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day 2!!

so, today!

I was too overwhelmed to figure out any code, so I did what I'm good at and worked on sprites and backgrounds.

I made the background for the room where the majority of the Visual Novel aspect of the game will be,

which I'm happy about! I also "connected" it to the delivery room so it's useable.

And I also made the sprites and objects of the ingredients for the recipe/cooking part of the game and put them into their room.

I planned out how the cafe delivery room is gonna actually look, brainstormed more about the characters and story, and stuff like that.

I started working on the object dragging-- my plan is that I can drag the objects/ingredients to a star slot on the right, and they'll snap in place there or back where they were, but that's gonna take some research ToT

that's where I ended the day! It felt like I didn't do much because it's just pictures and not actual game code, but I gotta remind myself that every bit counts, and I think I'm making great progress!

My plan for tomorrow is to figure out dragging the objects. It's a holiday where I am so I actually won't have time for much. So I'll postpone the rest of the day's plans-- making a recipe popup, and brewing system/sequences-- to the 5th.

I'm still scared by the thought of having to code all this and figure it out lol, but if I take it step by step, then I can do it, i think! The best way to be less intimidated is just to start :)