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Day 2 - July 3rd

For this day, I started segregating the concept into elements and actions. With that in mind, I’ve come up with the following:


  • Player
  • Mates
  • Supplies
  • Barricades
  • Bullets
  • Enemies


  • Player can move, be hit by a shot, pick and give a supply to a Mate.
  • Mates can move, be hit and take a shot into Enemies and receive a supply from Player.
  • Supplies cannot move, can be taken from Player and be give to a Mate.
  • Barricades cannot move, stops shots.
  • Bullets can move as a shot made from a Mate or Enemy, stops on barricades, hits Player, Mates and Enemies and slow health from them. 
  • Enemies can move, be hit and take a shot into Mates.

After that, I started to work in the prototype, building the foundation to create the Player and Mates on an early stage. I’ve also made the Player movement, without any collision checks. It took all my time today, which the result below:

Pretty cool, right?

All the code are in the game’s repository on GitHub.

And that's for today's work. Tomorrow I hope to evolute in the collision between then, create the barricades and start to create some automatic movement on the Mates.

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See ya!