Hello, I really loved the concept of your game, the music and art is very beautiful and interesting, I especially love the character sprites on the dialogues. I also liked the idea of cultivating the seeds of the world so that you can achieve the goal.
At first it was confusing to what the goal is but I enjoyed just jumping around the world. I would love to have more maps(?)/level design(?) as it gets tend to repeat that I almost memorized where I should be going but with the time given, I think it was already good enough content. I don't know but the gliding sound bothers me like it feels unnatural. Also, I didn't like how the house just shoots me out and I usually end up in the void T^T maybe you can just let the player jump from the house on their own?
However, I really enjoyed the game as I played for almost an hour just jumping around, it was a nice experience.
P.S. I definitely loved the red mushrooms jumping around when I go near them