Ok, here we go.
1. Story looked interesting, once we did the backflash bit. I don;t quite understand Evlyn and Ooria's relationship, but I'm sure that would make more sense if I'd been able to beat the final creature on level 10. but worth looking more into.
2. Too many battles. I'm not one for battles in games anyway, I like to be able to breeze my way through enemies to get to the story, if I want to play a battle game I play dynasty warriors, where the whole thing just is fighting. I tend to skip past as many battles as possible. It's just how I play, other players will probably enjoy the challenge and battles.
3. While helpful, the constant tutorial screens becam rather bothersome after a while, I skipped through most of them because I wanted to get on with the game.
4. Having Oria become different weapons was really cool, and I liked the Attuning concept and overall the battles seems well balanced (but again, I don't like battles so they all felt a bit hard to me, and I didn't like that suddenly enemies were resistant to my skills and attacks) Also, sometimes the skills would all show up as ??? when I had them all added, and then the next time I clicked they'd all be there in the space of the same battle, very odd.
Generally the game seemed solid. There was no reason I could see for the timer. All that did was make me feel pressured and uncomfortable, and I didn't really explore as much as I could have. Not exactly my cup of tea game wise, but a solid effort none the less and I'm sure many other payers will enjoy it!