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I purchased the game recently but haven't had much time to play it. I did enjoy the 45 minutes or so I did get. One thing that bothered me was the interaction with buildings. Having to click the building then hit "E" to interact gets old. I would prefer either clicking opens the UI or if  close enough and facing it "E" will open the UI.
I am looking forward to getting back into it.

Thanks for your feedback. I will try to make the object menu open by double clicking, while the old method will also be preserved, that is, I will say this, I will add another way to open the object menu. In the next update, one of these days.

Will this method be more convenient for you?

It's better but maybe a single right click would be better? I always prefer a single action when possible.

(1 edit)

I'm sorry but no, the right click is already busy by shooting

Doh. No problem. I’ll get used to whatever it is. 

Now you can open inventory by double clicking