Got to the end and I think I got the true ending based on the response to my answer.
- I would've liked to have gotten to know the characters a little more before the plot took off, but the characterization that did happen was pretty solid and time-efficient.
- Some pretty good tense moments throughout and I enjoyed the manner of detective work involved.
- The writing was actually funny when it tried to be and thankfully it tried pretty selectively
- Some slight gripes with the inconsistencies between the styles of some of the backgrounds, even though I would've liked either the hand-drawn style and the edited photo styles individually.
- I liked the art, although some of the characters looked a little similar to each other (I spent some of the game expecting that to be a plot point of some sort)
- Despite the large amount of writing, I only saw a single typo the whole way through ("Some of the entires (entries) seemed to cut off..." when looking through the journal)
I really enjoyed this game and was left wanting to know more about the setting and characters. I was impressed with how much story/world-building/characterization was fit in a relatively short package; a lot of games say less with more words.