@Sokpop, the food-problem still isn't solved. My meat isn't picked up from the ground and they don't kill the chickens...
They also don't cut down trees to get the berries or burning charcoal for the cook pot. The relation to 'food' isn't here yet aren't? Look at the screenshot i made.

Plenty of food and they still starve to death =( they only concentrating on harvesting that wheat and seawheat and that don't give enough food for them.
The chickens on the left are also not moving, like they`re stucked or something.
They also build their paths over the lava and oil tiles, so they disappear after a while =/
After a short period (like 10-20 Minutes in game) they also don't craft anymore. Means no pickaxe or axe to cut down trees or ores.
That are the main problems yet. And i don't know if it`s only me, but the tool-icons in the human info are pretty small now. I would take a screenshot of that too, but they don't pick up anything anymore because lack of food.
PS: Because they don't cut down trees anymore, they also can't build more farms =/ so late game is pretty hard to reach