It is, you have to wait 3 days in game to listen to the records, just sleep 3 times and you will be able to open them
Viewing post in The DeLuca Family comments
I watched recording 4, waited 3 days, watched recording 5, waited 3 days and talked to her. Same loop minus waiting 3 days to talk to her. watched 5 waited 3 days, watched 5 waited 3 days and talked to her. same loop minus last 3 days and talked to her. Nothing seems to be working. All the journal says all I need is Friends of a friend are my friends? I'm at a loss of what to do. She's always lying there reading books in the afternoon.
I have 2., 4., 5. and 6. Recording.
Interesting. I rewatched the 6. recording again after loading the save today, and immediately got the 7. recording.
Just to be clear, I wachted all recordings I had almost every (or every second) day.
Maybe the trigger was bugged and got 'reloaded' again with loading the save.
Though, I have no further progress, I shall wait a couple ingame-days to see if it works now, since I got the 7th now.
So, sleept through ~3 days and rewatched all recordings. After listening to the 7th again, the quest got triggered.
I think I can confirm now, that this quest is bugged.