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I'm semi inactive at the moment due to circumstances beyond my control and I haven't really heard from anyone lately, so I'm not sure what's going on. There may be another mod people are using for this now or something. This was requested of me by the guys who's link I sent you, so I wrote it and made it public.

When I get back to things, I will likely add some form of animal production placeable to the mod itself. As I said, there was supposed to be a bunch of them coming out back when I wrote this.

In the meantime, there are two I've seen on the net that use a different process. One is called Slaughter House and Animal Auction and the other is called Ricci Slaughterhouse. You do not need this mod for either of those.

The other option is to just make one. In the sdk folder of this mod is an animal trigger i3d template as well as an example xml for how to add animal production to an existing placeable.

Those are your choices at the moment. I have no control over who makes what, I just provided the functionality for people to use. Hope that helps.