How can I get Ste's sex scene with mc?
Maybe that should be classified as lewd scene instead of sex scene, since it could be confusing. Given the way the OP frased the question, I thought he already knew that there weren't anal sex scenes and didn't remember how to unlock the scenes we already have/wanted to know if he unlocked all the scenes we already have. In any case it doesn't make sense to discuss about it, since the OP wanted to know if there was an anal scene and I made the mistake of answering every lewd scene I knew.
That I know, the only reason why I'm showing it like this is because I happen to refer to penetration (mostly anal) sex, and describing what was happening during that scene... and still saying "it didn't go like that at all"..?
But you're right sex isn't always anal. But what should I lie and tell a blowjob scene is sex too?