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Gil must have touched Parker. In Parker Day7, when Walter surprised that Gil had never touched Parker, Parker's answer was very unnatural and explained that Gil's hormone secretion was strong, but it stopped four or five years ago. In Lars day4, when you choose to go to a restaurant to have dinner with Parker, Parker will complain to Walter about Gil's behavior of touching him.

In someone Day7, Walter told Gil that when Lars and Gil lived together, Parker wanted to see what Gil was doing. Gil said that Parker appeared to prevent him from making the same wrong decision, and then Lars and Gil broke up. This shows that Parker is involved in the relationship between Lars and Gil.

Yes, I also hope Parker has deeper reasons for doing these things. Instead of simply summing up the reason as Parker is a good man who has no brain to help others. No matter how good a friend is, he should not interfere in the affairs of couple. Otherwise, it will appear that Parker is very simple and flat character.

In fact, many players don't have a good impression of Parker, thinking that he is a wood, a serious, rigid, and a good old man who is slow to love.


the Parker day 7 thing is Parker trying to stop Gil and Lars when he mistakenly thinks they're fucking in the restroom while Lars is actually vomiting. Gil thinks that he and Lars having broken up is a good thing. Gil makes it sound like a mutual decision, but it's possible that they were still dating when Lars disappeared and this hurt Gil. They had already broken up months before the vn started. The same wrong decision thing could either refer to getting back with Lars, or whatever mistake Parker made that he doesn't want anyone else to make.

the thing about Parker being why Gil is still a virgin could be partly a joke, like instead of being intentional maybe whatever came up that caused Gil to cancel his plans with Lars was Parker needing Gil's help with something (which could also be the night Liz put a missing persons report out on Parker).

as much as I complain about how Parker treats Gil and worry about him doing so outside the bounds of their agreement in the past and/or future, Gil did ask him to do so.

Did Parker stop Lars and Gil? It seems that he just blushed after hearing Mark's description. 

Why should Parker need Gil's help? Lars and Gil's plan is canceled. What's Parker's business?

I don't think Parker has any problem with the way he treats Gil. As you said, he just acts according to the agreement. On the contrary, Gil's behavior of touching Parker is problematic. When Parker doesn't like this behavior, Gil still does it, which is a little disrespectful to Parker. Don't forget that Gil asked Parker to stop his bad behavior, but he did these bad behaviors to Parker. This is ridiculous. 

I'm not your lover, why should I allow you to touch me? Since you still have feelings for Lars, why don't you touch Lars?

I'm talking about Parker route not Mark, he wanted to but Liz stopped him. We don't know how recent their agreement was. the convo between them Mark overheard in his episode on day 0 iirc seemed like they hadn't made the agreement yet. we don't know that he still has feelings for him

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According to your explanation, Gil wants to getting back with Lars, which shows that Gil still has feelings for Lars. But this can't explain Gil's behavior of touching Parker, Since you are still thinking about Lars, you should not do these things to Parker. This is disrespect to Parker. You can't do whatever you want just because Parker has a good temper.

I don't understand why you complain about the way Parker treats Gil. Obviously, the way Gil treats Parker is problematic. Parker is the one who should complain. You don't like Parker. Why did you touch him?

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That is not what I meant. I described Gil's feelings for Lars as former. If Gil wanted back with Lars, he wouldn't say them breaking up was the best decision they made. The whole thing about Parker trying to stop them on day 7 is a misunderstanding on Parker's end bc Gil is only helping Lars with being ill and has no intention of hooking up with him in the present. We only see Gil touch Lars in the past. If you mean what I said about the bad decision thing, people in the discord server think what Gil is saying ("he's here to stop me from making the same bad decision") is that Parker is there to stop him from getting back with Lars, but I'm unsure about that. It's possible that's what he means here, but Parker didn't have to interfere because nothing happened. I tend to think Gil isn't referring to that but instead whatever mistake Parker made that he doesn't want anyone else to make. I think Gil was so hurt by Lars disappearing that he lost his romantic interest in Lars, and that the reveal that he and Lars used to date is a deflection from whatever the real reason Parker is doing this to Gil.

It took me a long time to understand, but the psychology of sexuality class and paying close attention to how Gil acts towards Walter shows that if someone he was touching truly made it clear they didn't like it (except for when Lars says stop in his episode), he would stop. So if Parker has actually complained to Gil about it maybe he hasn't been clear enough. I'm not a character in this vn, I haven't touched anyone, what are you on about? 

Parker is a hypocrite who calls Gil a name he hates being called constantly (usually as a form of punishment but sometimes when Gil hasn't even done anything wrong) despite himself also having a name he hates being called. He should be more understanding that Gil doesn't like being called Gilbert since he doesn't like being called Parkie. He doesn't even realize the problem here when Gil calls him Parkie in retaliation (Parker called him Gilbert for no reason first) and explains why he's doing so. Another reason he is a hypocrite is getting mad at Gil for liking a student while he does the same, but at least he admits the hypocrisy there. While it could be a joke, Parker bragging about all the people Gil could've slept with if he didn't have Parker really bothers me. Romantic and sexual freedom between consenting adults is incredibly important. I understand Parker wanting to prevent Gil from being with Walter due to not wanting Gil to get in trouble since Walter is a student, and wanting Walter himself. But Lars or any of the hypothetical people Parker may have cockblocked Gil from weren't Gil's students. It's none of Parker's business. Parker agreed to the deal of cockblocking Gil in exchange for Gil helping Parker with his food intake, but unfairly refuses to let Gil hold up his end of the bargain.

