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Not a good game.

The difficulty is kind of off as if you choose Saviours the game is way too easy and if you choose Destroyers the game is way too hard but in a bad way which brings me to my next point.

Enemies, In saviour mode the enemies aren't much of a hassle but when you are playing in Destroyer the enemies feel straight up unfair, since the player can neither dash nor speed up there is almost no way to dodge the enemy bullets especially because of their speed, so the only way to kill enemies is to go far enough away that their bullet despawns but yours doesn't allow you to cheese them, and kill them.

The gameplay is fairly boring as its never challenging enough in saviour mode that you run the risk of death and in destroyer mode its almost impossible to actually make decent progress without cheesing the enemies like I stated, and even if the game's difficulty was balanced it would still be fairly boring as there is only one enemy type with the only variation being size. 1/5 stars

The level is very straightforward and doesn't feature any landmarks its pretty much just a path to earth made up of white blocks, additionally, the enemies are very poorly designed as there is pretty much no way to kite them, your best bet is to take cover behind a corner as obstacles and other objects are pretty much non-existent apart from the earth itself and as I previously said corners. 1/5 Stars


The music sound like its made to be as annoying as possible, it essentially a lot of high pitched chirp like sounds, kind of sounds like you just clicked on random squares in bosca ceoil and called it a day, however, you do have a shooting sound which helps redeem the music category a little bit. 2/5


Pretty much as bland and as non-creative as you can get, the idea of good vs evil is for one very cliche and not very creative, additionally, the theming doesn't really change up the gameplay as choosing if you are good or evil just changes how hard the game is and whether you shoot at earth or not.

2/5 stars


The only thing you did get decently right was geometricness, this is a very straightforwards category, since everything is fairly geometric you get 5/5 stars.

Overall rating: 2/5 Stars

Wouldnt recommend playing unless you absolutely had to or ran out of other games to play.

thanks for the feedback this was my first time adding enemy ai and I'm not the best at music but thanks for the feedback I will make sure to use some of the feedback in my next game


No problem at all! For being your first time implementing enemy AI you did it quite nicely, eiterways keep up the good work and have a nice day