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I have an idea for another good brother. Ghost Mask - worth only 100 hearts. It has two, even 3, new mechanics. It can only be put on another brother, while preserving the past properties of this brother. First, the mask can throw a chain, and pull the enemy to itself by 1 cell. It can do this if the enemy is no further than 7 cells, and no closer than 2. The second is complete invulnerability to the attacks of absolutely all enemies. Enemies who approach the brother with a mask, just pass through without causing damage. Mask can kill  shovel only or "Altar of Sacrifices". Переведено при помощи Google translator. 

(1 edit)

If the chain attack doesn't do dmg then it just makes it harder for the familiars behind the one wearing the mask and the invincibility for shots is cool i guess but imagine giving the mask to a Red Maw what basically makes it better cause it can't die but it can still eat the enemies

You're right, and the mask does do a bit of damage.

But if you think about it, in many decks it is useful to use a mask. 

yeh :D

Is it just me does that mouth look kind SUS?

angery dream mask xd