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"You" refers to Gil, not to yourself. I apologize for my unclear statement.

Before we get more information about Parker, please don't casually think that Parker is a hypocrite. He doesn't even have his episode. Please respect Parker. 

Don't forget that Gil asked Parker to stop his sexual behavior, not Parker to take the initiative to destroy Gil and Lars feelings. How close Gil and Lars are is none of Parker's business.

According to Parker's habits, he can't use diet as a bargaining chip to trade with Gil. This may be Gil's wishful thinking, so Parker doesn't want Gil to manage his diet.

Gil asked Parker to stop his bad behavior, but Gil didn't do it and still did these bad behaviors to Parker. This is conclusive evidence. Can I also say that Gil is a hypocrite?

If Gil doesn't want to go back to Lars, is it necessary for him to let Parker stop his sexual behavior? Isn't this superfluous? You also said that Gil is an expert in sexual psychology. Parker doesn't like his behavior. Only Parker's think, Gil is not clear?

Parker just said that teacher-student love is a bad behavior, but he never interfered that Gil likes Walter and Lars, and anyone.

As for Parker calling Gil Gilbert, he said that when Gil no longer behaves like a child, he will stop doing so. Parker does have his own inner thoughts, including that he told a lot of lies to Walter, but this does not mean that he is a hypocrite. Please respect him.

Gil deserves Parker's lectures, but for Parker to call him Gilbert is hypocritical. As far as Parker is concerned it's fine when Parker does things, but Gil isn't allowed to do the exact same things. Does a character who would treat a close friend so unfairly deserve respect?

We agree on it being none of Parker's business. That's part of my issue with him.

Parker complains about his weight in several routes and wants to lose weight, but he doesn't want to put the work in by dieting. It wouldn't make sense for Gil to make up the whole thing about it being an exchange, it's too weird to make up.

In Mark's episode, Mark overhears Gil and Parker talking about how Parker needs to start watching his weight, which sounded to me like their agreement hadn't been made yet. Parker said Gil touches him rarely, so it's conceivable that Gil hasn't touched Parker after the agreement. And this also puts into question the issue of Gil being a virgin because of Parker and all the hypothetical people Parker might've cockblocked him from since that would've also been before their agreement. For a long time I disliked Gil because of his behavior, but I eventually realized Walter hadn't properly expressed that he didn't like it. If you do have Walter say so, Gil stops immediately. The way Parker lectures Gil focuses on how Gil shouldn't act this way to/in front of students. Similarly to Walter initially kinda disliking it but never really saying so, I assume Parker never really complained properly to Gil about touching him or Gil would've stopped already.

Lars knows about the agreement in Anders route and thinks it's unnecessary (though ironically Lars would bonk Gil for being lewd later).

The scene where Parker brags about all the people Gil could've slept with without him and Gil says he's a virgin because of Parker suggests otherwise.

I'm not saying Gil shouldn't be lectured for his behavior, but that it's hypocritical for Parker to call him Gilbert. Immature behavior or not, it's unfair. And he even does it when Gil hasn't done anything at the time to deserve it, or he thinks Gil isn't around.

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Parker calls Gil Gilbert disrespectful. Is Gil's touching Parker respectful?

Parker may not have really complained about Gil's behavior, but that doesn't mean Gil can take it for granted to touch Parker. Since Gil doesn't like Parker, why does he touch Parker? Gil probably began to touch Parker four or five years ago, but Gil and Lars are together. Is this respect for Parker? Is it natural for Parker to let Gil touch? Maybe Parker once thought Gil touched him because he liked him, so he didn't refuse. But now Parker may not think so. He may think it is disrespectful to him.

There is no evidence that Gil didn't touch Parker after the agreement was reached. In fact, Parker complained to Walter that Gil touched him, and Gil still played sexy jokes on Parker. 

Parker's complaint about his weight does not mean that Gil is needed to supervise him, nor does it mean that Parker will take dieting as a bargaining chip. Gil may also lie. Gil thinks that Parker needs Gil to help him monitor his weight, and thinks that this is Parker bargaining chip. This may be just his wishful thinking. This agreement was initiated by Gil, not Parker, he even didn't want Gil to manage his diet.

Gil initiated the agreement, but he didn't fulfill the agreement himself. He would still do some bad behaviors. At least he shouldn't do those bad behaviors to Parker, such as making sexy jokes. You can't take Parker's supervision of Gil for granted. Gil himself needs moderation. Gil didn't perform the agreement, so why should Parker perform the agreement? So why does Parker have to go on a diet?

Lars doesn't think this agreement is necessary. He may think Gil can't control his sexual behavior at all.

Why can't Parker boast that Gil can sleep with everyone without him? Gil also laughed at Parker's weight in front of everyone, didn't he? Lars also sometimes call Gilbert. If Parker calls Gilbert hypocritical, Parker can call Gil by his full name: Gilbert · Learnard. 

You can dislike Parker or even hate him. Please don't label Parker as a hypocrite until we get more information about him. Gil doesn't seriously perform the agreement. I can also say that Gil is hypocritical.