Did another proxy deck today, including some art by QV. Keep in mind the frames are a work in progress and not final.
From top to bottom:
- Cost in Essence, threshold (you need to have this many Assets of that Essence to play this card, but don't need to spend Essence specifically from those assets: this costs 2 Essence and needs one Numinous Asset), card name, subtitle, set marker (currently on the default, Strike Engine).
- Art and typeline. This is a Monster, indicated by the typeline and the heart symbol.
- Rules text. This creature is Flying, which makes it impossible to attack unless it attacks first, and a Sentinel, which makes it ready up after attacking so it can block. For this reason, it's a bit understatted for the cost (by default, monsters have about double it's cost in stats and one HP). Note also the Asset marker - in the final card, this will be upside-down and on the bottom of the card, but you can play any card as an Asset of the Quintessence required to play it. If there was room, I'd add lore text beneath this in italics.
- Statline and subtypes. Final card may move up the subtypes, but it's also fine as an extension of the lore text. Attack and defense work the way you think they do from Power and Toughness in MtG, but when a monster loses a fight (would be destroyed in MtG), it takes a Wound instead, marked with a counter. If it has as many wounds as it has Hit Points (lower right), then it's Knocked Out and placed in the discard.
Working on the rulebook but this is essentially ready for playtesting next week.