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very cool implementation of the prisoner's dilemma. it was fun trying to figure out the emergent metagame of what to prioritize on each turn, and there were genuine moments of suspense waiting to see whether i would go first on a given turn.

the theming was excellent, and all of the ux fit very well. my main request from a ux perspective would be maybe a visual bar of the turn order, and also a way to visualize the coin flip of who goes first each round.

other things to play with would be just the overall balance. the 1,2,4 system is a bit too blunt. the treadmill of having to always eat 1 for 1 goes from suspenseful to tedious quick. so maybe some mixed stats like the ice cream giving +.5 hunger, or something.

also, in the tutorial you had two bits of nice diegetic ux in the ✓ and X of the tinder app. just use those. ;)

great job! wonderfully dark concept!