Can't say anything bad about the audio-visual side of the game. Music is good, pixelart is also good.
Personaly, I would like to see what certain orb does by simply holding it in a place for a second instead of having to open the help menu. Not a big problem since most people will memorize what they do quickly anyway.
The difficulty seems way too high to me, but I fully admit that I'm a scrub and I don't play games like this very often. To me, it seems enemies have like 4x as many HP as they should have, considering they like to block very often too. I did four runs and I always defeated like one or two encounters before dying. Personaly, I would put in some kind of system that scales the amount of HP they have after each encounter. So the first encounters much easier. But as I said, I suck at these games so it is quite possible the the fault is on me.