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A member registered May 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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what a fantastic palette. and how it works at any zoom is *chef's kiss* talented and thoughtful artistic work

like clint barton, great at boats !

ahhh i love these details! i like how the sprites clearly fit in as well

look this may seem weird but this particular palette - a while back another artist posted something similar and it set my brain on fire. i don't normally like these colors, i am more about warmer jewel tones. but here it is:
theirs is like under a harsh street lamp, and on my monitor yours is more under the interior fluorescent lighting

idk if you know them but you could go set some other brains on fire ?? i can't explain why it gets me, it just does!

Thank you! Beautiful!

ok we're dense today - first of all incredible work. love the timing. we'll just pretend there's supposed to be a player piano in the room like the old moving picture days!

anyway, how did you do the art? was this directly into decker? did you start in one program - and how was it prepped for decker? 

i'm sure this is super obvious somewhere but i'm thunk skull today

(1 edit)

i didn't realize this was pixel art at first! i haven't seen this style since the days of casual flash games. no, correction: there was a lot of (share-ware) games for home computers, also. very nostalgic! it "reads" very well both close and at a distance. i like it

did his arm lop off? :o

wicked :)

i love him

just the right amount of bounce that translates well when they get small. the fluid, kinda toon way the stride unfolds. and the ears!

(1 edit)

new all time favorite

i think my limit is having the two castles, one level higher than the other. once they hit the board, i'll top out around 7000+ 

anyone get further? edit: nm the screenshots loaded. apparently yes!

i love the contrast and how legible everything is. a nice shine, you're doing cool stuff with light

your light and shadow is superb. i love the cloud details, esp those wisps that get blown off the tops. even the trees which are somewhat neutral fit right in and are visually interesting. the details in the silhouettes are so charming!

i'd prepare for people to edit, tho, if sticklers want to correct the moon to be a full sphere

oh how cute! i like the variety 

is editing okay?

......i'm wondering if OP is colorblind bc *esp* with motion it looks pretty clear to me. but if you resolve all the similar colors together + the background you picked for samples, i guess the perception will seem blobby. i mean, you could accommodate for colorblindness and lack of contrast, but at some point you have to focus on making sure your art will translate to all monitors... like without a whole team of artists, and with specific art styles, accessibility can only go so far.

i mean you gave them all moving knee joints, that's not easy

and i view a number of pixel artists who produce animations in exactly this size and subject area. switch your background up and see if it makes a difference?

yesssss you have books with spines out as well as covers up!  haha i've made a pest of myself on a bunch of book assets, asking the same question. i see your omnibus editions, very nice!

nowwww how about scrolls? challenge! how about... open scrolls! ooooh. 

(we the nerds will probably also insist there is a mysterious bookshop cat.)

just like in real life, such struggle to find that one thing to put in the corner. thumbs up~

oh wow these are stunning. and nostalgic!

i hope you dont mind a technical question, bc i am rather rubbish at colors - if i were to make moon phases, do you suggest a step over in hue or in reducing brightness? or both? to make the shadow. i know enough to simply keep the moonglow in place, but creating a shadow that still shows the moon's features means i'm moving the pixel colors over... somewhere. in the palette.

nice, 5 stars. it's surprisingly difficult to find these, in this level of detail

if someone's lost on edits, i would suggest adding safety and danger signage, like in the center of that barrier. osha thanks you ;)

hello i just wanted to show you how we're editing your roof for our little project - it's not a game just a dollhouse kind of mock-up. up close we really got to see the detail in your work. tysm

bangus! it's been so long. even though we can get them frozen, it's not in our budget any longer. i'll still fite u 4 milkfish belly

what i really like is they're all instantly recognizable and readable. i think they'll do well in light and dark environments. although... ehehe. i'd probably narrow or recolor the bendy straw ... it's a tiny bit worm-ish

This is really fascinating, thank you for the detailed reply. i guess i'm very attached to 2D - for dimensional effects those assets just generally include an optional shadow file or a whole new copy with shadows attached. That is something new to consider!

i have asked this of other book makers so its not just you - have you considered making the spines of books? so we can load bookshelves like most book owners do

wow ~

when you get there, ube is some purple yam ... its products will be purple, not itself raw

it's them. it's the meats

yes!! i have been looking for different breeds for ages. they look great

this is very beautiful! magnificent!

it's everything i never knew i wanted. blackberry yesss! so unpopular, the pips are part of the charm

the ramps as cake slices, brilliant. maybe layer cake ramps? tho truly unsure how that stripe would look. ummm shoot i spent all my suggestions with another cake artist it's all dribbled out, let me think. sprinkles? in actual baking i'd suggest nuts but that doesn't really fit your vibe and they tend not to be legible. slivered almonds? cut the long way they look like petals. citrus is too big, unless you do sugared thin wedges, cut in four, and then that'll allow for games/design to quilt-piece the fourth's.

look at all my natural ingredient suggestions, lol. i am an icing purist (my country of origin puts way too much butter in their frosting) so you could just expand the palette of frosting colors and i'd be all over that

om nom nom

ready for lady & the tramp!

your animations have great rhythm to them. probably easy to sync music to. nice

it's a banana tree that looks like a banana tree [single tear] these dudes look great. although i guarantee some spongebob fans will pile you for that pineapple lol. but i like it, this is a good balance of style and accuracy

(also listen. you guys. parsnips are legit.)

adding to my collection~


coff. i mean the animation looks awesome

love how clean the linework is, almost retro, and your animations are so bouncy. secret door!!!

I LOVE this! I wish we were still in Flash game era bc this would fit a third of the indie devs then. maybe twine, now. very much appreciate the vinyl "pop"s which are just right, not too distracting or over-produced.

your 70s vibe is right on, btw. there's a whole set of (technically speaking? country) music from that period that was perfect for endless highway roadtrips. mesmerizing and profound. well done



i do love the color red and i like how all of them are legible

feeling 1000x more ready for skeleton war

i -love- your palette. it has just the right amount of contrast on the outlines. thats just magic to make the subtle details readable in pastels

(tho... that coconut's lookin a wee bit chunk on the trunk - girth is less than 2 mature coconuts wide at most. no worries on style choices but proportions might cut into how recognizable. could we edit, tho...?)

your tree game is outstanding, that well is badass; i want to point out the plank paths, which i don't think i've seen represented in any pixel art sets. this is historically accurate with a lot of woodland settlers - plank roads may look more like boardwalks irl but this is a great way to show wilderness trails. 

if we were to change anything, we'd slow down the water cycle, at least to de-sync it with the flames - but this isn't a criticism, we just want to point out to devs that this is an easy stylistic mod that could sync up with one's music.

chef's kiss. love it


also thank you so much for splitting the files. probably a lot of work but some dl's are like, we physically can't lol. anyway we appreciate

ooo this is impressive. i was already like uh huh cool and then we got to the shadow contours. very nice