducky.
All I wanna say is that it was a quickly written joke and while it may come off as mean-spirited, it was absolutely not meant with any hint of seriousness or judgment of someone's actual lifestyle. If I told someone to have a bath in real life, you can guarantee 100% that they do not smell and that they're a good friend, I would never want to actually offend anyone 😂 I will change it though, sorry all!