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Cool! It's simple but also honest considering the little time you could dedicate
I liked the smooth colored circle animation and the fact it travels back when restarting
Also, it's really nervous, but the music fits and is really relaxing, nice to take a break
(I got 3 066 070m)nsnsnsnsnsn

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for playing! As you said I couldn't take much time for this to be honest, but I'm happy that you are satisfied with the atmosphere of this game.

P.S. You mean 3,066.070m? (in the US way of commas and periods :-)

(1 edit)

Yes, I definitely meant that, thanks for the correction :D
I made another try to see how it was displayed: 7032.308 !

(2 edits) (+1)

Over 7000[m] blew my mind!