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A member registered Dec 05, 2018

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This is from the Humble Demo version of the game.

It seems if you die near the edge of the water, when you re-open the game there's a chance you'll have flown into immovable territory.

So to recreate:

1. Make slime angry.

2. Step near edge.

3. Let angry slime kill you

4. Reload. Be stuck in water.

Managed to eventually recover by adding some Bridge tiles and letting the slime jump at me some more (each death shifted me to the right slightly) but this is not ideal :)

Sorry, I ended up not having time that night (or the following) and didn't take a look until now. 

I actually figured out a workaround! And perhaps a root cause. It was related to what you said, but not quite exactly.

If I
1. Click the weapon
2. Click the bay
3. Click equip
It seems to fail every time. However, if I switch that and
1. Click the bay
2. Click the weapon
3. Click equip
Then it seems to work for me every time now. Once things are selected though, I need to escape from the menu and re-dock to reset things (but as soon as I do I can get it working).

So yeah - it seems if you start a selection by clicking the weapon first it gets stuck in a highlighted state where it cannot be associated until the UI resets.

Hope that helps!

Thank you for the very quick reply! Unfortunately I signed off for the night after posting and wasn't checking on my messages after. I'll give this a try tonight and see if that helps!

(1 edit)

Hi there!

I just bought this game and after running a few missions seem to be having trouble... equipping weapons. This started when I unequipped my base weapon once to view its stats in the list, and then forgot to re-equip before going off on a transport mission. When I got to the next station, I noticed shortly after the dropoff I didn't have any ability to fire, and realized I needed to equip something. When I went to do it, it just gave me an error message (same as in  below screenshot). I later saved up enough, sold this weapon, and bought a new fancy one, but was greeted with the same message.

Am I doing something wrong? This is displayed every time I click the Equip button

Again, steps were (as I recall):

1. Unequip weapon
2. Start transport mission
3. Warp to new sector
4. Complete transport mission (and fly a bit)
5. Come back to base and realize I cannot equip anymore.

I had previously been able to unequip and re-equip just fine.
