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So I got this game assigned at the Secret Santa 2018 thread. I like the artstyle and its resolution very much, but I didn't really like the 4:3 aspect ratio (prefer 16:9). Aside from some collision glitches and a good amount of tile passibility bugs, the systems implemented in this game work surprisingly well together. But something I do want to point out is that it would be really nice to put a character in front of the forest which prevents the player from walking in unarmed. That was the first thing I did the first 2 tries and died immediately at the first encounter (also, please make a custom game over screen and choose another font, they don't go well with the artstyle). I also would've liked to see diagonal movement, be or with diagonal sprites or not. The first few minutes (and still a bit) the goal of the game were a bit unclear to me. But that passed away rather quickly as I followed the game and did what it told me to do. Overall the game was just fine but I don't really know how it would expand to not be an Animal Crossing clone with some classic style rpg fighting elements which I'm not sure of people in that genre would like to play (also if ABS is implemented, it's about the fighting aspect itself).


That's a great suggestion in regards to the fighting system! I'm embarrassed to admit it was implemented last and not given the proper attention it deserved. I can still make some things clearer to the game, and have a running list of things to fix or finish once the contest has ended.

In regards to how it would expand, maybe I didn't make the "to be continued" ending clear enough? The idea was to have a vibrant village with lots of optional game play (thus constituting her last days as a teenager/not-quite adult), while the "post game" (2nd chapter more like) is her response to the ending and her subsequent adulthood. What apprenticeship did she choose and how will that further affect her life and how she deals with the events in the ending? What skills did she neglect to learn and how will that further affect her path in life? The plan is to add further apprenticeship opportunities, with further crafting and a more balanced fighting system (think of rune factory, a major inspiration for this, which has a pretty huge following). I try not to include any spoilers in my responses, but the whole rest of her journey is the potential, we only got to see her beginnings (it just happened to be longer than a typical rpg would include).

Ah I hope you managed to read my mini rant, I'm still pretty passionate about the project, and I really respect you for having played and rate my game. The feedback I get really helps me grow as a game developer! Thank you very much!!