Hi there!
I just bought this game and after running a few missions seem to be having trouble... equipping weapons. This started when I unequipped my base weapon once to view its stats in the list, and then forgot to re-equip before going off on a transport mission. When I got to the next station, I noticed shortly after the dropoff I didn't have any ability to fire, and realized I needed to equip something. When I went to do it, it just gave me an error message (same as in below screenshot). I later saved up enough, sold this weapon, and bought a new fancy one, but was greeted with the same message.
Am I doing something wrong? This is displayed every time I click the Equip button
Again, steps were (as I recall):
1. Unequip weapon
2. Start transport mission
3. Warp to new sector
4. Complete transport mission (and fly a bit)
5. Come back to base and realize I cannot equip anymore.
I had previously been able to unequip and re-equip just fine.