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Hello! I have a question.

Could I use this game jam as a way to develop an idea for my game?  

Of course I don't mean I would be submitting my current game as I know that would break the rules. I mean more like start a new game project and come up with a story that fits the jams theme. If I like the idea and story I make, I might fit it in to my actual game that I am working on. 

This means I would use 2 pre-existing characters I made, however the story and mechanics would be new for this jam and development of the actual project would begin once I confirm its ok. 

You can use the same IP as previous projects. The Jam game cannot be started before the start date of the submission period, meaning you can't use any work you did in the engine before that period, but you can use assets you already made or used previously.

Perfect! Thank you for the reply. :D