The few updated news are given only on the Patreon page. The new update is/was supposed to be released for Patreon fan's 1-month exclusivity last week (or this week). We, on, gets the updates (called "public") 1 months after the Patreon (called "Experimental")
Would be great, but as there's no news on the Patreon page regarding the supposedly planned release from 2 weeks back and as I'm not a Patreon myself, I can't tell what is going on either way. I'm just exchanging the information that is displayed on the public page of the Patreon's page.
Has the Experimental new version been released as planned? Dunno. Last public news was that it delayed 1 week (it was supposed to be released around the week of 29th June). Considering the "no news", it's possible that it got delayed again for an extended period of time. (
If the Experimental Patreon-1-month-exclusive release was delayed, then it's also delayed for the 1-month-later release here.