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(1 edit)

Thanks for all the effort you put into these fixes. That said... look, this isn't the superpower I wanted, but it's the one I have. Dev vs Production is a bitch, ain't it?


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "vtuber_webcam.pyx", line 318, in init vtuber_webcam

  File "vtuber_webcam.pyx", line 176, in vtuber_webcam.App.__init__

  File "avatar.pyx", line 61, in plugins.avatar.VPlugin.create

  File "gltf.pyx", line 88, in plugins.avatar.glb_read

  File "/home/[username]/Downloads/vtuber-webcam-linux-64 (1)/", line 172, in update

  File "converter.pyx", line 58, in plugins.avatar.KConverter.load_skin

IndexError: list index out of range

Looks like some troubles with importing model's armature or mesh. Does it have both armature and mesh? How did you exported the model?

(1 edit)

My usual model is one from VRoid Studio, but this was me trying to open a freshly downloaded copy of the app. Couldn't open the first window, much less import my own model.

I ran a test and replaced "xbot.vrm" with a model that worked in the first version I tried. Got the same error. I'm going to redownload it and see if there's anything I messed up by accident.

(1 edit)

I think I fixed it in the new version.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hey there, a quick update. I solved my latest problem (for myself) yesterday with the latest version. Basically if you try to reduce the number of bones (and possibly the polygons) during the export process in VRoid Studio, the app will throw that inverse bind matrices error thing. It seems to work better with models that have been largely left intact during export.

With that, everything seems to function just fine. Thanks for all your hard work.

I see. Thanks for the info. Now I know where those models (with missing inverse bind matrices) are coming from.