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(3 edits)

Here to share my two cents after completing 12/20:

I sadly couldn’t complete or find even a single minigame. I looked but just couldn’t find anything and I understand that’s my fault entirely, but I wanted to state it as I can’t judge any of the mini games. 

Massive upgrade from the first game in every single aspect. More diverse characters with more interesting mechanics.

The gameplay boils down to listening to audio cues to eliminate threats in the halls/vent while balancing the threats on the camera. You try and stay on the cams as little as possible so you can react to the cues as fast as possible. This ends up creating a balance between checking the cams to stop Demon lady/Streamer lady and reacting to threats. All audio cues can be heard if you listen hard enough, and the fact that every movement and action you make is ALSO an audio cue increases the difficulty and forces you to be ultra-aware of every single noise. There were multiple times in my 12/20 run that I had to check everything because I closed a door/ran into a hallway and was scared that I missed an audio cue for a girl that would enter the hallways or vent. 

Suki in 12/20 mode is basically a non-factor and can be ignored. In fact, she’s actually less dangerous than the more “basic” girls because, even if her balloon is filled, she’ll return back to it instead of going to your office. Shit, I’m not complaining. Made the game mode a little easier. Her mechanics are incredible though and it’s a shame that they can be ignored. Maybe it’s just an AI issue?

Cindy was sadly also a non-factor. You could ignore her on cameras and shut the door in her face and immediately re-open it with little consequence. Maybe adding more of a energy drain if she hits your door? I ended the night with plenty leftover power so it’d raise the stakes 

Streamer dragon girl (idk half their names lol) was honestly the most well balanced girl in the game imo. Gave an important reason to consistently check the cameras and put pressure on the player to do everything quickly as to avoid her leaving stream to come to your office. Simple character with an easy mechanic that adds lots of complex decision making. Great job from the team here. I would be lacking to not say that Streamer girl would talk even when the monitor was off. At first I felt frustrated because it made it harder to listen to audio cues, but this was easily avoided by swapping cameras. Yet, another example of increasing the skill ceiling for players. Still can’t tell if this is a bug or not though

Demon lady has most intriguing and unique game design. The entire idea of having to search the cameras to find her was incredibly fun at first, until you realized she only spawned in two locations. There are probably a lot more limitations here that led to there only being two spots, but the fact that she pressured you to check the cameras was really good for creating stress on the player. I feel like the player was given just a bit too much leeway with how much time was given to actually find her, but give not enough time and it could be unfair to play against. Overall, really interesting and good character to balance the game out. 

Paranoia was also interesting, but could be easily negated by having her advertisements all piled up on the right half of her screen. Since she had a limit on the amount of ads that could show up at one time, if you get good RNG, you can basically eliminate her from the run as early as 1:00.  As long as you were able to click the streamer tab, streamer heart, cameras and locations involving the demon then you were fine. Maybe this could be balanced out by adding more locations for the demon lady to spawn, forcing you to actually close them? Or having the advertisements randomize everytime you check the camera. Although that could also seem infuriating and be extremely inconsistent. 

And the rest of the girls I consider “basic” in the sense that they don’t have any interesting mechanics until they get into your office. Although I gotta say that the fact that every basic girl has their own way to cancel their attack (Therapist = leave room, Pink haired lady = Flash at right time, Burger lady = Knock tray) and keep a run going is an extremely nice touch, and makes runs more forgiving while also increasing the skill ceiling of the player. 

Now the girls were Incredible, but man every other aspect of the game is amazing. Everytime I died, I was able to think to myself “I died, but it could’ve been avoided if played better” No single mechanic felt too overturned and the way how the audios overlap to create confusion for the player is genius. The atmosphere truly did make me feel like I was in a feeder attraction, and the voice acting was impeccable. 

I don’t have much to say about the interview sections because quite frankly, I don’t think there’s anything to say. The only thing I could think of is that sometimes the objective was a little hard to pick up on. For example, it took me like 6 attempts to realize that the Demon Queen’s goal was to move your mouse away from the *side the paper was on*, not just the paper itself. This could also be a personal issue against me, and I’d completely understand. Afterall, I couldn’t find a single minigame lol

Overall, incredible game. I had an amazing time playing this and truly felt like I pushed the games mechanics to its limit upon beating it. This was a fantastic job from every side and smashed all expectations I had.

And this was for FREE??? You guys deserve so much more than you’ll get for all of this. Easily an S tier FNAF game, much less a belly fetish game. Great job team :))