Day #2 -
The Plan:
So for the second day I wanted to work on some advanced mechanics that would build on top of the previous ones. Here's what I had in mind:
- Enemies generator
- Hazards generator
- Player health bar
- Enemy health bar
Game timer
* I wanted to work on the Game timer to display the duration the player has lasted before dying. Unfortunately, I got stuck on some stuff and had to move this one to the next day.

Insights -
Today I feel like it took me a bit more time to get things going. I wanted to find the right way to create the spawning mechanism so I can easily use it with any game object I need. Although it took more time than I wanted, I think I managed to come up with something pretty useful with the help of a Brackeys video.
I also, spent a bit of time trying to understand why the health bar isn't showing correctly above the enemy but I eventually figured it out.
There's still some touch up work I need to do with each spawning manager but overall I'm pretty happy with the end-result.