I love this game!! it's like match-3 remix with checkers vibe. imho you could really run with this. lol pls don't gum this up with microtransactions or something, this is too pure.
unless it's buying an undo function*, or different skins (carapaces?) for the bugs.
if it's not already in queue, I'd go hard for some decent snappy music. check a thesaurus for your game title? 'join' will not move mountains, i think. i wanna picture some cute bugs joining appendages and frolicking around in a circle. chain, maybe? idk. catchier. and if you haven't already, it's worth it to run this through accessibility checks. I personally think your beetle has enough contrast, you did a great job on those designs, but i'm not colorblind and don't have multiple screens to test. *it's easy to make a mistake on the diagonals, which I do like, for the concentration, but remember there are tons more people in the world with shaky hands